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Friday, March 30, 2012

WWA: The Inception


-From Sydney, Australia

-Hosts are Jeremy Borash & Jerry Lawler

-WWA Commissioner Bret Hart opens the show, carrying a hideously ugly title belt. Bret looks good for being not far removed from his stroke. Bret says it's been a year since he was fired from "the WCW", and that he kept his promise to himself to stay out of wrestling for a year. Bret mentions being stuck in Australia during on 9/11. The ugly belt he's holding is apparently the WWA title, and it's going to be awarded tonight. Bret says he was never beaten in the WWF (ok then...), and then the last thing he remembers (literally) from WCW was being world champion there and not being beaten for that title either. Bret runs down the top stars of the time, and says whoever wins the WWA title will be taking the torch from him.

-Borash notes that every WWA world title tournament match will be a gimmick match, with the finals being inside a cage. It is so weird to see King at a non-WWE announce table. They run down part of the card.

-Match 1 for the International Cruiserweight Championship/WWA World Heavyweight Championship First Round Match: Juventud Guerrera VS Psicosis [Ladder Match]
-Juvy does his Rock impression before the match. Neither man is masked. Juvy immediately uses the ladder to crack Psicosis in the head. Psicosis gets busted open, and Juvy stomps on the wound. Psicosis throws Juvy onto the ladder, then drapes him across the top rope, before climbing the ladder and hitting a guillotine legdrop. Psicosis climbs the ladder as Juvy plays with his hair. As Psicosis gets his hand on the belt, Juvy hits the ladder with a springboard dropkick, sending Psicosis tumbling down.

Juvy climbs, then stops to go after Psicosis. Juvy grabs a second ladder from outside the ring, but Psicosis dropkicks the ladder into Juvy's face when Juvy tries to get it into the ring. Psicosis slams the ladder onto Juvy, but then ends up getting whipped into it. Juvy sets up one ladder on top of the turnbuckles then climbs the other, before diving off onto Psicosis. They both climb, and Juvy hits a sunset bomb off the ladder. Juvy hits the 450, and then grabs the belt to win. This was a mess. Pretty much just a bunch of spots with no flow or psychology.

-The Nitro Girls....er, Starettes bump and grind. King of course goes nuts.

-Rove McManus arrives in a limo with Nathan Jones. They run into Lenny & Lodi.

-Elsewhere, Disco Inferno hands some backstage worker his credit card and tells him to "find two suits" to protect him.

-Match 2: WWA World Heavyweight Championship First Round Match: Konnan VS Road Dogg [Dog Collar Match]

-Konnan does his WCW shtick, then interrupts Road Dogg's when he tries to do his DX intro, then does it for him, then makes fun of Road Dogg for getting fired by the WWF. Konnan cracks Dogg with a title belt, then hangs him in the ropes. Konnan hits the rolling clothesline. Konnan starts touching the corners, which is apparently how this can be won. Nice of JB & King to point that out for us. Dogg crotches Konnan to block, but gets the same treatment when he starts touching corners. Konnan throws off the dog collar to distract the ref, even though this is supposed to be no-DQ, and hits Dogg with a crowbar. He hits an X-Factor and goes to do it again, but Dogg counters. Dogg hogties Konnan (doing the "doggy-style" taunt in the process) and touches all four corners, apparently shedding the collar in the process. The ref allows it anyway. This was pretty bad.

-Match 3: Devon Storm VS Norman Smiley [Hardcore Match]

-Norman gets a pop for coming out in a local basketball player's uniform. This is a non-tournament match. Storm gets crossbody for two. Storm slides right out of the ring, then takes a baseball slide right into a garbage can full of weapons. Smiley cracks Storm with the trashcan lid. Storm puts a chair on top of Smiley, then hits a slingshot splash, followed by a lionsault. Storm grabs a kendo stick but gets backdropped. Smiley goes for the Big Wiggle, but gets cracked in the head with the stick.

Smiley fights back, and pulls a table out from under the ring. Smiley does the Big Wiggle (making it the second simulated anal rape of the evening) and tries to suplex Storm on the table, but Storm counters. Storm somehow gets busted open. Storm splashes Smiley through the table. Storm charges Smiley, but takes a hot shot onto the guardrail. They fight onto the entrance ramp, where Smiley puts the trash can over Storm's head, and beats it with a chair. Smiley tries yet another Big Wiggle, but takes a mule kick to the junk. Storm hits a superkick. They are right at the entrance. Smiley hits Storm with a kendo stick, and Storm rolls off the ramp, and they go backstage.

Storm puts Smiley in a wheelbarrow (which causes Smiley to scream), and throws him into the Disco Inferno, who is talking on his cell phone. Storm sets a piece of guardrail on the ramp, and wheelbarrows Smiley onto it. Storm stacks two tables on the ramp and puts Smiley on top, then climbs the tron. Storm splashes Smiley through the tables. Smiley somehow gets the pin off that. Dumb finish. While nothing I would call "good", it was the best match so far.

-Backstage, Disco Inferno runs into the backstage worker, who has hired two guys in banana suits for protection. Disco is not pleased.

-JB announces that Juvy has cracked ribs, and cannot compete in the second round.

-Backstage, Stevie Ray is with Bret, who opens the battle royale to anyone who works for WWA. Stevie Ray takes way too long to realize that means him too.

-Match 4: WWA World Heavyweight Championship First Round Match: The Battle Royale

-Disco Inferno and Buff Bagwell are the first two to come down to ringside. Disco jumps Buff before anyone else can get into the ring. Stevie gets in, and cleans house. Smiley & Storm enter, turning this into a half-assed Royal Rumble. Lawler enters, talking Borash into joining him. Lawler holds Stevie for punches from Borash. A camerman enters. Storm is apparently eliminated. Slick Johnson and another ref enter. Some woman in a gold dress enters, gets into it with King, and eliminates herself. Borash was apparently tossed and rejoins the anounce table. The refs get eliminated, then high-five because they didn't die.

The cameraman somehow got tossed too. This leaves Bagwell, Disco, Lawler, and Smiley with Stevie. The other four gang up on Stevie and toss him. Devon Storm is TERRIBLE on commentary. The bananas wander down to ringside. King Big Wiggles Smiley, but takes a mule kick to the nuts. They eliminate each other to leave Disco and Buff. Storm keeps saying he has a crimson mask, despite having no blood on his face. Disco hits the Village People's elbow on Buff, but stops to dance, and gets tossed by the bananas. Buff eliminates the bananas to win. Ugh. Battle royales are generally unexciting, but this was bad on a whole different level.

-The woman who entered the battle royale is backstage with Rove McManus and Nathan Jones. McManus says the only stroke Jarrett is going to deliver is to himself back in his hotel room.

-Match 5: WWA World Heavyweight Championship First Round Match: Jeff Jarrett VS Nathan Jones (w/Rove McManus) [Guitar on a Pole Match]

-Nathan Jones' nickname is "The Front Row". Even the nicknames are awful. Jarrett does his WCW "Chosen One" shtick, and says he's going to stick McManus up Jones' ass. McManus joins JB at ringside. JJ pounds on Jones to start. Jones botches a tilt-a-whirl slam. JJ kicks Jones' knees to counter a chokeslam, but then walks into a big sidewalk slam. Jones batters JJ on the outside, then throws him back in. Jones hits a flying clothesline and makes his way towards the guitar, but JJ hits a low-blow, and grabs the guitar himself.

McManus gets in the ring, and predictably takes the guitar shot, then finishes Jones with the Stroke. Mercifully short. Wasn't too bad, actually.

-King calls out the banana guys. Before they can say anything, Lenny & Lodi interrupt. They say no one wants to see "two fruits" in the ring, and that they want to see Lenny & Lodi. Bret enters, and makes "Lonny" & Lodi VS Road Dogg in a 3 Way Dance. Well THAT's fair to Road Dogg.

-Match 6: WWA World Heavyweight Championship Semi-Final Match: Lenny VS Lodi VS Road Dogg

-Dogg immediately catches both with a clothesline in the corner, and they fall into doggy-style position. Lenny hits a legdrop, but Lodi stops the count. Road Dogg fights back, but the 'Blondes hit a flapjack/bulldog combo (which Lawler calls a 3-D). Lenny stops the count. Lenny sits on the top turnbuckle and spreads his legs, while Lodi bashes Dogg's head into the turnbuckle. Lenny breaks up the pin, then accidentally (?) hits Lodi with a missile dropkick.

Lenny & Lodi hit a double roundhouse kick, then pull each other off the cover. Lenny & Lodi exchange near-falls, then Lenny hits a moonsault (conveniently putting them in 69 position). Dogg hits the shake, rattle, and knee drop, then pins both to win, even though technically Lenny was covering Lodi. The West Hollywood Blondes makeup after the match. This was pretty much a gay joke disguised as a match with a shit finish to boot.

-Backstage, Stevie Ray interviews Buff. He says his match against Jarrett is going to be a "puppies, whips, and buff" match.

-Match 7: WWA World Heavyweight Championship Semi-Final Match: Jeff Jarrett VS Buff Bagwell
-The Starettes join Buff during his entrance, and the match is apparently a lumberjill (armed with whips) match. Buff keeps throwing Jarrett outside to get whipped. Jarrett throws Buff outside, but he gets some TLC instead. Buff throws Jarrett out again, but this time grabs a whip and attacks Jarrett. The girls go after Slick Johnson when he tries to intervene. Buff hits the Blockbuster and one of the girls makes the three count, but since she's not a ref, it doesn't count. Jarrett hits the stroke to win. On the plus side, no butt-fucking in this one.

-The blonde woman interviews Luna, who faces her husband the Vampire Warrior tonight.

-Match 8: Vampire Warrior VS Luna Vachon [Black Wedding Match]

-Vampire Warrior is the former Gangrel, in case you didn't know. Vamp doesn't want to hit Luna, only countering moves when he has to do so to protect himself to start. Vamp hits an atomic drop to send Luna outside. She grabs some kitchen utensils, and clambs some tongs on his balls. Luna grabs a cookie sheet and lays waste to Vamp, then throws down he wedding ring and spits in his face. Vamp gets pissed and hits the Impaler DDT for the win.

-The Starettes dance, as the cage is lowered for the main event, but are interrupted by Disco Inferno. Crowd calls Disco a wanker as he complains about being eliminated by the "two fruits". The fruits comes down to ringside and work Disco over. Disco scales the cage to try to escape. One of the fruits follows, but gets tossed off the cage and through a table by Disco.

-Match 9 for the WWA World Heavyweight Championship: Road Dogg VS Jeff Jarrett [Cage Match]

-Bret joins the commentary table. Dogg finally gets to do his DX intro. Fast start, and Jarrett gets the upperhand. Dogg fights back with punches, and hits shake, rattle, and kneedrop for two. JJ sends Dogg into the cage. JJ sends Dogg into the cage again, and struts. Dogg does the same to Jarrett, sans the strut. They climb the cage and slug it out on top of it. Jarrett climbs down, but it's pin or submission only. Dogg goes to the floor too, and they fight with the ring bell. Dogg busts JJ open with the bell, then sends him into the guardrail. Why was this a cage match again?

They go back into the ring, and Jarrett applies a sleeper. Dogg flips off Slick Johnson on the third arm drop, and fights out. Dogg gets a sleeper, but Jarrett counters with a belly-to-back suplex. Jarrett gets two off that. Dogg lands some punches and a big boot. The ref gets bumped (*sigh*), and Jarrett leaves the cage to grab his guitar. Jarrett KO's Dogg with the guitar, and applies a sharpshooter to piss Bret off. Bret stops the bell from being rung, despite Dogg tapping out.

A second ref gets bumped. Dogg applies the sharpshooter and Jarrett taps, but Bret won't let the match end that way. Bret takes off with the belt. Jarrett hits the stroke to become the 1st WWA World Heavyweight Champion. FUCK. THIS. SHOW.

-Bret confronts Jarrett after the match and locks him in the sharpshooter to end the show.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: This was pretty craptastic. E-fed style booking trying way too hard to be "clever". Way too much bullshit on this show, and the wrestling couldn't carry it. This was pretty much the proto-TNA, especially from the weekly PPV era, with all the gimmick matches and constant references to other promotions. Plus, if McManus paid more than $5 for that title belt, he overpaid by about $4.50.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The History of the ECW World Title

-This is a six DVD set chronicling the history of the original ECW world title, so no WWECW stuff here.


-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Final: ECW Champion Shane Douglas VS 2 Cold Scorpio [8/26/94]

-Chain wrestling to start. Scorpio slides out of a submission, and gets a near-fall. Scorpio gets another rollup for two. Douglas backs Scorpio into a corner and bitch slaps him. A second slap is repaid, and Scorpio hits a flipping leg drop for two. They fight over a small package, both getting a couple two counts. Douglas slugs Scorpio down, then sets him up for a superplex. Scorpio blocks and dumps Douglas before hitting a flying cross-body for two.

Douglas counters a rear chinlock with a belly-to-back suplex. Douglas applies a half-assed camel clutch. Scorpio powers out, hitting an electric chair drop in the process. Douglas begs off, but it doesn't work. Scorpio hits a flying clothesline and a slingshot splash for two. Match spills outside. Scorpio whips Douglas into the guardrail, and they brawl in the crowd. Douglas drops Scorpio ribs-first on the guardrail. Douglas suplexes Scorpio off the apron back into the ring, then stops to showboat before getting a two count.

Douglas misses a cross-body. Scorpio hits a sloppy tombstone, but misses a moonsault. Douglas finishes with the belly-to-belly suplex. Match had absolutely no flow to it whatsoever, and nothing in the way of heat either.

-Scorpio promises to "be on your ass" to Douglas for the title. If you know much about ECW, you know what happens next. Douglas runs through the list of past NWA world champions and accepts the title, before throwing it down, and declaring himself the ECW World Heavyweight Champion. Crowd chants "ECW", then "Flair is Dead".

-Dennis Caraluzzo reacts to Shane Douglas' throwing down the belt.

-Todd Gordon announces the folding of NWA: Eastern Championship Wrestling, and the creation of Extreme Championship Wrestling.

-Shane Douglas [c] VS The Sandman (w/Woman)

-Joey can't wrap his head around Sandman possibly being a world heavyweight champion. Joey notes that Shane Douglas has forced Todd Gordon to ban the Singapore cane from this match. Douglas gets the early jump, and hits a delayed vertical suplex, and a rolling neck snap.

Match is clipped to Sandman having Douglas locked in a cross-face chicken wing (!). Sandman demands the Woman slap Shane, but she refuses to do so. Sandman hits a shoulder breaker. Match is clipped to Sandman hitting a legdrop from the top, and telling Woman to get the cane. Match is clipped again to Sandman hitting his awkward piledriver, then lighting up a premature victory cigarette. Woman throws the cane to Douglas, who hits Sandman in the leg, and gets a small package for the pin to retain.

-Douglas & Woman celebrate after the match. Sandman mournfully smokes a cigarette. Match was bad enough clipped, I can't imagine how bad it was in full.

-Sandman promo. He talks about Woman encouraging him to beat his wife on television, but now Sandman is going to beat her, after he beats Shane.

-Douglas responds, at one point threatening to fist Sandman. Don't think he meant to do that.

-Shane Douglas [c] (w/Woman) VS Sandman (4/15/95)

-Sandman catches Shane getting into the ring, but whiffs on a cane shot, and Douglas hits a dropkick to turn the tide. Douglas hits a snap suplex, a DDT, and an elbow drop for a one count. Douglas keeps control of the match, hitting a springboard splash for another one count. Sandman pitches Douglas outside, then uses his leg to drive Douglas' head into the ring apron. Don't think I've seen that before. Woman distracts Sandman, which allows Douglas to get Sandman in the electric chair and drop him on the guardrail.

Sandman goes after Woman, stopping to punch an interfering Douglas and throw him off the apron into the guardrail. Sandman adds a chairshot to the back, then goes back to stalking Woman. Douglas cuts him off again, but Sandman blocks a suplex on the floor, and hits Douglas with a gourd buster on the floor. Sandman misses a top rope legdrop. Douglas hits a really shitty back breaker (I'm blaming Sandman for that), then adds a dropkick.

Sandman accidentally shoulders the ring post, and Douglas locks on the cross-face chicken wing. Woman whacks DOUGLAS on the knee with the cane, causing him to fall backwards with Sandman on top, and Sandman gets the pin and the title. Match was better than what was shown of the first one. Not sure I buy the whole thing being a plot between Sandman and Woman.

-Douglas gets pissy, putting on a Monday Night Raw t-shirt, then symbolically leaving the ECW Arena.

-Barbed Wire Match: Sandman [c] VS Cactus Jack

-Crowd loves Cactus' Bruiser Brody/Stan Hansen t-shirt. Odd seeing Sandman go out of his way to avoid the barbed wire. Lots of stalling by Sandman. Cactus is the first to meet the wire. Sandman drops Cactus on the barbed wire ropes, pretty much breaking them. Sandman leaps over the sagging wire to attack Cactus. Sandman wraps Cactus in the wire, then drops a leg to the back of his head.

Sandman digs the wire into Cactus' arm, then hits a suplex for two. Sandman finally meets the wire. In a cute spot, Cactus pulls Sandman's shirt over his head and punches him, causing Sandman to blindly stumble into the wire. Cactus pitches Sandman outside, then hits an unprotected chairshot to the head. Sandman digs the wire into Cactus' forhead. Cactus avoids a chairshot, and does the same to Sandman. Sandman tries to wrap wire around Cactus' throat, so Cactus responds by raking Sandman's face with a cheese grater.

Sandman hits a low blow, then follows up by crotching Cactus on the wire. Sandman hits a punch for two. Cactus comes back with a DDT on a chair for two. Cactus puts a chair across Sandman's face, and drops a leg. Cactus finds the barbed wire spool under the ring, and throws it inside. Sandman throws Cactus onto the wire spool, then drops an elbow and a leg to drive him into it. That gets two. Sandman misses an elbow drop, and hits the spool.

Jack gets a pair of wire cutters, and hits Sandman in the head with them, before cutting off a large section of the wire to wrap it around his arm. Cactus whips Sandman with the wire. Cactus pitches Sandman to the floor, and follows with the Cactus elbow off the apron, using the elbow that's wrapped in the wire. Sandman takes three unprotected chairshots to the head. Sandman is counted down, and Cactus is declared the winner and new champion, but Evil Referee Bill Alfonso enters, stating that the title cannot change hands that way. The referees look like they're going to fight, and Sandman uses the distraction to wrap barbed wire around Cactus' throat and nearly chokes him out before throwing him through the wire to the outside, as the crowd chants "bullshit".

Fonzie calls for the bell, and stops the match because he says Cactus cannot continue. Todd Gordon confronts Fonzie, who clotheslines Gordon. Crowd is not happy with the finish. Match was mainly a horror show with a little bit of wrestling mixed in. The screw job finish was at least a little interesting, as Fonzie made for a great weasel.

-Sandman [c] (w/Woman) VS Cactus Jack [Special Guest Referee: Shane Douglas]

-Douglas dons striped tights instead of a striped shirt. Douglas actually tries to enforce rules. Cactus hits a series of forearms, then throws Sandman outside. Cactus hits Sandman with a garbage can, then an unprotected chairshot to the head. Douglas prevents a second chairshot, and Sandman takes the opportunity to hit Cactus in the back of the head with the garbage can. Douglas prevents Sandman from using the Singapore cane.

Cactus takes Sandman down and hits a series of rapid punches before dropping a leg for two. They go back outside, and Sandman hits some punches. Back in, Sandman hits a back elbow, and Douglas checks for blood. Woman takes the opportunity to choke Cactus with the cane, and Sandman hits a suplex. Woman keeps interfering, and Douglas catches her on the third try, then ejects her from ringside.

Douglas has to physically walk Woman to the back, and Sandman & Cactus take the opportunity to brawl outside the ring. Sandman hits a low blow, but Shane conveniently is looking away. Cactus hits a swinging neck breaker, and Douglas slow counts him. Cactus hits a piledriver, and again Shane slow counts. Cactus hits a double-arm DDT, and gets a third slow count. Cactus hits his rapid forearms in the corner and won't let Sandman out, so Douglas DQ's him. Match was elevated by the psychology of Sandman & Cactus wanting to brawl, but Douglas not letting them. Finish was weak, even if it did fit the angle.

-Sandman [c] (w/Woman) VS Mikey Whipwreck [Ladder Match] (10/28/95)

-Not a traditional ladder match where you have to climb the ladder and grab the belt to win, but rather a regular match featuring a ladder. Pre-match graphic gives the date. Steve Austin interrupts the proceedings to run down both champion and challenger, before declaring that he will one day be ECW champion.

Sandman jumps Mikey as Austin leaves. Austin takes Woman to the back. Mikey cracks Sandman in the face with the ladder. Sandman counters a Rocker Dropper into a powerbomb on the ladder. Sandman slams the ladder on top of Mikey, then almost slips off the apron before delivering a slingshot somersault. Mikey rolls outside, and Sandman throws the ladder at him. Sandman uses the ladder to bridge the ring and the guardrail, before draping Mikey across it and dropping a leg off the apron.

Mikey hits a couple unprotected chairshots to the head, then hits a hurricarana off the apron to the floor. Sandman backdrops Mikey into the crowd. Sandman uses the ladder and the guardrail to make an extreme teeter-totter, before jumping over the ropes and using his contraption to smash Mikey in the face. Sandman misses a slingshot elbow drop, hitting the ladder.

Mikey uses the ladder to crack Sandman in the forehead, busting him open. Mikey hits Sandman with the ladder for a one count. Mikey slams the ladder onto Sandman, and hits a splash off the top for the pin and the title. Match was OK for a Sandman match. Finish was too sudden and a little weak though. Crowd LOVES the decision. Cactus Jack (now a heel) rushes out to congratulate the new champion. Some of the babyfaces come out to keep Cactus away from Mikey, and hoist the new champion on their shoulders. Great feel-good moment if nothing else.

-Video set to Mix Master Robbie's version of "My Way" recaps Sandman's title reign.

-Mikey Whipreck [c] VS Sandman

-Steve Austin jumps Sandman during Sandman's entrance, taking him out with a Stun Gun on the guardrail, changing the match into...

-Mikey Whipwreck [c] VS Steve Austin [November to Remember '95]

-Joey gives Mikey no chance here. Austin tells Mikey to leave the ring while Joel Gertner announces Austin's name. Mikey refuses, so Austin jumps him. Austin decimates Mikey. Crowd chants "Hogan" at Austin, who responds by hitting a big boot and legdrop for two. Mikey finally fights back, and Austin begs off, trying to use his torn tricep to gain sympathy. It doesn't work.

Austin hits the Stun Gun...for two. Austin gets PISSED, laying waste to Mikey. Mikey gets a sunset flip and the biggest pull of the tights in wrestling history to get the pin and retain. Austin destroys Mikey after the match.


-Triangle Match: Mikey Whipwreck [c] VS Steve Austin VS Sandman (w/Woman) [12/9/95]

-Mikey & Austin start, with Sandman to enter later. Austin now has the crew cut that he would take with him to the WWF as The Ringmaster. Austin condescendingly pats Mikey on the head in the corner. Mikey answers a slap with one of his own, and Austin offers a handshake, which Mikey accepts. Austin out-wrestles Mikey, then shakes his hand again when Mikey uses the ropes to break a front facelock. Mikey works a side headlock. Austin backs Mikey into a corner and doesn't break clean. Austin methodically works Mikey over.

Mikey tries for the tights-assisted sunset flip, which Austin avoids and goes back to work on Mikey as Sandman enters. Austin focuses on Sandman, and takes a missile dropkick from Mikey as a result. Austin and Mikey spill outside, where Austin whips Mikey into the guardrail, and piledrives him on the floor. Austin waits on Sandman, stopping only to take Mikey out again. Austin flips off the crowd, then does the Hulk Hogan ear-cupping bit to kill time, as Sandman still refuses to get into the ring.

Sandman finally gets in. Slugfest puts both men down. Mikey catches Sandman with a hurricarana, but Austin counters with a powerbomb for two when Mikey tries it on him. Mikey sends Austin into the ropes, where Sandman low-bridges him. Sandman pauses to take a swig from his beer before starting a chop exchange with Austin, that is interupted by a dive from Mikey. Mikey works over both challengers before hitting a double low-blow. Mikey tries a springboard cross-body, but both challengers move, before Austin and Sandman poke each other in the eye.

Mikey comes back with a cross-body on Sandman while kicking Austin, and gets two on Sandman. Austin hits Mikey with a piledriver, knee drop, and the Stung Gun to eliminate him and guarantee a new champion. Austin and Sandman brawl on the outside, complete with requesite unprotected chairshot to Sandman's head. Sandman dumps Austin into the crowd. Sandman hits a short-arm clothesline, then throws the timekeeper's table on top of Austin.

Austin sends Sandman into the table, then adds another chairshot to the head. Austin goes for the Stun Gun on the guardrail, but Sandman uses his hand to block it, injuring his hand/wrist. Sandman uses the guardrail to stand the table up, but Austin sends him through it. Austin works Sandman over. Back in the ring, Austin hits a gourd buster (almost spiking Sandman on his head in the process), and adds a knee drop.

Austin grabs Sandman's beer, and spits it in his face. Cute bit as Austin showboats, so Woman pours beer on Sandman to revive him. Ref gets partially bumped. Austin uses brass knuckles to KO Sandman. Austin gets two as Sandman's foot is on the ropes. Austin confronts the ref, allowing Woman to put the nucks on Sandman's hand. Sandman backs into Austin, which sends him into the ref, and Sandman hits Austin in the back of the head with the nucks, getting the pin to regain the title, even though Austin's foot is on the ropes. Woman and Sandman celebrate as Austin berates the referee.

Match wasn't anything I would call "good". Austin was so obviously above the other two, and they couldn't even begin to keep up with him.

-Sandman [c] (w/Woman) VS Raven (w/Kimona Wanalaya) [1/27/96]

-Sandman and Woman don't get along during Sandman's entrance. Match is clipped to Sandman hitting Raven with the cane and a DDT for two. Sandman continues to cane Raven, accidentally hitting the ref. Sandman canes Stevie Richards and Blue Meanie when they try to interfere. Raven canes Sandman, but then Tommy Dreamer interferes with a low blow and cane shots. Cactus Jack sneaks in and hits Sandman with a double-arm DDT as Dreamer DDTs Raven. Cactus and Dreamer brawl around ringside. Dreamer grabs Meanie, who helps Cactus pound on Dreamer until Shane Douglas makes the save.

Back in the ring, Raven gets a two count. Sandman comes back, and Raven takes the Bret Hart chest-first bump off a couple of Irish Whips. Sandman misses the top rope legdrop, and Raven DDTs Sandman on a chair for the pin and the title. What was shown was pretty much what I'd expect from Raven/Sandman, with some overbooking thrown in.

-Raven [c] (w/Kimona, Stevie, & Meanie) VS Sandman (w/Missy Hyatt)

-Sandman uses a live version of "Enter Sandman" for his entrance, taking FOREVER to do it. Sandman being announced as being from Utah is tremendous. Raven gets the early jump, but Sandman fights back on the outside. Back in the ring, Sandman hits a very impressive delayed brainbuster. Sandman hits a slingshot somersault splash. Sandman kicks Raven outside, and slingshots himself back out. Back inside, Sandman knocks Raven over a seated chair, and does Raven's pose.

Meanie causes a distraction, allowing Raven to hit a chairshot to the back, and a DDT on the chair for the visual fall, but Missy distracts the ref. Sandman comes back with a DDT on the chair. Kimona runs in to break up the pin, kicking off a cat fight with Missy. Missy and Kimona are escorted to the back, and Stevie uses the opportunity to hit a Stevie Kick for two.

Sandman gets a school boy for two. Ref gets bumped. Sandman hits a slam and an ugly legdrop off the top for two. Ref gets bumped again. Stevie sacrifices Meanie to a cane shot. The Bruise Brothers (Harris Twins) hit a double team on Sandman, and Raven gets two off that. Sandman blocks a superplex onto a seated chair, but Raven rocket launches Sandman into the chair, and finishes with a DDT on the chair. Not terrible.

-Raven [c] (w/Stevie & Meanie) VS Shane Douglas

-This is immediately following the Kimona/Beulah

Back from break, Tommy Dreamer cuts off Brian Lee from interfering. Douglas hits the belly-to-belly, but the ref is with Dreamer & Lee. Ref finally makes the count, and only gets two. Franchise gets hot at Dreamer, suckering him into a belly-to-belly suplex. Dreamer & Douglas brawl, causing the locker room to spill out to separate them. Douglas gets back in the ring, and Raven gets a school boy for two. Douglas drops Raven across the top rope, then sents him up in the corner.

Raven fights off a superplex, then Douglas does the same. Douglas hits a cross-body off the top, but Raven rolls through for two. Douglas gets a backslide for two, and locks in a figure 4. Meanie goes for a moonsault that misses, but Douglas has to break the hold to avoid it. Douglas goes for a single-leg crab, but Stevie hits a Stevie Kick, and Raven gets two off that. Douglas hits a DDT for two. Douglas re-applies the figure 4, but one of the Bruise Brothers interferes. Raven loads up his boot, and KO's Douglas to retain. Not a big fan of all the over-booking, but I understand it was part of the ECW style.

-3 Way Dance: Raven [c] VS Sandman VS Pittbull #2

-Lots of hangers-on on the outside, so I imagine this will be over-booked. #2 wins a couple three-way lockups. Raven hits Sandman with a DDT for 2. Raven and Sandman take turns hitting #2 with the cane and a chair, but he won't go down. #2 clotheslines both opponents out over the top. #2 works Raven over on the outside, including a running legdrop off the apron while Raven is draped over the guardrail. Back in the ring, Sandman finally knocks #2 down with a cane shot. Raven gets a cover, but Sandman breaks it up.

Sandman avoids a running spin kick from #2, which sends #2 outside. Sandman follows up by leaping over the top and caning #2 in the head. Match is clipped to Raven hitting Sandman with a butterfly suplex for one. #2 hits Raven with a Tiger Drop, and both challengers cover Raven for two. #2 hits Sandman with a powerslam for two, as Raven breaks it up...only to cover Sandman himself for two. Psychology is a mess, as they keep breaking up covers for no adequetly explored reason.

Sandman rolls Raven outside and goes to work on #2, hitting a hurricarana off the top for two, with Raven making the save. Raven goes for a double DDT, but gets thrown off. Match is clipped to #2 hitting a belly-to-back superplex, but the ref has been bumped. Raven and Sandman trade chairshots before Sandman hits an elbow drop off the top. Sandman calls for his cane...then drops a leg off the top, apparently injuring himself. Sympathetic crowd chants "you fucked up!". Raven covers Sandman, but #2 breaks it up. Sandman uses the cane to hit a double low blow. Raven helps set Sandman up for a superbomb from #2, but then kicks #2 in the head when he covers Sandman, and Raven pins #2. This kicks off a cat fight between Francine and Missy Hyatt.

Match is clipped to Sandman getting several near-falls. Stevie accidentally Stevie Kicks Raven, and Sandman gets a very close near-fall off that. Crowd was going nuts for that false finish. Sandman takes time to pull apart a piece of the guardrail and throw it into the ring. That allows Raven the chance to recover, but Sandman reverses a whip, and Raven eats the guardrail. Raven avoids a suplex on the guardrail, and hits a DDT on the guardrail to retain. Psychology was a mess, but this turned into a hell of a deal when it came down to Raven VS Sandman.

-Raven [c] VS Tommy Dreamer (w/Beulah) [8/11/96]

-This is from Japan.  Tommy backs Raven into the corner, but doesn't pull the trigger on a punch. Dreamer avoids a dropkick, and drops a knee on Raven's balls. Dreamer sets up a chair across the apron, and dropkicks it into Raven's face. They brawl in the crowd, and Raven gets busted open. Raven suplexes Dreamer on the floor, drawing an "ECW" chant. Back in the ring, Raven hits a fist drop to Dreamer's nuts. Raven gets a chair, drapes it across Dreamer's face, and drops a leg. Raven DDTs Dreamer on a seated chair for two.

Raven sets Dreamer on a ringside table, and delivers a double axe handle off the apron. Back into the crowd, where Dreamer walks Raven up the steps and bashes his head into the wall, leaving a blood spot. Dreamer kicks Raven down the steps, but then Stevie, disguised as a fan, Stevie Kicks Dreamer in the back of the head to sends Dreamer down the steps. Back in the ring, Raven gets two off that. Raven holds Dreamer for a Stevie Kick, and it actually hits, and Raven gets two. Second attempt, and Raven gets hit. Stevie powerbombs Dreamer, and Raven gets two off that.

Stevie goes up, but Dreamer crotches him, and hits a superkick of his own. Raven accidentally dropkicks Stevie off the apron, and Dreamer hits him with a DDT for two. Dreamer pounds on Stevie, and hits him with a bulldog onto a chair. Raven school boys Dreamer for two. Dreamer hits a leaping DDT and a splash off the top for two, as Patricia interferes. Dreamer piledrives her, but then walks into a chairshot from Raven for the pin. Match was pretty decent, but that finish was weak sauce.

-Ultimate Jeopardy '96: Stevie Richards [risking Raven's ECW World title] & Brian Lee [risking his hair] VS Tommy Dreamer [risking Beulah] & Sandman [risking getting caned] [10/5/96]

-Dreamer & Lee start. They immediately spill outside, where both partners get involved. Match stays there for a while. Sandman suplexes the timekeeper's table onto Stevie. Lee & Dreamer go into the crowd. Back in the ring, Sandman lands some stiff chops on Stevie. Stevie avoids a clothesline in the corner, and Meanie interferes with an avalanche on Sandman, and Stevie hits a Stevie Kick for two. Lee & Dreamer finally get back in the ring, where Lee hits a running powerslam. Lee grabs a chair, sets it on Dreamer's face, and hits a legdrop for two.

Beulah grabs Lee's ankle, and he responds by grabbing and headbutting her. Dreamer gets a schoolboy for two. Dreamer blocks the Prime Time Slam and hits a DDT, but Laurie Fullington breaks up the pin. Dreamer goes after her, but gets jumped by Lee. Lee & Dreamer go into the bleachers, where Lee throws Dreamer off them, through the merch table. Back in the ring, Stevie gets two on Sandman. Sandman counters a piledriver with a backdrop. Lee and Dreamer brawl into the men's room.

Dreamer & Lee go back into the crowd. In the ring, Sandman hits a slingshot somersault legdrop for two. Sandman hits Air Budweiser (slingshot splash) for two. Lee beats on Dreamer as they fight in the snack bar, then chokeslams him off a ledge through four tables, a move that would live on through the ECW TV intro for years after that. Back in the ring, Sandman goes after Laurie, allowing Stevie to get a school boy for two. Sandman rips off Laurie's shirt, and Stevie hits a Stevie Kick for two. Sandman tries to DDT Laurie, allowing another Stevie Kick for two. Stevie gets the cane, but misses on a homerun swing, and Sandman hits a DDT for the pin and the ECW title. Not a fan of the champion losing the title in a match he's not even in. The match itself wasn't much, with another weak finish.

-Video recaps the history of the ECW World title up to that point. Still photos show Raven beating Sandman in a Barbed Wire match to regain the title. Joey interviews Raven after the video. Raven reveals that his "personal absence" was due to him being in rehab, and that Paul Heyman & Todd Gordon took the opportunity to get the belt off him. Raven says he got title shots because they knew it would be big box office, but never expected him to win. Raven says the only man that can beat him is himself. Good promo.

-Video highlights of Raven regaining the title.


-3 Way Dance: Sandman VS Terry Funk VS Stevie Richards [4/13/97]

-This is from ECW's first PPV Barely Legal. Winner gets Raven immediately after. Dreamer is with Joey on commentary, having given up his spot in this match so Terry can have it. The three exchange strikes to start. Terry goes for the spinning toe hold on Sandman, but Stevie breaks it up, and he & Sandman take turns dropping elbows on Terry. Stevie gets two off that. Stevie seems to talk Sandman into cooperating for an elevated legdrop, but Sandman suplexes Stevie instead. Sandman goes outside, and Terry hits four hangman's neck breakers on Stevie for two. Sandman returns with a ladder, throwing it into the ring, where it cracks Terry in the head.

Sandman throws the ladder on Stevie, then throws it on Terry before covering Terry for two. Sandman sets up the ladder, pausing to DDT Stevie. Terry & Sandman climb. Terry pounds on Sandman, then moonsaults off the ladder, and Stevie does a really piss-poor job of catching him. Sandman slams the ladder onto Stevie. Sandman slugs Terry down, then slams Stevie onto Terry before covering Stevie for two. Stevie dropkicks the ladder into Sandman's face and gets two. Stevie whips Sandman into the ladder for two.

Stevie works on Terry. Sandman drops an elbow on Terry as Stevie hits a fist drop low, and Stevie covers Terry for two. Sandman and Stevie climb the ladder and exchange punches before Terry staggers into the ladder to drop them. Terry does his famous ladder whirly-bird. Sandman & Terry slug it out, allowing Stevie the opportunity to teeter-totter the ladder into their faces. Stevie hits Sandman with a Stevie Kick for two. Stevie hits one on Terry, and he & Sandman cover Terry for two.

They fight outside, and Sandman tosses Stevie into the crowd, before using the guardrail and the ladder to teeter-totter the ladder into Stevie's face. Terry grabs a chair and lays out both Sandman and Stevie. Sandman takes off again as Terry works Stevie over, hitting a big delayed vertical suplex. Sandman returns with a trash can, throwing it into the ring and hitting Terry in the head. Terry covers Stevie for two anyway. Sandman cracks Stevie with the trash can, and suplexes Stevie on the trash can, and Terry covers for two.

Terry & Sandman hits Stevie with a spike piledriver on the trash can. Sandman drapes the ladder on top of Stevie, and Terry slingshots Sandman onto it for two. Terry holds Stevie so Sandman can teeter-totter the ladder into Stevie's face, and the ladder flies into the crowd. Terry gets two on Stevie. Sandman & Terry hit a double team powerbomb on Stevie and a double team pin to eliminate him.

Sandman grabs some barbed wire and tosses it into the ring. Terry nails him with the trash can, then pulls Sandman's shirt over his head before delivering several punches. Terry whips Sandman with the barbed wire. Sandman wraps the barbed wire around himself and rushes Terry, before dropping a leg off the top for two. Terry puts the trash can on Sandman's head, and Stevie re-enters with a Stevie Kick on Sandman, setting up a Terry moonsault for the pin. This reminded me way too much of late-90's and early 2000s "yard tards".

-Raven [c] VS Terry Funk

-Raven demolishes Terry, who does a gory blade job off the drop toe hold onto a seated chair spot. Crowd chants for Tommy as the doctor looks at Terry. Raven takes Terry outside, and suplexes the time keeper's table onto him. Raven sets up another table, then hits a running dive over the ropes, putting Terry through the table. Raven's entourage enters, and some woman named Reggie Bennett gives him a really shitty sit-out powerbomb.

Raven gets on the mic and vows to put Terry through three tables right below the announce position. Big Dick Dudley attacks Dreamer. Raven DDTs the ref. Dreamer blocks a chokeslam with a kick to the nuts, and "gives" Big Dick a "chokeslam" through the tables. Dreamer gets involved, despite promising Terry he wouldn't, and counters a Raven hiptoss with a DDT. Terry gets two off that, then small packages Raven for the pin and the title. Complete clusterfuck in the name of giving Terry that feel-good moment.

-Barbed Wire Match: Terry Funk [c] VS Sabu (w/Bill Alfonso) [8/9/97]

-They takes turns attempting to throw each other into the wire, with no success. Funk hits a hangman's neck breaker and a piledriver for two. Funk hits a DDT and tries to mash Sabu's face into the wire, but Sabu block. Sabu gets a hurricarana for two, but then meets the wire when Funk kicks him off the pin. Funk rakes Sabu's face across the wire, then whips him into it. Funk crotches Sabu on the wire, which shreds Sabu's genie pants. Terry works Sabu over as the crowd chants for Sabu.

Sabu tangles Funk into the wire. Sabu gets a chair from Fonzie, and hits several chairshots to the back. Sabu grabs a spike, and jabs Funk repeatedly in the forehead. Air Sabu misses, and Sabu's tricep is torn open by the wire. Sabu gets some tape from Fonzie, wrapping it around his wound before, during, and after taking a hangman's neckbreaker onto two chairs from Funk. Once he's done, Sabu springs to his feet. Funk continues to work Sabu over and goes for the spinning toe hold, stopping to drag Fonzies across the wire when he tries to interfere.

Funk drops Sabu across the wire, then wraps wire across his fist to attack Fonzie with. Funk sadistically tortures poor Fonzie, which allows Sabu to grab wire cutters, first to stab Funk with, then to cut some of the wire down. RVD interferes and attacks Funk. RVD wraps Funk in wire and lays him on a table, which Sabu puts him through. This brings out Tommy Dreamer who lays out RVD and carries him to the back. Back in the ring, Sabu gets a two count.                                                                  

Sabu & Terry end up getting tangled up with the wire and each other, and Sabu simply forces Funk's shoulders down for the pin and the title. Match was a total horror show with a little wrestling thrown in.

-Three Way Dance: Sabu [c] (w/Bill Alfonso) VS Shane Douglas (w/Francine) VS Terry Funk [8/17/97]

-This is a rematch of the original three way dance, that went to a 60 minute draw. Francine tries to buy Terry's co-opertation, to no avail. This is eight days after Sabu won the title. Feeling out process. Terry rolls outside, opting to let Douglas & Sabu go at it. Douglas begs off a punch, and implores Sabu to go after Funk. It actually works, and the three brawl on the outside. Funk takes a couple unprotected trash can shots to the head, and Douglas gets two off that as Douglas & Sabu start working together. Douglas suplexes Sabu on top of Funk for two, then drops a leg on Funk for two.

Sabu hits Funk with a slingshot leg drop for two. Douglas has some fans in the arena. Douglas sets Funk up for Air Sabu for two. The Douglas/Sabu partnership ends when Douglas cracks Sabu with a chair across the back. Sabu hits Douglas with a release German suplex. Sabu sends Douglas into the crowd, and flies out after him. Sabu hits a springboard cross-body on Funk for two. Douglas gets back in, and hits Sabu with a spinning delayed vertical suplex for two. Funk goes for a hangman's neckbreaker through two chairs on Sabu, and Douglas helps out by elevating Sabu's legs, and they drive Sabu through the chairs. Funk gets two off that, and flips out on the ref.

Funk goes after Douglas. Sabu interrupts with chairshots for both. Funk hits Douglas with a hangman's neckbreaker, and Funk/Sabu double cover gets two. Funk piledrives Sabu on a chair for two. Douglas grabs a section of guardrail and throws it into the ring, nearly cracking himself in the head in the process. Funk & Sabu work together to send Douglas into the guardrail, and Funk gets two off that. Sabu traps both Funk & Douglas under the guardrail, and drops all his weight on them. Sabu covers both at the same time for simultaneous two counts.                                                       

Douglas comes back with belly-to-belly suplexes on Funk & Sabu but doesn't go for the cover. They recreate the double sleeper spot from the first match. Sabu hits Douglas with the triple jump moonsault for two. Sabu tries it on Funk, but the chair gives way giving Sabu pause, and Funk avoids the moonsault. Funk hits Douglas with three headbutts, conveniently falling next to Douglas, allowing Sabu to hit both with a triple jump moonsault and cover both for two.

Sabu wants to put Douglas through a table, but Funk rolls Shane off the table. Sabu settles for Funk, and enlists Fonzie's help to hold Funk on the table. This brings out Todd Gordon, and a convoluted sequence sees Sabu (conveniently trying to sit a chair on the top turnbuckle and not looking) blindly jumping off the top and putting both Gordon and Fonzie through the table. Sabu gets a ladder and puts it to use. The ref gets in Sabu's way and gets popped. Sandman runs in and attacks Sabu, putting him under the ladder and hitting a slingshot somersault legdrop. Douglas gets two on Sabu off that, then he and Funk simply double cover Sabu to eliminate him.

As Sandman is being pulled away, Sabu hits a dive, wiping out the officials and Sandman. Sabu and Sandman try to fight, but have to be pulled apart. Funk grabs a trash can...and repeatedly hits himself in the head with it. ECW locker room stays at ringside to watch the match. Douglas hits the belly-to-belly for two. Douglas holds Funk for some Francine slaps, and Dory Jr. enters to clean house. Funk uses the distraction to school boy Douglas for two.

Douglas fights off a spinning toe hold attempt, and tries to belly-to-belly Funk off the apron through a table, but Funk puts Douglas through it instead, and falls down. That somehow leads to Douglas getting a two count. Douglas hits another belly-to-belly for two, and follows up with another for another near-fall. Funk counters a third with a small package for two, and Douglas simply hits the third belly-to-belly for the pin and the title. Match was actually professional-looking for the most part, but the belly-to-belly suplex is a weak sauce finish, and Joey being stunned that Funk would kick out of it was a little irritating.


-Shane Douglas [c] (w/Francine) VS ??? [10/16/97]

-Douglas rips on the Queens, NY crowd, then calls out Rick Rude to bring out his challenger. Crowd chants "You Fucked Chyna!" at Rude as he tries to go through his speil. Rude turns it around on the crowd, which Francine & Shane enjoy. Rude says Douglas hired him to find him the best competition available. Rude says the man he picked ran roughshod over the WWF, causing Shane to think it's Shawn Michaels. Rude continues, and eventually brings out Shane's opponent...

-Shane Douglas [c] VS Bam Bam Bigelow

-Bigelow is a fellow member of the Triple Threat, and Shane goes ballistic. Bigelow shoves aside Chris Candido. Joey says Bigelow has always been touted as a future world champion, which I don't remember. Bigelow pounds on Douglas to start. Douglas takes some time to fight back, but then Bigelow crotches Douglas on the top rope with a gorilla press. Bigelow gets another gorilla press, and dumps Douglas to the floor.

Bigelow pounds on Douglas in the corner. Douglas fights back with a dropkick, and a cross-body off the top for two. Douglas hits a suplex, hurting his back in the process. Douglas goes low with a mule kick, and the crowd responds by "woo"-ing. Douglas hits a couple chops, which only serve to annoy Bigelow. Bigelow hits a Rude Awakening, but relents on the cover. Bigelow misses the diving headbutt, but counters a high-angle suplex with a DDT, and finishes with a powerbomb to win the title. Crowd goes nuts for the title change. Pretty short match, but the psychology was sound with Douglas being thrown off by Bigelow's betrayal and Bam Bam working on his neck to get the win.

-Bam Bam Bigelow [c] VS Shane Douglas (w/Francine) [11/30/97]

-This is in Pittsburgh, so Douglas is the babyface. Joey makes up some BS about Bigelow not wanting to "cooperate" anymore to explain him going from losing to Lawrence Taylor at WrestleMania XI and being a jobber-to-the-main-eventers to being ECW World Champion. Francine is on crutches, having broken her pelvis while interfering in a prior Bam Bam/Douglas match.

Bigelow overpowers Douglas to start. Crowd chants "lard ass" at Bigelow. All punch-kick for the first few minutes. Bigelow charges into a boot, but blocks the belly-to-belly with a headbut. Bigelow works a chinlock, then counters a cross-body into a powerslam for two. Bigelow hits a baseball slide, sending Douglas into the guardrail. Match crawls at a snail's pace for a while. Douglas hits a low blow, but Bigelow blocks a suplex and hits one of his own for two.

Bigelow sets up a table and goes for the moonsault, but Douglas recovers, and powerbombs Bigelow through the table. Douglas goes after Bigelow's kidneys. Douglas clotheslines Bigelow to the outside, but then goes for a slingshot hurricarana (!), but Bigelow catches him, and powerbombs him through the table. Bigelow does a really good job of selling his kidney pain. Douglas slowly crawls back into the ring, and Bigelow hits a powerbomb for two.

Bigelow pounds on Douglas in the corner, and busts him open. Bigelow slowly works him over. Bigelow teases tossing Douglas into the crowd. Francine calls for Candido & Lance Storm even though Douglas will be DQ'd if the interfere. Francine gets in and hits Bigelow with a crutch. Bigelow grabs a crutch and takes a baseball swing at her head, but she ducks and bails, so Bigelow hits Douglas with the crutch, injuring Douglas' arm. Bigelow works on Douglas' injured arm. Douglas hits a belly-to-belly out of nowhere, but can't make the cover.

Bigelow grabs a chair, setting up a piece of a broken table with it. Bigelow tries to powerbomb Douglas through the contraption, but Douglas counters with a belly-to-belly to put Bigelow through it and regain the title. Crowd heat carried this one, as it was mostly pretty slow and plodding. The "Bigelow turns on Douglas" angle lost a lot of steam when it was revealed to be part of one of those convoluted plots that only happen in wrestling and spy movies to keep Taz away from the title.

-Shane Douglas [c] (w/Francine) VS Taz [1/10/99]

-Douglas' long reign is in part due to an arm injury that kept him out for a few months. This is Taz's first world title match. Mat wrestling to start, and no one gains a signifigant advantage. Douglas works Taz over. Crowd shows how much they care by chanting "show your tits" at Francine. Taz hits an Alabama Slam and follows Douglas outside. Douglas whips Taz into the guardrail, with Taz very obviously putting himself into the crowd.

They brawl into the crowd. Doing nothing of note for a few minutes. Taz rams Douglas into a concrete devider, which busts Douglas open. Douglas goes low to turn the tide, and cracks Taz with a chair. They get back in the ring, where a table gets set up in the corner. Douglas pounds on Taz, who no-sells and tells him to bring it on. Taz stomps Douglas down, but Douglas reverses a whip, and sends Taz through the table for two.

Douglas props another table in a corner, but ends up taking a head-and-arm Tazzplex through the table for two. Suddenly, a burst of pyro and Sabu's music hits, and the lights go out. An unneeded run-in in "the biggest world title match in ECW history" and the only use of pyro I've ever seen in ECW used for that run-in? That's EXTREME. Sabu legdrops Douglas through a table, then throws a chair at the head of Taz before putting him through a table. Sabu's music plays through most of the run-in, a la New Jack. I get the storyline of Sabu having a greivence against both guys, but couldn't have him need to be held back before the match starts?

Douglas crawls into the ring and gets two on Taz. Douglas calls for the Triple Threat, but it doesn't exist anymore. Tammy & Chris do come to the ring, and a cat fight breaks out between Francine and Tammy. Candido turns on Douglas, leading to Taz hitting a suplex. Douglas calls for Candido to come back, and Taz locks on the Tazzmission for the choke out and the title, no-selling a low blow in the process. Match was terrible, and didn't exactly put Taz over strong to start his title reign.

-Taz [c] VS FTW Champion Sabu

-This is a "title unification" match. Taz requests the match be made an "Extreme Death Match" (Falls Count Anywhere). Sabu ignores Fonzie and apparently agrees to the match. Taz takes Sabu down, and hits crossface punches to Sabu's injured jaw. Sabu comes back with a slingshot somersault legdrop for two. Sabu throws a chair at Taz's face, then hits Air Sabu.

They brawl into the crowd, where nothing of note happens. They go on to the entrance ramp, where Sabu dives off the ramp and into the crowd onto Taz for two. Taz responds by throwing Sabu off the ramp, then back into the ring. Fonzie helps Sabu set up a table bridge. Taz ends up hitting an overhead belly-to-belly throw to send Sabu through the table. Taz calls out Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan (yeah, like they were watching) while punching Sabu. Taz chases Fonzie to the back. Back in the ring, Sabu hits a low blow and a legdrop for two.

Taz hits a spinning sit-out powerbomb for two. They go back outside, where Sabu whips Taz into the guardrail. Sabu makes another table bridge, but Taz sends him back into the ring before he can use it. Sabu almost kills them both with a sunset bomb to the floor, as the guardrail was too close to try that move. That gets two. Sabu leaps off the top to the outside, putting Taz through the table bridge for two. Back in the ring, Sabu hits an Araibian Facebuster for two.

Taz hits a pump handle suplex for two, then Sabu comes back with the triple jump moonsault for two. Taz hits another suplex, then drops Sabu's face onto a chair for two. Sabu hits a triple jump legdrop for two. Taz hits a head-and-arm Tazzplex, then adds another one off the second turnbuckle for two. Taz hits a full-nelson suplex through a table for two. Fonzie throws in the towel, but Sabu throws it out. Tazzmission finishes. They just meandered from spot to spot without any real flow. Crowd popped for spots and tried a couple chants, but otherwise wasn't into it much.

Taz offers a handshake, and Sabu accepts. No attack by RVD this time.


-Taz [c] VS Masato Tanaka [9/19/99]

-Lots of heat for Taz, as news of his signing with the WWF had broken. Customary "You Sold Out!" chants for Taz during the ring introductions. There's a disterbance in the crowd, and Taz challenges Mike Awesome (w/Judge Jeff Jones) to come get some. Taz yells at Paul Heyman to let Mike Awesome go. Paul relents making it...

-Three Way Dance: Taz [c] VS Masato Tanaka VS Mike Awesome (w/Judge Jeff Jones)

-Tanaka launches himself at Awesome to start. Taz hits suplexes on both challengers, before they work together to take Taz out. Taz hits Awesome with a clothesline and Tanaka with a head-and-arm Tazplex, but stops to pose, and gets clobbered by Awesome. Awesome hits Tanaka with a running powerbomb. Awesome goes up, but gets caught with a head-and-arm Tazplex off the top. Tanaka surprises Taz with a roaring elbow. Awesome follows up with a frog splash on Taz, and he and Tanaka both cover Taz to eliminate him.

The locker room comes out onto the entrance ramp to give Taz a send-off (although it wouldn't be his last ECW appearance before heading to the WWF). Crowd doesn't buy it. Awesome flies over the top onto Tanaka, then throws him into the guardrail. Awesome hits a flying clothesline off the top as the crowd sings the goodbye song to Taz. Awesome hits a sit-out powerbomb for two. Awesome sets up a ringside table, but Tanaka slides out of the running powerbomb.

Tanaka messes up the springboard clothesline. Tanaka runs down the ramp, and delivers a chairshot to Awesome's head. Tanaka uses the chair as a springboard for a tornado DDT on the ramp. Tanaka hits a missile dropkick to the back of the neck. Tanaka hits a tornado DDT on the chair for two. Tanaka drapes a chair across Awesome's face, then dives off the top with another chair in his hands, cracking Awesome in the face. That gets two. Tanaka hits a powerbomb for two. Awesome slides out of a powerbomb, and powerbombs Tanaka over the top, through the table.

Awesome hits an Alabama Slam and a frog splash for two. Tanaka no-sells two chairshots to the head, and hits Diamond Dust for two. Awesome avoids a roaring elbow, hits a release German suplex, followed by a spear for two. Aweomse hits a flying chairshot off the top, and sets up a table inside the ring. Awesomes goes up top, but gets caught by Tanaka. Awesome fights off a superplex, and hits a super powerbomb through the table for the pin and the title. Taz presents Awesome with the belt and shakes his hand. Awesome shakes Tanaka's hand while Taz gets hugs from Paul. Crowd then suddenly starts chanting for Taz. Pretty fun match, which was the usual Awesome/Tanaka affair after Taz was eliminated, elevated by tremendous crowd head.

-ECW on TNN Taping: Awesome presses Spike Dudley into the crowd and calls out Masato Tanaka, who is in the crowd scounting him for a title match scheduled for the next week. They start to brawl, only to be held apart. Cyrus, in a move completely out of character for him, goads Paul to "give the fans what they want", and make a title match right now...

-Mike Awesome [c] (w/Judge Jeff Jones) VS Masato Tanaka [12/17/99]

-Match is clipped to Awesome powerbombing Tanaka off the ring apron through a table. Match is clipped again to Tanaka hitting a tornado DDT onto two chairs for a near-fall. Tanaka uses one chair to drive another into Awesome's face, and that gets two. Tanaka no-sells three chairshots, but is felled by a fourth. Awesome hits a running powerbomb for two.

Match is then clipped to Tanaka hitting a DDT off the top, through a table, for two. Tanaka hits a roaring elbow for the pin and the title. Awesome shakes Tanaka's hand and straps the belt around his waist. Awesome raises Tanaka's hand, but then clotheslines him and powerbombs him over the top, through a table. Big heat for Awesome after that. Match seemed like their usual from what was shown, as they had a template and rarely appeared to stray from it.

-Masato Tanaka [c] VS Mike Awesome (w/Judge Jeff Jones) [12/23/99]

-Awesome charges Tanaka to start, and dumps him outside before hitting an impressive tope. Awesome sets up a table and goes to powerbomb Awesome off the apron, but Tanaka backdrops out of it. Tanaka hits a dive off the top, and adds a running chairshot to the head. They go into the crowd for a moment, then back in the ring, and Awesome hits a slingshot splash for two. Tanaka no-sells two chairshots. Awesome goes up for a flying chairshot, but Tanaka dropkicks the chair into Awesome's face on the way down. Tanaka hits a chairshot. Tanaka hits a tornado DDT on two chairs for a near-fall.

Tanaka hits his diving chairshot for two. Awesome takes an awkward bump off Diamond Dust, and that gets two. Awesome hits a release German, then Tanaka charges into Sky High. Awesome hits a running powerbomb for two. Jones helps Awesome get a table into the ring, and Awesome sets it up in the corner. Tanaka avoids the powerbomb once, but can't do it a second time, and Awesome puts him through the table for two.

Awesomes sets up another table and goes up top, but Tanaka catches him, and DDTs Awesome off the top, through the table. That gets two. Tanaka hits a roaring elbow for two. Awesome counters Diamond Dust, and hits an Alabama Slam followed by a frog splash for two. Awesome hits a sit-out powerbomb off the top for the pin to regain the title. You know what you're getting here.

-At a house show, Awesome works his way through the crowd, past a guy in a Sabres jersey and another guy who looks like David Otunga. Crowd chants "You Sold Out" at Awesome, who appeared on Nitro while still ECW Champion. Jeff Jones issues an open challenge, which is answered by...

-Mike Awesome [c] VS Taz [4/13/00]

-Taz comes out to his WWF music, and the crowd loses their shit. Slugfest to start. They brawl outside for a minute. Back in the ring, the ref gets bumped, and Tommy Dreamer interferes, hitting a DDT on Awesome. Taz quickly gets the submission with the Tazmission to regain the title. Awesome takes off through the crowd. Big "Fuck You" to WCW here by Paul, putting a WWF wrestler over a WCW wrestler.

-Taz cuts a promo on Awesome, talking about how "I did business the right way" before leaving for the WWF.

-Video from Hardcore TV as Tommy Dreamer beats Taz at Cyberslam 2000 to win the ECW title. Raven comes out to bury the hatchet. Justin Credible comes out to ruin the moment, caning Dreamer, and hitting Raven with That's Incredible. Credible throws down the ECW tag titles and spits on them, before goading Dreamer into a match.

-Tommy Dreamer [c] VS Justin Credible [4/22/00]

-Dreamer is busted open from the cane shot. Dreamer throws Credible into the crowd. Dreamer grabs the ring bell, sets it on Credible's crotch, and rings it. Credible counters a Death Valley Driver into an inverted DDT on a chair. Francine comes to ringside, ostensibly to cheer on Tommy. Credible stomps a mudhole in Dreamer, then pulls him out of the corner with a powerbomb for two. Credible hits a sloppy swinging DDT for two. Dreamer hits an inverted Razor's Edge into a stunner. Francine helps Dreamer set up a table bridge.

Credible tries to pedigree Dreamer off the apron, but Dreamer fights out, and hits a Death Valley Driver off the apron, putting both men through the table. Jason distracts Dreamer, allowing Credible to hit That's Incredible for two. Credible drags Francine into the ring and almost hits her with That's Incredible. Dreamer saves her, and hits a DDT for two. Dreamer goes for another Death Valley Driver, but Francine turns on him again, and Credible hits That's Incredible to win the title. Not bad, not bad at all.


-Justin Credible [c] (w/Francine) VS Jerry Lynn [10/1/00]

-Credible goes for cheap heat, wearing a Green Bay Brett Favre jersey in Minnesota. Francine has taped ribs. Lynn out-wrestles Credible to start, and he takes a powder to jaw with the fans. They exchange chops and go for their finishers, but neither can hit. Lynn hits a bulldog for two. Lynn hits a baseball slide to send Credible against the guardrail, and Credible almost misses catching him on a dive. Back in, Credible catches Lynn with a black hole slam, and grabs a chair. Credible sends Lynn head-first into the seated chair, and gets two. Credible stomps a mudhole, then pulls him out of the corner into a powerbomb on the chair for two.

They fight onto the set, where Credible rakes Lynn's face across the mesh cage setup. Credible pounds on Lynn, who manages to come back slamming Credible's face onto a chair, and gets two off that. Credible hits an inverted DDT for two. Credible locks in a front facelock while the classy crowd chants "Just a Faggot!".  Credible gets on the mic and talks shit while he kicks Lynn, who goads the crowd into throwing drinks at him.

Lynn gets a crucifix into a sunset flip for two, which kicks off a near-fall series that ends when Credible hits a spinning DDT. Lynn hits a tornado DDT on a chair. Lynn fires up on Credible, including countering a shoulder block with a guillotine legdrop, and follows up with a top rope leg drop for two. Lynn grabs a table and sets Credible on it, but gets distracted by Francine and thrown through the table by Credible for two. Credible goes up and gets caught, but manages to hit a sunset bomb for two. Lynn slides out of That's Incredible, and hits the cradile piledriver...for two. Lynn goes for That's Incredible, but Justin counters with one of his own for two.

Credible accidentally KO's the ref with a superkick. Lynn gets a rollup, but heel ref Danny Daniels refuses to count the pin. Lynn tries to hit Daniels with the cradile piledriver, but Francine hits Lynn with the cane, and Credible drills Lynn with the title belt. That gets a (very fast) two. Daniels gives another couple fast counts, but Lynn keeps kicking out. I love that a heel ref will do anything, but count the three when someone gets their shoulder up. Lynn almost gets the cradile piledriver on Credible, but Daniels hits him in the head with the cane. Credible hits That's Incredible. Daniels counts, stopping to flip Lynn off before three, when New Jack (the original assigned ref)'s music hits, which shocks Daniels so much he forgets to make the third count.

New Jack takes care of Daniels, but gets caned by Credible. Lynn and Credible fight over a tombstone, with Lynn hitting a cradile tombstone for the pin and the title. Match was decent if nondescript before the overbooking and cheap attempts to draw drama out of the match kicked in.

Lynn celebrates with the ECW babyfaces. The good times wouldn't last...

-Double Jeopardy: Jerry Lynn [c] VS Justin Credible (w/Francine) VS Steve Corino (w/Jack Victory & Dawn Marie) VS Sandman [11/5/05]

-This starts off as two matches taking place at the same time (Lynn VS Credible, Corino VS Sandman), with the winners of the two matches facing off in the finals. Sandman is nowhere to be found at the start, so Lynn & Credible start while Corino watches. They trade near-falls right off the bat. Corino goes after Lynn. The match becomes a three way dance for a little while, while Cyrus points out that Corino would be better served sitting outside and watching. Credible & Corino double-team Lynn as Sandman's music hits. Match stops for a bit as everyone watches Sandman make his entrance. Then, Corino and Credible remember a match is going on, and go back to double-teaming Lynn, who gets busted open.

Lynn fights back as Sandman finally enters, caning Lynn and Credible right off the bat. Corino interrupts a pre-match beer, and dares Sandman to hit him with the cane. Corino ducks one shot, but not a second. Sandman canes Jack Victory when he tries to interfere. Lynn & Credible double team Sandman. Lynn catches Corino with a tornado DDT. Sandman drapes Corino across the guardrail, and hits a guillotine legdrop. Back in the ring, Credible hits Lynn with a black hole slam for two. A ladder gets involved, and Sandman whip all three opponents into it. The ladder falls right on Lynn's knee after he hits it. Credible got busted open at some point.

Sandman suplex Corino onto the ladder for two. Sandman bulldogs Credible on the ladder. Lynn cracks Corino across the back with a chair. Lynn and Sandman exchange punches before Lynn whips Sandman into the guardrail. Corino uses four chairs and a length of guardrail to make a bridge, but ends up getting suplexed onto the bridge. Sandman cracks the back of his head on the guardrail in the process. That gets two. Lynn & Credible fight over a tombstone. Lynn gets it for two as Francine interferes. Dawn wants to fight Francine, but Corino shoos her away before walking into a caneshot from Sandman.

Corino & Credible hit a double superkick on Lynn. Credible hits Lynn with That's Incredible while Corino counters the White Russian Legsweep with the Old School Expulsion for simultaneous pins to make it Corino VS Credible. Yeah, that wasn't contrived at all. Crowd chants bullshit at that.

Corino wins a slugfest and hits a bionic elbow followed by an elbow drop for two. Lynn attacks Corino. Sandman does the same to Credible. Neither Lynn or Sandman leave the ringside area. Corino sets up a table, but first they exchange chops. Corino is a bloody mess (shock of all shocks). Corino & Credible crack heads. Corino suplexes Credible through the table for two. Francine gets into the ring. Credible pulls her into the way of a superkick. Corino hits the Old School Expulsion anyway for two.

Credible hits a stiff superkick for two. Corino hits another Old School Expulision, but then Dawn Marie turns on him, hitting both Corino and Jack Victory with low blows before leaving. Corino no-sells a couple cane shots before hitting a superkick for the pin and the title. Match was wonderfully chaotic before the weak sauce finish. Lynn hands the title belt over to Corino, then slaps him.

-Tables, Ladders, Chairs, and Canes: Steve Corino [c] (w/Jack Victory) VS Justin Credible [w/Francine] VS Sandman [1/7/01]

-C & C jump Sandman right as he enters the ring. Ladder gets involved. Sandman is the first to climb, and Credible cuts him off with a cane shot, then the ladder falls on top of Corino. Credible does the Terry Funk whirly-bird deal, but Sandman avoids it, and uses the ladder to batter Credible. Sandman climbs, but gets knocked down by Corino. Corino and Credible use chairs to drive to top of the ladder into Sandman's groin. He sells it for about 5 seconds.

Credible reverses a Sandman whip into the ropes, and Sandman throws himself over the top, through a table. Corino hits Credible with a drop toe hold onto a chair. Sandman gets in and slugs Credible down, but is then kicked in the nuts by Corino. Sandman grabs a cane, and goes after both opponents, busting Credible open. Sandman stands a ladder up against the ropes, and suplexes Corino onto it. Sandman throws Credible off the apron through a table.

Corino goes outside to set up a table, and Sandman throws a ladder onto him. Sandman climbs, but the ladder gives way before he can grab the belt. Credible wanders around the ring waiting for Corino and Sandman. Corino climbs then ruins the spot by looking right at Credible before Credible leaps off the top to knock Corino off the ladder and onto a chair. Sandman climbs, but is then knocked over the top through another table. Corino fights off a pedigree from Credible, and catapults him into a ladder.

Corino goes for the Old School Expulsion on Credible, but Credible fights out and hits That's Incredible. Francine leaps off the apron and hits Sandman with a hurricarana. Sandman sells that for about three seconds before grabbing a bigger ladder. Corino and Credible climb the big ladder, but someone raises the belt. Sandman canes them both down.

Credible climbs but gets caught by Corino, and they both dive through a table. That allows Sandman to climb and grab the belt to become a four-time ECW champion. Match was strictly amateur hour, particularly on the part of the Sandman, who had no interest in selling anything at all.

-Credible and Corino seemingly turn face by shaking Sandman's hand and fighting off Da Baldies (like any of this would matter in a month). Sandman continues his celebration while Rhino sneaks into the ring. Rhino slips before goaring Sandman, drawing a "You Fucked Up" chant. The bell rings early. Rhino asks why he is the TV champion when, "this fuckin' poor-ass company don't even have TV". Rhino threatens Sandman's family, and Sandman agrees to a match.

-Sandman [c] VS Rhino

-Rhino destroys Sandman, goaring him through a table for two. Rhino piledrives Sandma off the apron through a table, and that gets two. Rhino piledrives Sandman on a piece of broken table to finally get the pin, and become the last "original" ECW champion.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: Interesting set that should have something for everyone. I'm not a fan of most of the wrestling itself, but there was some good stuff in here. Would provide a good look back for anyone who is still nostalgic about ECW.