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Thursday, September 29, 2011

RoH Glory By Honor IX: 9/11/10

-From New York City

-Hosts are Kevin Kelly & Joe Dombrowski.

-Match 1: Kenny King VS Jay Briscoe

-Briscoe lands some hard chops, and hits a sliding boot to the face for two. Briscoe walks into a hot shot, and King follows up with a lariat for two. King hits a leg lariat for two. King hits a springboard legdrop for two. Briscoe catches King on his shoulders, and is supposed to toss King into the turnbuckles, but he lands short, RIGHT ON HIS HEAD. Very fortunate there wasn't any legitimate damage done to King. Briscoe hits a Ron Simmons' spinebuster for two. Briscoe hits a big boot for two, and King's tag team partner Rhett Titus joins us.

Briscoe immediately wipes Titus out with a dive. King blocks a sunset flip and uses the ropes to get a near-fall. King fights off the Jay Driller, and hits the Royal Flush (TKO into a Rock Bottom) for the pin. Decent opener. Good move to give King the win.

-Mark Briscoe joins in the make it a 2-on-2 fight, which leads right into...

-Match 2: Rhett Titus (w/Kenny King) VS Mark Briscoe (w/Jay Briscoe)

-Briscoe hits a spinning heel kick for two. Titus comes back with a dropkick and slingshot kneedrop for two. Titus keeps control of the match, and hits a move where he locks Briscoe into a cobra clutch, but then falls back, driving the back of Briscoe's neck into Titus' knee. That gets two. Mark wins a "boo-yay" kick/headbut exchange on the apron, then hits a twisting dive off the top onto the floor. Mark goes up, and fights off a pop-up suplex attempt from Titus before hitting a top rope Ace Crusher.

Titus counters a Burning Hammer, kicking off a series of roll-ups and reversals. King tries to interfere, but Jay cuts him off, and Mark quickly finishes with a superkick and Burning Hammer. Good match. Titus looked strong in defeat.

-Match 3: Erik Stevens & The Necro Butcher (w/Prince Nana & Ernesto Osiris) VS Grizzly Redwood & Balls Mahoney

-Never thought I'd see the day when Balls Mahoney would be in RoH. Embassy attacks during the babyface's entrance, and the match goes to the floor right away. Balls gets a fan's beer, takes a sip, then hits Stevens with it. Stevens catches Redwood in mid-air, and tosses him over the top rope, with Necro punching Redwood in the head on the way down. Necro hits two awkward chokeslams and a clothesline for two. Redwood counters a Stevens' suplex with a sleeper, then hits a hurricrana that sends Stevens face-first into the turnbuckles.

Balls gets the tag and cleans house. Balls hits a spinebuster on Stevens for two. Balls tosses Redwood over the top onto Stevens, then hits a frog splash on Necro. Nana stops the count. Balls goes after Nana, but ends up taking a neckbreaker from Stevens for the pin. Another solid match. Would have been more memorable as a wild brawl, but the wild brawl for the night is coming up next.

-Match 4: Double Chain Match: Steve Corino & Kevin Steen VS Colt Cabana & El Generico

-Match is won by pin, submission, or KO. Ring announcer warns that this could be a "bloody war", which the crowd cheers. Babyfaces win a coin toss, and Generico chooses to be tied to Steen, and Cabana to Corino. Babyfaces dominate the first few minutes. Generico busts Steen open. Cabana does the same to Corino. Heels turn the tide and Cabana gets opened up. Steen tries to choke Generico out. Steen ties Generico's legs with the chain and locks in a sharpshooter, but Cabana makes the save.

Generico saves Cabana from a double suplex, and hits an Exploder on Steen, sending Steen upside-down into the turnbuckles and onto his head. Cabana sets Generico up to go coast-to-coast and dropkick a chair into Corino's face. Steen holds Generico, who then dives onto Steen. Cabana dropkicks the chair into Corino's face, and gets two off that. A table is set up on the outside, and Steen yanks Generico off the top, through the table.

Cabana pounds on Corino as Generico holds Steen back. Corino's son Colby comes out and frees Steen from the chain, allowing Steen to hit a pumphandle neckbreaker on Cabana. Crowd chants "kill the kid!" in response. Steen & Corino use the chains to tie Cabana to the corners, making him helpless. Then, my video stops and cuts to the GoFightLive logo, and when we come back, the match is over. Damn it, I wanted to see the finish.

Looking it up online, it appears there was an outage during the live broadcast, but it did come back in time for the finish, in which Cabana somehow got free and made Corino tap to the Billy Goat's Curse.

-Jim Cornette comes out, and announces that Davey Richards has re-signed with RoH, after contemplating retirement earlier in the year. Cornette announces Richards VS whoever is the RoH world champion at that time will be the main event at Final Battle 2010 in 3 months.

-Match 5: RoH World Television Championship: Eddie Edwards [c] VS Shawn Daivari (w/Prince Nana)

-Edwards hits some chops and Daivari fires back, but not any where near the same impact. Edwards hits a couple slaps and an enziguiri followed up by a face-plant, but he ends up ramming himself shoulder-first into the ringpost, allowing Daivari to take over. They go up top, and Edwards hits a superplex. Edwards leapfrogs over a charging Daivari, which sends Daivari through the ropes, and Edwards follows up with a dive. Back in, Edwards hits a leg lariat for two. Daivari hits a tornado DDT, walks into a superkick, but comes back with a lariat for two. Edwards goes for the Achilles Lock. Nana provides a distraction, but Edwards suckers Daivari into hitting Nana, and re-applies the Achilles Lock for the quick submission. Solid match, but Daivari is really unexciting in the ring.

-Match 6: Austin Aries VS Christopher Daniels

-Aries gets on the mic and credits Daniels with coining the name "A-Double", and suggest that Daniels be referred to as "CD", because like CDs, a lot people think he's obsolete. Aries feigns wanting to wrestle a clean match, and goes for a schoolboy off the opening handshake. Feeling out process to start. Daniels takes control of the match, hitting an Arabian Press for a one count. Aries goes to the eyes, and hits a neckbreaker with Daniels in the ropes. Aries works Daniels over on the outside, and hits a back elbow for two once they get back in.

Aries hits an STO and a powerdrive elbow for two. Daniels takes over, and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Aries hits a missile dropkick, but Daniels blocks the corner dropkick, and drives Aries' head into the turnbuckle for two. Daniels locks in the Koji Clutch, but Aries makes it to the ropes. Aries counters a urinage with a crucifix bomb and a brainbuster for two. Aries hits the 450 for two. Daniels crotches Aries on the top rope, then hits the Angel's Wings from the top for the pin. Good match. IIRC, this was Aries' last gasp as a wrestler in RoH.

-Match 7: RoH World Tag Team Champions The Kings of Wrestling [Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli] (w/Shane Hagadorn) VS Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin

-Feeling out process, with WGTT out-wrestling the KoW early on. Claudio tries a moneky flip on Shelton, who lands on his feet and returns the favor, launching CC through the air and almost spiking him on his head. KoW go for the KRS-1 first chance they get, but Haas helps Shelton fight it off. CC and Haas exchange European Uppercuts. Haas looks like he'll be the face-in-peril (even though there's a lot of KoW love, they're heels), Haas hits CC with an exploder suplex. Haas makes the tag, but Shelton immediately gets low-bridged by Hero and worked over on the outside.

CC hits Shelton with an impressive deadlift gutwrench suplex. CC hits a snap powerslam for two. Shelton then becomes the face-in-peril, until he counters a double team suplex with a double neckbreaker. Haas hits a couple suplexes on CC, then catapults him into a Samoan Drop from Benjamin for two. CC tosses Benjamin into a HARD elbow from Hero for two. Hero hits an elbow to the back of Benjamin's head for two. Benjamin hits the Dragon Whip on Hero.

Haas goes for the Haas of Pain on Hero, but CC breaks it up. Hero hits a big roaring elbow on Haas. Shelton hits a pop-up throw on CC. Haas gets the Haas of Pain on CC, but Hagadorn distracts Shelton and the ref as Hero slips on his loaded elbow pad and drops on elbow on Haas (which the camera misses), and that allows Claudio to get the pin. Excellent match that provided everything you could want from these two teams.

-Haas & Benjamin fight off a post-match attack from the KoW, and receive a big "please come back!" chant. Hagadorn is left behind, stripped, and whipped with a belt. WGTT set Hagadorn up in position for the Dudley's "whazzup" headbut, but Haas drops an elbow instead. WGTT then pose with the RoH Tag Team Championship belts.

-Match 8: Ring of Honor World Championship No-DQ Match: Tyler Black [c] VS Roderick Strong (w/Truth Martini)

-Terry Funk is the special ringside enforcer. Black has turned heel by promising to bring the RoH title with him when he goes to WWE. Jim Cornette is on color.

Rollup series leads to Strong hitting a leg lariat to send Black to the outside. Black sends Strong into the barricade, then slams him chest-first onto the ring apron. Strong hits a couple chops, but runs into a dropkick for two. Black hits a belly-to-back suplex for two. Strong counters a Black charge to take control. Strong hits a Falcon Arrow for two. Black absorbs a roaring elbow, and hits Death From Above. Black locks in a shitty STF to really piss off the crowd.

Black hits a superplex, but Strong comes back with a suplex into a back breaker for two. Strong hits Death From Above to set up the Sick Kick, but Black moves, and Strong KO's the ref. Black hits Strong with Martini's Book of Truth, and follows up with God's Last Gift for two. Black gets Strong in the Tree of Woe and tries to hit the Warrior's Way, but Strong avoids the stomp and locks in the Stronghold, which Black counters into a rollup for two.

Funk prevents the House of Truth from interfering, and tosses Martini from the ring. Black hits a superkick, two Buckle Bombs, and two more superkicks before missing the Phoenix Splash. Strong hits a back breaker, Death From Above, and a Sick Kick for the pin and the title.

-Strong offers a handshake as the crowd chants "Thank You Tyler!". Black responds by flipping off Strong, then the crowd before leaving. Suddenly, the lights go out, and Homicide's music hits. He comes out, making his return to RoH and gets in Strong's face as the show ends.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: Technical issues aside, this was a tremendous show, particularly the final two matches. May have to actually pick this up on DVD.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

NWA/WCW Big Event Project #32: Clash of the Champions XI: Coastal Crush


-From Charleston, SC

-Hosts are JR & Bob Caudle

-Tony Schiavone previews the card.

-JR & Bob note that Lex Luger will be taking calls on the wrestling hotline until 8:30.

-Match 1: The Wild-Eyed Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) VS The Fabulous Freebirds

-Armstrong promises that if we thought the Civil War was something, then we haven't seen anything yet. OK then. Apparently pandering to certain elements of the South outweigh the need to be PC, as the Boys come out dressed like Confederate soldiers, and have the "Stars and Bars" on their tights.

The 'Birds double-team Smothers, but then are wiped out by a crossbody from the top by Armstrong. After getting tagged in, Garvin drops Armstrong throat-first across the top rope for two. Armstrong is the face-in-peril, and the Freebirds are great at pissing off the crowd in the meantime. Smothers gets the hot tag, but ends up eating a clothesline from Hayes when trying to rollup Garvin. Garvin appears to finish Smothers with a Knee Trembler, but Armstrong comes off the top with a headbut to Garvin's back, and rolls Smothers on top for the pin. Actions was decent but nothing special except for the finish, but damn the crowd was HOT for this, and went wild for the finish.

-Match 2: Tommy Rich VS Bam Bam Bigelow (w/Sir Oliver Humperdink)

-Don't like Rich's chances here. Young Bam Bam looks a lot like Mike Shaw, except for the tattoos. Rich uses his speed to keep control of the match, but eventually gets caught and slammed by Bigelow. Bigelow uses a blatant choke and won't let go, actually getting DQ'd for it. Bigelow beats Rich up some more before threatening to kill everybody. Big heat for Bigelow, but I don't see the point of the match.

-Hype video for BIG VAN MOTHERFUCKING VADER! He debuts at the Great American Bash. Video is only his entrance from a match in Japan. That mask is...something.

-Gary Michael Chapetta brings out El Gigante for in interview. Holy fuck, Gigant makes Chapetta look like a little kid. So weird to see Gigante as a babyface. Chapetta asks Gigante questions in Spanish and relays his answers in English.

-Match 3: The Samoan Swat Team VS Mike Rotunda & The Z-Man

-OK, two questions: 1.) How did Rotunda turn face? and 2.) What happened to the Pillman/Zenk team?

Crowd gets pissed when the Samoans do their pre-match ritual, and they have to try three times before actually finishing. Rotunda is the face-in-peril in short time, getting locked in the always exciting nerve hold by Fatu. Zenk gets the hot tag and cleans house, but gets taken down. Rotunda is tossed over the top. Fatu hits a Samoan Drop on Zenk and Tama follows up with a Vader Bomb, but they do not go for the pin. Rotunda switches places with Zenk (how is that supposed to work, exactly?) and rolls up Fatu with a small package for the pin. Decent sprint, but damn that finish was stupid.

-Match 4: Mean Mark (w/Paul E. Dangerously) VS Brian Pillman

-Paul distracts Pillman, allowing Mark to clothesline Pillman from behind. Mark uses the throat thrust that he would use a lot during the early days of the Undertaker. Pillman tries a crucifix rollup on Mark, but Mark is too big for it. Really good big man vs little man match as Mark is actually selling for Pillman. Pillman is great at fighting from underneath and eating Pillman skins the cat back in, and hits a missile dropkick. Pillman tries for a crossbody, but Mark catches him in mid-air, and hits a hot shot for the win. Best match so far, and none have been bad.

-Tony interviews Sting. He's here since the Horsemen are here.

-Match 5: NWA United States Tag Team Championship: The Midnight Express [c] (w/Jim Cornette) VS The Rock 'N' Roll Express

-Gibson takes Eaton down with an armdrag and a flying headscissors. Tags are made on both sides, and the RnR keep control on Lane. Gibson gets in, and gives Lane an atomic drop, which sends Lane right into Eaton. Eaton gets in with Morton, and turns the tide with an eyepoke. Eaton connects with an AWESOME punch. Eaton goes for a superplex, but Morton slides off him and gets a rollup, but Lane makes the save. Botched spot as Lane is supposed to have Morton in powerbomb position, and Eaton is to come off the top and drive Morton into the mat. Lane doesn't hold Morton and ends up almost sitting down with Morton on his shoulders, weakening the move.

Eaton misses a Stinger Splash, and hits the ringpost, allowing Morton to make the tag. Match breaks down. Morton tosses Eaton off the apron and into the guardrail. Morton sends the RnR into each other. Gibson gets a sleeper on Lane, but Eaton nails Gibson from behind. Lane gets two off that. RnR hits a double dropkick on Eaton, but Lane grabs Nick Patrick to stop the count and draw a DQ. RnR clear the ring as the bell rings. Another good match, but the second straight tag match with a weak sauce finish.

-Match 6: Doug Furnas VS Barry Windham

-Windham is a Horseman again at this point. Furnas is ridiculously tanned. Furnas takes Windham down with shoulder blocks. Furnas counters a powerbomb with a sunset flip for two. Furnas almost botches a springboard backflip out of the corner, but makes up for it with an impressive military press slam. Windham hits a HUGE clothesline, which knocks Furnas for a summersault. Windham pounds away, but gets caught with a small package for two. Dropkick sends Windham outside, but he comes back with a belly-to-back suplex, and uses the ropes for leverage to get the pin. Don't think I've seen that before. Another solid match.

-Match 7: Sid Vicious (w/Ole Anderson) VS Lex Luger

-Sid, IN A TUX for he pre-match video, calls himself a "suicidal machine". Too bad emo wasn't around when Sid was in his prime, as Emo Sid would be either the greatest or worst thing ever. Ole charges Luger at the bell. Luger fights both off for a moment, before getting nailed by Sid. Ole calls for Sid, allowing Luger to hit a running clothesline for the pin. BOO-URNS.

-Match 8: NWA World Tag Team Championship: Doom [c] (w/Theodore R. Long) VS The Steiner Brothers

-Steiners completely dominate the first few minutes, impressively tossing Doom around at will. Doom finally turn the tide when Reed sends Rick outside, allowing Simmons to get some shots in. Crowd chants PEANUT HEAD at Teddy! It's official, I LOVE this crowd. Rick counters a Simmons' backdrop with a kick to the chest. Reed gets in and tosses Rick over the top, and Simmons again pounds on Rick on the outside. Reed hits a second rope elbow on Rick for two.

Reed misses a high knee in the corner, allowing Rick to make the hot tag. Match breaks down and Teddy tosses something to Reed. Scott hits a superplex on Simmons, but Reed KO's him with the international object. Simmons pins Scott as Rick pins Reed, but since Scott and Simmons are the legal men, Doom retains. Another good match in a show chock full of them.

-Tony interviews JYD. JYD is going to have the Dudes With Attitudes watching his back to counteract the Horsemen.

-Match 9: Paul Orndorff VS NWA World Television Champion Arn Anderson

-Orndorff dominates the first couple minutes. AA counters a sleeper with one of his own, but Orndorff drives AA face-first into the turnbuckle to break. Orndorff locks in a Figure 4. AA hits a spinebuster, but can't make a cover because of the damage caused by the Figure 4. Orndoff exposes AA's ass while trying for a sunset flip, to a surprising amount of approval from both male and female members of the crowd. AA locks in an abdominal stretch, but gets caught holding onto the ropes.

Orndorff wins a slugfest to take control. Orndorff measures AA for elbows, and gets near-falls off them. Orndorff goes for a Vader Bomb, but AA gets the knees up. AA gets a small package for two, but Orndorff reverses into one of his own for the pin. They didn't do anything flashy, but everything they did had intensity and purpose behind it, which is better, IMO.

-Tony is with the Horsemen. Ole says that the Horsemen will NEVER let anyone take the title off Flair. Flair gives his usual promo.

-Match 10: NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Ric Flair [c] (w/Ole Anderson) VS The Junkyard Dog

-If you ran this match in EWR, the match report would read "The Junkyard Dog didn't sell very much, and ruined the match". He no-sells EVERYTHING, including a chairshot to the head. The Horsemen get tired of this shit and jump JYD, drawing the DQ. Sting, Luger, and Orndorff rush the ring to make the save. JYD sells the beat down by laying on the canvas while getting stomped, then popping up immediately after. WTF was THAT?

-JR is in the ring. Rocky King is tired of the Horsemen jumping on people. Sting challenges Flair to a title match at the Great American Bash. Sting says that with the Dudes With Attitudes watching his back, the match would be one-on-one. The Horsemen stupidly rush the ring, and Flair is left in the ring with Sting, who kicks Flair's ass as the credits roll.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: This is actually a pretty terriffic little show, which good matches all over the undercard and an insanely hot crowd that never let up. Don't know what was up with JYD in the main event though.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Ring of Honor Wrestling #1

-From the Frontier Fieldhouse in Chicago, IL

-Joey Styles Kevin Kelly starts the show in the ring, and announces that tonight's main event will be the Kings of Wrestling VS Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team for the Ring of Honor tag team championship.

Kelly brings out the new color commentator for the new show; Nigel McGuinness. McGuinness is total babyface, as he kisses up to the crowd and puts over the other wrestlers and RoH as a whole.

-Futureshock & The Bravado Brothers have some words before their match.

-Match 1: Futureshock (Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly) VS The Bravado Brothers (Lancelot & Harlem)

-Futureshock control the early going, hitting a kick combination on Lance and a flapjack/bulldog combo on Harlem. Futureshock lock in a double submission on the Bravados. Bravados take control, and Cole is the face-in-peril. Bravados hit the Gentleman's Approach (enziguiri/German suplex combo) on Cole for two. Kelly reads the "Tweet of the Week". Ugh, WWE's twitter obsession is bad enough, I don't need it in RoH. O'Reilly gets in, and hits a double dragon screw leg whip and a double missile dropkick. Bravados hits a belly-to-back suplex/neckbreaker combo. O'Reilly hits Harlem with rolling butterfly suplexes, which transitions into an assisted spike DDT/wheelbarrow suplex combo. Futureshock wipe the Bravados out on the floor, then hit Ride the Lightning (clothesline/legsweep combo) on Harlem for the pin. Pretty good tag formula opener, with some innovative stuff, mainly from Futureshock.

-Video that's supposed to be hype for future RoH dates, but ends up being Kevin Kelly basically interviewing RoH World Champion Davey Richards, who puts over the promotion as the best in the world.

-Best in the World event recap, focusing on the Tag and World title matches.

-Cornette & Kelly explain the Code of Honor.

-TV title match preview. Jay Lethal talks about being his own man, instead of imitating others in TNA (Lethal doesn't mention TNA by name).

-Video shows the final few minutes of the Tag title match from Best in the World, and the Briscoes' attack on Haas & Benjamin. Really did not need to see this after seeing the Best in the World video earlier.

-Claudio asks as a fan who he thinks is going to win the main event. He picks Haas & Benjamin.

-Match 2: Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship: Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team [c] (Haas & Benjamin) VS Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) [w/Shane Hagadorn & Sarah Del Ray]

-Short promo by The Briscoes air. They're coming for the tag belts.

I like the tale of the tape being shown before the matches start. Gives more of a real sports feel to the show. Castagnoli has just started with FCW, so it doesn't leave much doubt as to who wins (plus Haas and Benjamin were the champions at Death Before Dishonor IX, which was held after this was taped).

Basic wrestling to start. Shelton catches Hero coming off the ropes with a small package for two. Shelton lands some stiff chops on Hero. Hero ducks the dragon whip from Shelton, and hits a spinning bick boot of his own. Outside, Claudio holds Shelton for a kick from Hero, then draws a halo around his own head. That was pretty funny.

After a commercial break, Claudio is working Shelton over. Hero tries to stop Shelton from making the tag, and gets low-bridged. Shelton hits the dragon whip on Claudio and dives to make the tag, but Hero pulls Haas off the apron. Back in the ring, Hero hits Shelton with an elbow to the back of the head, and Claudio gets two off that. Tag is made to Hero, who hits a senton for two. KoW continue to work over Shelton. Shelton counters a double team suplex with a double neckbreaker, and Shelton finally makes the tag.

Haas ducks a Hero roaring elbow and tosses Hero with a release German suplex. Haas hits Shelton's t-bone slam on Claudio for two. Haas hits a hurricarana and a big boot on Claudio for two. Claudio fights back, and Hero comes in with the KTFO elbow on Haas for two, the idea being that since Hero doesn't have a loaded elbow pad anymore, it wasn't as effective. Claudio gets Haas in a giant swing, and Hero hits Haas with a kick while he's in the swing, and that gets two.

WGTT come back, and hit the Wrestling's Greatest Finisher (Hart Attack) for the pin to retain. Solid, if unspectacular main event. I would have liked more from this, especially since it's the send-off for the Kings of Wrestling.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: OK debut. Too much time wasting with the Best in the World videos, and it's odd that they didn't add any mentions of Death Before Dishonor X in post-production, since that is the most recent show.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ring of Honor Matches #10: The Joe VS Punk Trilogy

Can't really call these random...

-Match 1: World Title Classic 6/12/04

-Punk is half of the RoH tag champions at this point. Slow start. Punk starts working headlocks to wear Joe down, and Joe goes for strikes when he gets the chance. Shoulderblocks prove nothing, so Punk fakes Joe out by punching him before knocking Joe down with one last shoulderblock. This kicks off a series of reversals that ends with Punk avoiding a big kick from Joe. Joe tries to maul Punk, who covers up.

Joe bashes Punk with a series of headbuts, but Punk avoids the facewash. For some reason, they pause to mess with a CM Punk fan in the front row, Joe faking like he's going to hit him, and Punk faking like he's going to give him a high-five. Punk continues to work headlocks while Joe counters with quick bursts of offense. Joe holds Punk in a delayed vertical suplex for a 20 count. Gabe Sapolsky is terrible on commentary, acting (badly) STUNNED when Mark McNulty explains that Punk is using the "rope-a-dope" strategy.

They go outside, and Joe pounds on Punk. Joe tries to ram Punk into the barricade, but Punk reverses on him. Crowd is split 50-50. Joe knocks Punk off the apron, and follows up with a suicide dive. Punk blocks the Ole Kick with a back elbow. Punk tries a hurricarana, but Joe catches Punk and swings him into the barricade. Joe blows a kiss at the CM Punk fan and hits the Ole Kick. Joe hits two more Ole Kicks and Punk seems to be out, but Joe doesn't go for the win right away.

Punk runs right into a NASTY STO. Joe hits the facewash. Punk finally fights back, hitting a crossbody from the top. Punk hits three big boots, getting a two count. Punk struggles with, but does lick in, and Indian Deathlock. Punk tries to headbut Joe, but since Joe is Samoan, you can figure out how that worked for him. Punk does one of Joe's poses, so Joe hits Punk with an enziguiri, and a belly-to-back suplex. Punk hits a roaring elbow for two.

Punk locks in a sleeper, almost putting Joe out. Joe comes back with a modified Boston crab. Punk hits a Savage Elbow for two. Punk hits a top rope belly-to-back suplex, but can't follow up. Joe hits a powerslam, then locks in a cross-armbreaker. Punk counters a powerbomb with a sunset flip for two. Joe connectes on his second powerbomb attempt for two, then locks in the modified crab once Punk kicks out. Joe transitions that into an STF. Punk hits a top rope hurricarana for two.

Punk hits the Pepsi Twist for two. Joe gets a rolling cradle for two. Punk gets a crucifix for two. Joe hits a HUGE lariat for two. Punk hits a Shining Wizard for two. Punk somehow does not get DQ'd for a low blow. Joe locks in a half-crab. Punk fights off a tope rope Muscle Buster and hits the Pepsi Plunge, but Punk rolls to the outside on impact, so he can't make the cover. Double-clothesline KO's both men. Joe hits...something off the second rope. Punk ends a slap exchange with a DDT, but cannot make the cover, and the time limit expires.

Crowd chants for five more minutes, but Homicide runs in and steals the title belt. I really think this match is overrated. They didn't get into second gear until about 50 minutes into it, and there was nothing really special about it. I did like the psychology of Punk's strategy, but it's not very visuall exciting to see headlocks for 15 minutes. I don't think there were enough momentum changes either.

-Match 2: Joe VS Punk II 10/16/04

-Punk gets a quick crucifix roll-up for two. First few minutes are a feeling out process. Joe has a surprising amount of support in Chicago. Joe gets a modified Camel Clutch. Punk, in a callback to the first match, starts working headlocks. Joe gets annoyed and hits some stiff chops, but Punk goes back to the headlock. Pace picks up, and Punk avoids a knee-lift before turning it into a schoolboy for two. Joe, frustrated, bails to the outside.

They start to exchange strike, and Joe ducks a spinning backfist before flooring Punk with a kick. Joe gets the advantage with a Greco-Roman knucklelock. Punk actually wins a chop exchange. Punk goes OLD SCHOOL and drops a leg across Joe's arm. Punk starts working the arm as well as the headlock. Joe goes for his back chop/kick to the chest/kneedrop combo, but Punk blocks the kick and locks in a headlock.

They go to the floor, and Joe gives Punk a belly-to-back suplex. Joe hits the combo he went for earlier, utilizing a second back chop when Punk blocks the kick again. Joe hits the facewash, so Punk gives him one in receipt. Punk uses a knee in the back to drive Joe face-first into the mat for two. Joe bends Punk almost completely backward, but doesn't get the submission.

Punk tries a crossbody, but Joe casually moves out of the way. Joe hits a delayed vertical suplex for two. Punk jumps over a legsweep, and hits a dropkick. Joe gets the legsweep seconds later anyway. Joe locks in a Boston Crab. Joe hits the facewash again. Joe starts pounding on Punk, but walks into a boot, and a hurricarana. Punk hits a couple Ole Kicks on Joe.  Punk jumps off the apron and goes for a hurricarana, but Joe catches him, and swings him into the barricade.

Punk cuts off a Joe Ole Kick attempt, but ends up losing a strike exchange, and ends up eating a couple Ole Kicks anyway. Punk charges into a urinage for two. Joe hits a suicide forearm to the outside. The announcers sign off with about 20 minutes left in the match. Joe hits a DDT on the apron. Punk signals for a running knee, but Joe hits a spear for two. Joe misses a splash from the top. Punk hits a series of kicks, but runs into a snap powerslam for two. Joe locks in a cross-arm breaker, but Punk makes it to the ropes.

Punk counters a powerbomb with a hurricarana, and follows up with a big boot for two. Punk hits a tornado DDT for two. Joe comes back with a gutbuster, punt kick to the head, and a brainbuster for two. Punk ducks a clothesline, and hits a hammerlock DDT for two. Joe ducks the Pepsi Twist and hits a powerbomb for two, then locks in an STF when Punk kicks out. Punk gets a sunset flip for two, then follows up with a Shining Wizard for another two count.

Punk hits a moonsault for two. Joe goes through a series of unneccessary moves just to try a short-arm clothesline, which Punk ducks, and locks in a sleeper. After a long fight on the top rope, Joe fights off the Pepsi Plunge, and hits a superplex. They fight up top again, and again Joe hits a superplex, but the time limit expires.

Match was definitely better than the first, but there was still way too much time in the beginning of the match where they were clearly setting themselves up to go long, instead of actually trying to win the match.

-Match 3: All Star Extravaganza II 12/4/04

-Punk gets annoyed after being hit with several chops early on. Punk intentionally hits a weak chop then challenges Joe to do better. Punk ducks the chop, and gets a schoolboy for two. Punk takes control with headlocks and low dropkicks to the head. Joe hits a series of strikes in the corner, but Punk fires back, eventually dropping Joe with a slap to the face. Joe catches Punk with a hard kick, which knocks Punk through the ropes, and busts him wide open.

Joe hits the back chop/kick to the chest/kneedrop combo for two, then tears at Punk's open wound. Joe hits a urinage for two. Joe hits Punk with some headbuts, and follows up with the facewash for two. Joe takes Punk outside, and hits an Ole Kick. Punk stops a second Ole Kick, and hits a missile dropkick off the ring apron. Back in, Punk hits a crossbody from the top for two. Punk hits a tornado DDT for two. Joe counters a Shining Wizard with a snap powerslam for two. Punk counters a cross-armbreaker with a rollup for two. Joe hits a powerbomb, then stretches Punk.

Punk fights out of a full nelson suplex, and hits a hammerlock DDT for two. Punk hits the Pepsi Twist and a moonsault for two. Joe counters a powerbomb with a hurricrana, and hits a huge lariat for two. Punk comes back with a mule kick and a Shining Wizard for two. Joe dodges the Pepsi Twist, and locks in a sleeper. Punk looks to be out, but Ricky Steamboat (who is sitting at ringside) stops the timekeeper from ringing the bell, and Punk snaps to life.

Punk hits two chinbreakers, but Joe keeps the hold on. Punk uses the ropes to get into a pinning position, and that gets two. Punk gets a couple more two counts. Punk staggers Joe with elbows, but Joe takes Punk down, and puts his feet on the ropes, but that only gets two. Joe blocks the Pepsi Plunge. Joe is supposed to miss a splash, but Punk doesn't move far enough, and gets kneed in the head for his troubles.

Punk gets a rollup, but Joe counters into a rear naked choke. Joe hits a German suplex, and a half-nelson suplex, before reapplying the rear naked choke, which is finally enough to put Punk out and allow Joe to retain. My favorite of the three, as it is about half as long and much more energetic than the first two. Punk getting busted open was a great way to increase the urgency for both wrestlers, as they wrestled to win as opposed to spending twenty minutes or so wrestling for the time limit draw.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

ECW on Sci-Fi 3/18/08

-From Biloxi, MS

-Match 1: Kane VS Elijah Burke

-Burke lands a couple quick body shots, but Kane shrugs them off and kicks Burke in the face. Kane hits a backbreaker, and claws at Burke's face. Burke fights back, hitting a dropkick and more body shots. Burke goes for the Elijah Express, but Kane catches him with a chokeslam for the win. Not bad. Too short to mean much though.

-Mark Henry shakes hands with Armando Estrada backstage. Chavo Guerrero walks in, and asks what's up. Armando lets Chavo know about all the big men that will be in the WrestleMania battle royale. Chavo is concerned. Colin Delaney enters to ask Armando about a contract. Chavo gets annoyed and berates Delaney. Armando books Chavo VS Colin for the main event, non-title, but if Colin wins, he gets a contract.

-Floyd Mayweather video airs.

-Match 2: Kofi Kingston VS James Curtis

-Short squash. Kofi fights out of an armbar and finishes with the usual, hitting Trouble in Paradise on the second try after Curtis ducks the first attempt.

-CM Punk tries to get Festus to snap out of his coma. It doesn't work.

-Match 3: WWE Tag Team Champions John Morrison and The Miz & Shelton Benjamin VS Jessie, Festus, & CM Punk

-Morrison gets worked over by Jessie & Festus. Jessie hits a sliding dropkick for two. M & M get sent outside, and Punk hits a springboard dive. Benjamin stops Jessie from hitting a dive, but then tries to punch Festus, who grabs Benjamin's arm and launches him over the top, onto Benjamin's own partners.

Commercial break.

Back from break, Punk is working on Miz. Punk hits a springboard clothesline on Miz for two. Punk becomes the face-in-peril. Punk makes the hot tag and Festus cleans house. Festus avoids the Reality Check, and hits a one-man flapjack for the pin. Pretty decent tag match.

-RAW REBOUND: HHH books Cena/Orton VS the RAW roster, then pedigrees them both afterward.

-Big Show video. Lots of time killing on this episode.

-Match 4: ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero VS Colin Delaney

-Chavo pounds away, but Colin surprised him with a hiptoss and a dropkick. Chavo immediately regains control. Chavo hits two of the Three Amigos, but misses the frog splash. Colin gets two off that, but Chavo finishes right after with a Gory Bomb. Not a bad main event, with a good underdog story to carry it.

-Nothing bad, but nothing spectacular here. Too much time waisting killed the flow of the show.

Monday, September 19, 2011

RoH Death Before Dishonor IX 9/17/11

-From New York City

-Hosts are Kevin Kelly (formerly WWF's only "hermaphrodite"), and Dave Prazak

-Kevin & Dave are in the ring for the pre-show. They bring out RoH Owner Cary Silkin and new COO Dave Cobb (I think that's his name). They bring out Jim Cornette, and Cobb gets the crowd to sing "Happy Birthday" to him on his 50th birthday. Holy fuck, Cornette is ONLY 50?

-Kevin & Dave run down the card.

-Pre-Show Match: Winner gets put in a qualifier at Survival of the Fittest 2011: Grizzly Redwood VS Andy Ridge

-Ridge's nickname "Right Leg", is the dumbest thing I've ever heard in wrestling. Redwood is barely above midget level. For two guys where the story of the match is that they've wrestled each other so much they know each other's moves, they have some miscommunication early on. Redwood gets some jobber offense, and Ridge fails at basically everything that doesn't involve him using his right leg. Redwood hits a sliding bulldog with Ridge on his knees for two. Ridge crotches Redwood on the second rope, then hits an Orton backbreaker in a nice spot. Ridge avoids a 619 and hits a slingshot Ace Crusher for two. Superkick gets two for Ridge. Redwood hits a swinging DDT for two. Ridge counters a sunset flip with a folding press for the pin. Not bad.

-Kevin & Dave review the All-Night Express VS Briscoes feud, when the Briscoes themselves come out. Jay blames what's going to happen to ANX on New York City because Hurricane Irene destroyed his daddy's chicken farm. OK then.

-Match 1: Tomasso Ciampa & Rhino (w/The Embassy) VS Homicide & Ring of Honor Television Champion Jay Lethal

-Lethal out-wrestles Ciampa, so Ciampa tags in Rhino. Homicide tags himself in and gets overpowered before hitting a neckbreaker for two. Lethal and Ciampa get back in, and Ciampa dropkicks Lethal off the apron and into the barricade. Lethal no-sells some chops before hitting some of his own, but Ciampa springs from a seated position and hits a low dropkick. That was cool. Rhino floors Lethal with a big clothesline for two.

Belly-to-belly sets up the GORE GORE GORE, but Lethal moves out of the way, and drops Rhino with a superkick. Homicide goes for the Three Amigos, but Ciampa blocks the third, so Homicide hits an Exploder suplex instead. Homicide hits a tope con hilo on Rhino, but takes a Northern Lights suplex for two. Ciampa exposes his knee and hits three running knees to Homicide's face, but Homicide blocks a powerbomb and hits an Ace Crusher. Lethal takes Rhino to the outside with a hurricarana, but Ciampa finishes Homicide with the Project Ciampa (powerbomb into a lungblower). Great finishing move. Embassy sworm on Homicide until Lethal grabs his TV title belt and chases them away. Decent opener, and I'm coming away from this match really liking Ciampa.

-Match 2: Mike Bennett (w/Brutal Bob Evans) VS Ring of Honor Tag Team Champion Shelton Benjamin

-Kevin & Dave talk about RoH fans saying that Bennett is a crappy wrestler on twitter. Is that how they try to put heel heat on guys these days? Bennett starts avoiding Shelton as the crowd really gets on his case. NYC fans question Bennett's sexual orientation after Kevin & Dave discuss Bennett dating Playboy bunnies. Bennett gets Shelton tied in the ropes, and hits a backbreaker. Bennett takes too long setting up a suplex, and Shelton counters with a small package for two. Bennett hits a crappy dropkick, and Dave makes it worse by talking about how great a move it was.

Shelton hits a neckbreaker, and they do the "boo-yay" punch exchange, which Shelton wins. Bennett charges into a sky-high for two. Bennett blocks Paydirt with a backbreaker for two. Bennett hits a missile dropkick for two. Shelton counters a urinage with a rollup for two. Shelton launches Bennett with a release German suplex. That gets two, as Evans puts Bennett's foot on the ropes. Shelton chases Evans into the ring, where Evans accidentally helps Shelton hit the Dragon Whip on Bennett. Shelton superkicks Evans, then finishes Bennett with Paydirt. It appears that Bennett's deal is that he wrestles a slow WWE style, but it was not a good outing for him. This was pretty boring and never got out of first gear.

-Match 3: Elimination Match: The Bravado Brothers VS Future Shock (Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly) VS The Young Bucks

-Bravados look like they're from a 1970s TV family. One man from each team in the ring at one time, they can only tag their own partner. Bravados jump the other teams at the bell. Series of dives put everyone on the floor. O'Reilly hits a flying kick on one of the Bravados from inside the ring to the outside against the barricade. O'Reilly hits a series of kicks on Lancelot Bravado. Nick Jackson hits a springboard frog splash on Lancelot for two. Bucks and O'Reilly hit a series of moves on Lancelot, culmintaing in a wheelbarrow Ace Crusher by the Bucks. Harlem Bravado prevents a Cole/Matt Jackson showdown.

Matt walks into a bicycle kick from Harlem, but Nick hits a slingshot X-Factor. Match breaks down, and Future Shock hit Ride the Lightning (legsweep/clothesline combo) on Lancelot for the pin and the first elimination.

Bucks hit a series of moves on Cole, ending with a spike tombstone, but O'Reilly makes the save. Future Shock almost get a double submission, as O'Reilly locks in a triangle choke while hitting elbows on Nick, and Cole locks in a guillotine choke on Matt. The team exchange superkicks before Cole floors Matt with a clothesline to put all four men down. Bucks hit the More Bang for Your Buck series of moves, a Finlay roll, followed by a 450 splash, followed by a moonsault for the pin. Match was a collection of spots (which, if you know anything about the Bucks, you're not surprised), so it was entertaining if particularly memorable. Kevin Kelly takes a dig at Booker T for saying the Bucks didn't have any talent. Bucks refuse to shake hands with Future Shock, pissing off the crowd.

-Match 4: El Generico VS Jimmy Jacobs

-Slow start as they work to establish that Jacobs is working on the level. Generico hits a backbreaker for two. Generico hits some chops, which only annoy Jacobs, who hits a neckbreaker, and follows with a suicide dive. Generico blocks the Contra Code and hits a spinning sitout powerbomb for two. Generico hits a Michinoku Driver for two. Generico hits a swank snap half-nelson suplex. Generico wants a Yakuza kick, but ends up charging into the End Time. Generico counters, so Jacobs gets a rollup for two.

Jacobs hits a springboard Ace Crusher for two. Generico catches Jacobs with a nasty running Yakuza kick, but Jacobs blocks the turnbuckle brainbuster, and hits a spear on the ring apron for two. Generico hits a second Yakuza kick, but Jacobs again fights off the turnbuckle brainbuster, and hits a swinging DDT.

Kevin Steen emerges from the crowd, and grabs the house mic, taunting both wrestlers before the mic is cut off. Wrestlers and security come out to take Steen away. Jacobs attacks Steen, but ends up taking a powerbomb onto the ring apron. Generico hits a dive that takes out everyone BUT Steen. Steen lays out some people in the ring, then tries to give Cary Silkin a package piledriver. He is stopped, and the crowd BOOS. Cornette gets in and Steen flips him off and spits on him, so Cornette tries to get a piece. Generico and Steen are held apart as Steen is forced through the crowd and out of the building. Match was pretty good, and I liked the psychology of Jacobs trying to walk the straight-and-narrow. The stuff with Steen was pretty heated, and I'm interested in seeing where this whole thing goes.


-Match 5: Michael Elgin (w/Truth Martini) VS Ring of Honor Tag Team Champion Charlie Haas

-Elgin looks like a quickly-made CAW in No Mercy. Haas does some arm work to start. Haas tries to springboard, but Martini grabs his foot, allowing Elgin to knock Haas into the barricade. Elgin hits a shoulder block from the top for two. A series of simultaneous clotheslines puts both men down. Haas wins a "boo-yay" strike exchange, then hits a big boot and a series of German suplexes. Elgin runs into a powerslam for two.

Elgin hits a cradile Michinoku Driver for two. They go outside, and Haas hits a belly-to-back suplex onto the barricade. Back in the ring, Elgin hits a superplex for two. Elgin goes up, but Haas hits a pop-up German superplex. Haas hits a big lariat...for the pin? OK. Match was decent. Nothing special, as Haas has zero physical charisma, and, as I wrote earlier, Elgin looks like a No Mercy CAW and didn't bring much to the match.

-Match 6: Ringmaster Challenge: Roderick Strong (w/Truth Martini) VS Eddie Edwards

-This is best of 3, with the first fall being pinfall only, second fall is submission only, and third is a 15 minute Iron Man match. Talk about overbooking.

FIRST FALL: Neither man gains a clear advantage for the first few minutes. Edwards rolls out of a schoolboy attempt, so Strong hits a STIFF superkick for two. Strong takes control, and hits a urinage backbreaker for two. Strong hits a series of elbows, but then gets dumped on his head. Strong blocks a backpack stunner, and hits a slam for two. Edwards hits a double-knee to the chest, but Strong comes right back with a suplex into a Death From Above varation with Edwards landing back-first on Strong's knees, and that gets the pin to put Strong up 1-0.

SECOND FALL: Strong locks in an arm-submission, but Edwards makes it to the ropes. Edwards blocks a big boot, and locks in an STF, but Strong makes it to the ropes. They go outside, and Strong hits a high knee before delivering a bodyslam into a seated chair that's leaned up against the barricade. Strong then drops Edwards back first onto the seat of the chair. Strong locks in the Stronghold, but Edwards won't give it up. Strong hits Death From Above and a half-nelson backbreaker, but Edwards locks in a single-leg crab, and Strong taps to even the match at 1-1.

THIRD FALL: They brawl on the outside, with Strong mostly trying to create some distance. Back in the ring, Edwards hits a modified Awful Waffle, but can't make the cover. Strong hits a back breaker by dropping Edwards on the top turnbuckle. Strong hits a Death From Above backbreaker for two. Strong locks in the Stronghold, but Edwards makes it to the ropes.

Strong takes Eddie outside, and gives him a double underhook powerbomb on the entrance ramp. Edwards BARELY makes it back in the ring at 19. Eddie fights off the Stronghold with chops to the neck. Strong goes up, but Edwards hits three enziguiris and a backback stunner for two. Eddie hits a spinning backfist and a belly-to-back suplex for two. Edwards hits a superplex for two. Strong avoids a 2K1 bomb, which sets off a series of rollups and reversals. Strong gets a backslide, and Martini helps hold Edwards down for the pin, and Strong takes the lead with 90 seconds left.

Edwards goes after Martini, who accidentally hits Strong with the Book of Truth, which leads to a 2K1 bomb and pin by Edwards to tie it up. The time limit expires, and the crowd is NOT happy when it looks like it'll be a draw. Cornette comes out and declares that this match MUST CONTINUE, one fall to a finish.

Chop exchange proves nothing. Strong hits a high knee, but Edwards hits two superkicks and a Tiger suplex for two. Strong comes back with another hight knee, followed by a Sick Kick for two. Edwards counters a top rope gutbuster with a hurricarana. Edwards hits Death From Above, but Strong knocks him for a loop with another Sick Kick. Edwards knocks Strong off the top with a couple enziguris, then hits a double stomp on the apron for two. Edwards hits a sit-out powerbomb for two. Edwards finally finishes with the 2K1 Bomb. Match was good and managed to overcome the goofy stipulations, and it really stood out against the bland undercard. I liked Edwards having to fight from underneath. It's something he's good at. They did get bogged down with big mover overkill in the extra time though.

-Match 7: Ladder War III: The All Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus) VS The Briscoe Brothers

-The prize is a contract for a future tag team championship match. The Briscoes come out wearing gas masks. Titus lets the Briscoes double-team King while he grabs a ladder. They brawl on the outside, and King gets backdropped through a table. Briscoes take turns throwing a chair at Titus, then drive him face-first into the chair which is wedged in the corner. Titus is busted open, but he manages to fight back. ANX drive a ladder into Jay's nuts. They then wedge his head in between the rings and ram it into the ringpost.

Titus is a mess. Jay gets busted open somehow, and quickly matches him. Mark gets opened up too soon after. Jay tosses a ladder over the top and onto Titus. Briscoes beal King into a ladder propped in the corner. Jay dropkicks a chair into King's face. Briscoes go for a spiked Jay Driller, but Titus shoves Mark through a table to break it up. ANX drive Jay through a table with a springoard blockbuster/powerbomb combo. Titus climbs a ladder, but Jay dropkicks it out from underneath him. Briscoes set up a ladder and a table in the aisle, and Mark ends up diving off the ladder, splashing Titus through the table.

Back in the ring, King hits a shooting star press on Jay. King and Jay fight it out on top of a ladder, and King knocks Jay off, then grabs the contract for the win. OK car crash that went way too long. Didn't have much flow to it. Good booking decision to give ANX the win here, as the Briscoes don't need it.

FINAL THOUGHTS: OK show. Undercard was a series of TV-quality matches. Last two matches were a step above the rest, but that doesn't say much. RoH really needed to ass a sense of fun to this show, as PRO WRESTLING IS SERIOUS BUSINESS gets tiring after a while. If this was my first exposure to RoH, I might not be moved to check it out again. Still, I am looking forward to the new TV show.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

NWA/WCW Big Event Project #31: Capitol Combat "The Return of Robocop"


-From Washington D.C.


-Hosts are JR & Bob Caudle

-Match 1: Hair VS Hair: Paul Ellering VS Theodore R. Long

-Teddy comes out in full boxer sparring gear. Teddy jumps Paul at the bell, and hits some truly awful punches. Teddy loads one of his gloves, but Paul gets a hold of it, and KO's Teddy for the pin. Mercifully short.

-Tony is with the Horsemen. Ole says, literally, that Luger is going to die in the cage tonight. Flair says if Luger has a leg problem going into the match, then Luger will be a one-legged athelete the rest of his life. Arn says the Horsemen will die before Flair loses the title. Sid just stands there.

-Match 2: NWA United States Tag Team Championship: Brian Pillman & Z-Man [c] VS The Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)

-Cornette is to be locked in a cage during the match. Cornette tries to avoid being in the cage, but runs into Randy Anderson, and the champs help put him in there. Neither team can gain a real advantage until the Midnights screw up a double team, and Lane dropkicks Eaton in the stomach. Midnights just cannot get on track, as the champions cut them off at every turn. Champions continue to dominate, and the crowd doesn't seem to care too much. Eaton is backdropped over the top, but no DQ is called for.

Midnights finally get something going when Pillman dives at Lane but misses, sending himself out over the top. Eaton hits Pillman with a neckbreaker on the floor, and Lane follows up by knocking Pillman off the apron into the guardrail. Crowd wakes up as the Midnights go to work. Pillman gets a visual fall on Lane with a sunset flip, but Eaton detains the ref. Eaton tags in, and hits a flying elbow for two.

Midnights keep cutting Pillman off from making the tag. Eaton hits a legdrop from the top for two. Pillman hits a sloppy tilt-a-whirl slam, and finally makes the hot tag to Zenk. Zenk locks a sleeper on Lane, but gets hit by Eaton, and Lane takes Zenk down with a crisp Russian Leg Sweep. Midnights hit the Rocket Launcher, but Zenk kicks out at two. Eaton misses a charge, and Zenk hits a crossbody. Lane makes the save, and the match breaks down. Eaton hits an enziguiri on Zenk, and Eaton rolls Zenk up for the pin and the titles. Good match that picked up considerably once the Midnights finally got some offense.

-JR throws it TO THE BACK with Gordon Solie, as Sting is apparently arriving. Instead, we see ROBOCOP arrive, and the camera cuts out because it's terrified of ROBOCOP.

-Sting comes out, followed by ROBOCOP. As ROBOCOP makes his s l o w entrance, the Horsemen lock Sting in the cage Cornette was in. ROBOCOP makes the save, and the Horsemen bail, allowing ROBOCOP to pull the bars of the cage, allowing Sting to escape. What the fuck was the point of this? Was Robocop supposed to be wrestling at some point? Did Jim Herd see the WWF's angle with Zeus and decide to copy it with a successful, babyface movie character?

-Tony Schiavone is with the returning JYD. Cornette interrupts to gloat about the Midnights winning the US tag titles. JYD insinuates that he's spent his time away from the NWA nailing Cornette's mom, and blocks a tennis racket shot.

-Match 3: Corporal Punishment Match: The Rock 'N' Roll Express VS The Fabulous Freebirds

-Gary Michael Chapetta introduces the Freebirds as "the great rock and roll band of all time". This is a strap match. The straps are hung in the corners, as opposed to the wrestlers being attached at the wrist. RnR control the first few minutes. Hayes keeps distracting the ref, and the RnR piss Hayes off by switching without making a tag. RnR locks both Freebirds into a figure 4, but the 'Birds turn the tide. Hayes starts to whip Gibson, but backs off when Gibson grabs his strap. Gibson straps both Freebirds, sending them running.

Garvin gets the advantage on Gibson, and literally rubs his face in the mat. Hayes KO's Morton with a punch, and the match picks up. Morton becomes the face-in-peril. Morton finally makes the hot tag, but Gibson quickly gets DDT's by Hayes. Hayes goes for a second DDT, but Morton hits a sunset flip from the top, and gets the pin. Nothing special here. Didn't have the hatred and intensity one would want out of a gimmick match like this.

-Tony is with "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry Doug Furnas. Furnas says Lex is going to be OK. Sting says Luger will get out there and wrestle, and that Sting would do the same thing.

-Match 4: NWA World Tag team Championship: The Steiner Brothers [c] VS Doom (w/Teddy Long)

-Scott starts tossing Simmons around, and the crowd loves it. Steiners don't seem particularly interested in giving Doom anything. Doom finally get something going and Scott is the FIP. Scott appears to be ready to make the tag after reversing a suplex on Reed, but Simmons gets tagged and gives Scott a vicious knee that sends Scott through the ropes. Scott gets a modified suplex as a small "boring" chant can be heard. Simmons essentially no-sells it, and goes back to kicking Scott before tagging in Reed.

Reed hits Scott with a bulldog for two. Reed gets a nice piledriver on Scott before tagging in Simmons. Scott gets a fucked-up powerslam on Simmons. Scott hits the Frakensteiner on Simmons, and finally makes the hot tag. Steiners get a double suplex on Reed, but Simmons makes the save. Match breaks down. Simmons shoves Scott into the ringpost, then helps Reed counter a top rope belly-to-belly by pulling Rick down with Reed on top of him, and that gets the pin and the titles for Doom. Match sucked and probably suffered from being the third straight lengthy tag match worked seemingly the same way, but the finish was nice.

-Tony Schiavone interviews the new champions. Teddy invites Tony and Jim Herd to Doom's celebration.

-Match 5: NWA World Heavyweight Championship Cage Match: Ric Flair [c] (w/Woman) VS NWA United States Champion Lex Luger

-JR & Caudle really putting Lex over as the most courageous man in wrestling makes me wonder; which sudden and heavy-handed babyface turn for Lex was worse, this one, or the Lex Express? Flair is adament that Woman be allowed in the cage. The ref checks her and Flair, finding an "international" object. I don't know why someone didn't show whomever suggested avoiding the term "foreign" a dictionary. The cages is a lot like WWE's Hell in a Cell, which surrounds the ringside area and has a roof on it. It's thin bars instead of mesh though.

Luger immediately gets Flair in trouble. Flair starts landing chops, and it takes some time for Luger to start selling them. Luger no-sells a suplex and completely destroys Flair, busting Flair wide open by smashing his face into the cage. Flair gets battered in the ring, goes out to the cage, and gets hurt even worse. Lex hits superplex, but the move jolts Lex's injured knee, and Flair pounces right on it. Flair locks in a ropes-assisted figure 4.

The rest of the Horsemen come to ringside, and Luger fires up. Ole and Arn try to find a weak spot in the cage as Luger hits a clothesline for two. Sting comes down to prevent any possible Horsemen interference, and just as it looks like Sting is in trouble, El Gigante makes the save for Sting. Which outfit is worse, Gigante's ...whatever here, and his furry body suit in the WWF?

Luger has Flair beat with the Rack, but the Cage rases, allowing Barry Windham to rush in and attack Luger, drawing the DQ. Flair, AA, and Windham triple team Luger as Sting, Sid, and Gigante are nowhere to be found. Sting finally makes his way to ringside, but the cage is back down, as Ole is at the control according to JR. The cage finally raises, and Sting gets in to chase the Horsemen away. Good main event. Don't like a DQ in a Cage match, but it makes sense here. I know some people wanted Luger should have won here, but I can see why he didn't, as the story was with Sting.

-Tony gets a word with the Horsemen, namely Flair, who goes nuts. Sting and Gigante chase the Horsemen to the back.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: Pretty boring for the most part, of what was shown (the first three matches on the card were cut). I don't get the point of A.) having RoboCop be a selling point of the show and B.) then have him do not much. As stupid as the whole thing is, he should have been the one making the save with Sting at the end. The matches shown aren't the good, as the tag matches went too long and should not have been back-to-back-to-back. The main event was good and heated at least.

Friday, September 16, 2011

ECW on Sci-Fi: 3/11/08

-From Chicago, IL

-Match 1: Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship: John Morrison & The Miz [c] VS Tommy Dreamer & Colin Delaney

-Challengers suck up to Chicago as Dreamer wears a Cubs jersey, and they have a White Sox jersey among their plunder. Champs try to double-team Dreamer, but end up getting wiped out on the floor. Miscommunication allows Dreamer to slide a Kendo stick to Delaney, and he tees off on the champions. Champions turn the tide as Morrison nails Delaney with the Kendo stick, and Miz hits Dreamer with a trash can lid. Dreamer blocks a double team, and slams Miz onto Morrison with the trash can lid in between.

Challengers hit the "Whazzup" headbut with Delaney wearing a Chicago Bears' football helmet. Both champions get tied to the Tree of Woe, and Dreamer dropkicks a trash can into them. A Tower of Doom spot leaves all four down, and Delaney covers Morrison for two. Delaney goes for a Sliced Bread #2 or an Acid Drop, but Morrison pushes him to the floor, then follows up with a garbage can assisted moonsault off the apron.

Dreamer tries to give Miz a Death Valley Driver through a table, but ends up taking a double team spinebuster through the table, and the champs retain. Pretty good match, possibly the best since I've started watching these shows.

-ECW GM Armando Estrada announces that at WrestleMania XXIV, there will be a 24 man battle royale between superstars from all three brands, with the winner facing Chavo Guerrero for the ECW title at WrestleMania. Estrada brings out one of the participants; The Great Khali.

-Match 2: The Great Khali VS Stevie Richards

-Say good-bye to your push Stevie. Stevie throws some weak punches, but immediately gets caught with the Tree Slam and pinned. Thankfully short.

-Mike Knox attacks Richards afterwards, laying him out with the Knox Out.

-LATER TONIGHT: CM Punk VS Big Daddy V in a Money in the Bank Qualifier in the main event.

-Match 3: Deuce (w/Domino & Cherry) VS Kofi Kingston

-Short squash. Deuce gets some jobber offense, Kofi hits his usual, and finishes with Trouble in Paradise out of nowhere.

-LAST NIGHT ON RAW: Tempers flare at the Big Show/Floyd Mayweather weigh-in.

-Leena Yada interviews hometown boy CM Punk about his match tonight. He says nothing of note.

-Match 4: Festus VS Elijah Burke

-BISCUITS AND GRAVAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY! Festus charges right into the 4UP punch, then the ringpost, allowing Burke to start working on his arm. Festus fights back with a bicycle kick, sit-down splash, and modified F-5 for the win. Not much here, and didn't seem to have a point to it.

-Shelton Benjamin comes out for guest commentary.

-Match 5: Money in the Bank Qualifier: Big Daddy V (w/Matt Striker) VS CM Punk

-Punk tries kicking at V, but ends up running into a Black Hole Slam. V s l o w l y works Punk over, but misses a charge. Punk hits a couple running knees, but stupidly goes for the GTS. V falls on Punk, but gets caught when he goes out after him. Punk snaps V's neck on the top rope, and wins by count out. Matt Striker tries to get a piece, but takes a GTS for his troubles. Crap main event that did nothing for Punk.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: The opener was good, then it was downhill from there.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

EWR Diary: Week 1

OK, I've finally decided to try another EWR diary. I have chosen to start the game at October 2007, mainly because it's the first update after Chris Benoit, who I don't want to worry about in this game. I have my own style, and will look to do some things that wouldn't really happen in WWE: re-build the tag division(s), rebuild the cruiserweight division, and make the ECW "brand" the indy arm of WWE, something totally separate from Raw & Smackdown. Soon, ECW will be TV only, not appearing on PPV at all.

Oh, and I'm ignoring the insipid "Who is Mr. McMahon's illegitimate child?" angle.

WWE: John Cena
WORLD: Batista
ECW: CM Punk
IC: Jeff Hardy
WORLD TAG: Cade & Murdoch
WWE TAG: Matt Hardy & MVP
WOMENS: Candice Michelle

RAW GM: William Regal
SMACKDOWN GM: Teddy Long (w/Assistant Vickie Guerrero)
ECW GM: Armando Estrada

I will be using the real WWE TV & PPV schedule, as having actual towns to book for will aid me. Since I am doing so, No Mercy will end my first week, and without any time to build up feuds of my own, I will be using most of the actual PPV card, with a couple of acceptions (hopefully John Cena will not get injured on Raw in this alternate WWE, so No Mercy will go off without a hitch).

Raw 10/1/07:

-From Cleveland, OH.

-RAW GM William Regal announces that in preparation for their WWE Championship Last Man Standing Match at No Mercy, he is allowing John Cena and Randy Orton to pick each other's opponents for tonight.

-Match 1: Intercontinental Championship: Jeff Hardy [c] def. Mr. Kennedy

-Hardy pins Kennedy with the Swanton to win a back-and-forth match. After the bell, Kennedy lays Hardy out with the Mic Check. (*1/2)

-HHH cut a promo on Umaga. HHH says Umaga may be big and bad, but HHH is bigger and badder, and so he will win their Street Fight at No Mercy.

-Match 2: Cody Rhodes (w/Hardcore Holly) def. Daivari

-Rhodes wins a quick match with a DDT. Holly gives him a pat on the back afterward. (1/4*)

-Match 3: WWE Champion John Cena def. King Booker

-Cena wins clean with the FU. After the match, Randy Orton sneaks in and lays Cena out with an RKO. (**1/4)

-Match 4: Beth Phoenix & Melina def. WWE Women's Champion Candice Michelle & Mickie James

-Beth pins Candice clean with the Glam Slam, after dominating the match. Crowd was dead after the last match. (-*)

-Santino Marella sees Beth Phoenix backstage and hits on her, wishing her luck in her Women's title match at No Mercy. Beth slaps him on the ass as he walks away.

-Match 5: World Tag Team Championship: London & Kendrick def. Cade & Murdoch [c] by DQ

-London had Cade pinned, but Murdoch nailed him with one of the title belts to draw the DQ. (**1/2)

-A No Mercy hype video airs, focusing on Cena VS Orton.

-Match 6: Triple H def. Randy Orton by DQ

-HHH had the momentum in a long-ish main event when Umaga came out from the back and attacked him, drawing the DQ. HHH fights back, but Orton blind-sides HHH, allowing Umaga to take HHH out with the Samoan Spike. (**3/4)

-As Randy Orton walks back up the entrance ramp, John Cena lays him out with a belt shot and an FU. Cena poses with the belt as the show closes.

-Quality Rating: 72 % TV Rating: 6.89

-Post-Show Notes: You can tell this is an alternate WWE Universe, as I got an e-mail about using Randy Orton too much. MVP wants to wrestle Ric Flair.

ECW 10/2/07:

-From Dayton, OH

-ECW GM Armando Estrada announces that as a preview of the CM Punk/Big Daddy V ECW title match at No Mercy, both men will be in action tonight.

-The Miz bitches about having to wrestle Balls Mahoney.

-Match 1: Balls Mahoney def. The Miz by count out

-Miz took a walk when Balls started to gain momentum. (3/4*)

-Match 2: Big Daddy V def. Tommy Dreamer

-V won a quick squash, finishing Dreamer with a Big Fat Elbow. (3/4*)

-CM Punk cut a promo on his ECW title defense against Big Daddy V at No Mercy.

-Match 3: ECW Champion CM Punk def. John Morrison

-Punk wins a long main event clean with the GTS. (**) Big Daddy V lays Punk out after the match.

-Quality Rating: 71% TV Rating: 3.19

SMACKDOWN (taped 10/2/07, airs 10/5/07)

-From Dayton, OH

-Batista opened the show with an interview about his World title defense against The Great Khali in a Cage Match at No Mercy (no Punjabi Prison in EWR). Khali and Runjin Singh interrupt, and let Batista know that Khali is going to destroy Batista's mentor Ric Flair in their match tonight.

-Match 1: Finlay def. Chuck Palumbo
-Finlay wins after a shot with a shillaleigh and the Celtic Cross. Finlay adds another Celtic Cross, a message for his No Mercy opponent, Rey Mysterio. (**1/2)

-As Matt Hardy warms up for his match, MVP enters the locker room to tell Matt that he has his back.

-Match 2: Deuce N' Domino def. The Majors Brothers

-Deuce pins Brett clean after Crack 'Em In The Mouth. (1/2*)

-MVP is walking backstage, and he bumps into Deuce and Domino. The three exchange words, and MVP ends up getting beaten down.

-Match 3: WWE Tag Team Champion Matt Hardy def. Kenny Dykstra

-Matt wins a semi-competitive match with the Twist of Fate. (**1/4)

-Deuce and Domino rush the ring and attack Matt Hardy.

-Match 4: Victoria def. Michelle McCool

-Victoria wins clean with the Widow's Peak. I need some Divas that can wrestle. (-*)

-Match 5: Rey Mysterio def. Gregory Helms

-Helms put up a good fight, but Mysterio wins clean with the 619 and West Coast Pop. Finlay lays Rey out after the match. (***3/4)

-Ric Flair says he's done it all and seen it all, and he's not afraid of The Great Khali.

-Match 6: The Great Khali def. Ric Flair

-Flair tries all of his dirty tricks, but fell victim to the Khali Vice Grip. Batista rushes out to save Flair from a beatdown, but ends up feeling the Vice Grip himself. (1/2*)

Quality Rating: 71% TV Rating: 6.89

-Post Show Notes: I overused Matt Hardy, Deuce, and Domino.

NO MERCY 10/7/07:

-From Chicago, IL

-Match 1: Mr. Kennedy, and World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch def. Intercontinental Champions Jeff Hardy, Paul London, & Brian Kendrick

-Kennedy ended a series where everyone hit their finishers by killing Kendrick with the Mic Check. (**)

-Match 2: Rey Mysterio def. Finlay

-Mysterio wins clean by countering the Celtic Cross with a rollup. (***1/2)

-Match 3: ECW Championship: CM Punk [c] def. Big Daddy V

-V tried to use an exposed turnbuckle, but ended up getting mashed into it. Punk covered the KO'd V for the win. Punk went into his hometown crowd to celebrate. No selling from Big Daddy V. Shocking. (1/2*)

-Match 4: WWE Women's Championship: Beth Phoenix def. Candice Michelle [c] to win the title

-Beth wins clean with the Glam Slam. I REALLY need some divas who can wrestle. (-**)

-Match 5: WWE Tag Team Championship: Matt Hardy & MVP [c] def. Deuce & Domino

-Matt hit Domino with the Twist of Fate. MVP tagged himself in, and hit the Playmaker for the win. (*3/4)

-Match 6: Triple H def. Umaga in a Street Fight

-HHH wins after a sledgehammer to the head, followed by the Pedigree. (***)

-Match 7: World Heavyweight Championship: Batista [c] def. The Great Khali in a Cage Match

-Batista pinned Khali after a spinebuster. Khali didn't sell anything. I for one am stunned. (-*)

-Match 8: WWE Championship: John Cena [c] def. Randy Orton in a Last Man Standing Match

-Cena wins after hitting an F-U off the ring apron, through the ECW announce table. Orton catches Cena with an RKO after the match, and tells him that it's not over. (***1/2)

Quality Rating: 76% Buy Rate: 1.63

NWA/WCW Big Event Project #30: Wrestle War '90 "Wild Thing"


-From Greensboro, NC

-Hosts are JR & Terry Funk

-JR & Funk run down the card. JR notes that Theodore R. Long is claiming that Dan Spivey is injured, and won't be wrestling. JR calls Ole and Arn "the Anderson brothers".

-Teddy is with Gordon Solie. He reiterates that Spivey is hurt. Teddy says he's hired another wrestler to take his place for the night, and that he has a big surprise later.

-Match 1: The Rock 'N' Roll Express VS The Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)

-Lane introduces Cornette as "the man who stole Ivana from Donald Trump", and JR calls Cornette gay in so many words. Lane and Gibson start. Gibson counters an attempted monkey flip with a fist drop, causing Lane to bail. Cornette challenges Nick Patrick, and freaks out when Patrick accepts. Crowd LOVES the whole thing. Things don't go any better for the Midnights' and Lane ends up shoving Eaton down on the outside. Lane punches Morton down and tags in Eaton, who promptly loses the momentum after being taken down with a series of arm drags.

Rock 'N' Rolls dominate the first few minutes, but then Ricky Morton becomes the face-in-peril. Eaton hits a senton for two. Lance hits a powerslam, but Gibson makes the save. Morton gets a sunset flip on Lane, who manages to tag Eaton. Eaton catches the unaware Morton with a swinging neckbreaker. Midnights hits the Rocket Launcher, but Gibson makes the save again. Lance hits a side slam, and they go for the Rocket Launcher again, but this time Morton gets his knees up, and is finally able to make the tag.

Cornette waffles Gibson with the tennis racket, but that only gets two. The Midnights go for a two man flapjack, but Morton spears Eaton and Gibson rolls up Lane for the pin. Really hot opener with well-executed tag formula.

-Match 2: Street Fight: Mean Mark Callous & a masked man [Mike Enos] (w/Theodore R. Long) VS The Road Warriors (w/Paul Ellering)

-Roadies hop on motorcycles and are driven the short length from the entrance to the ring. Doom (in suits) come down to watch the match. Enos throws some spectacularly awful punches on Animal. Warriors win pretty quickly with the Doomsday Device on Enos. No-DQ didn't even come into play. Roadies, bullies that they are, pull Teddy into the ring and throw him out, but Doom catch him, and start a fight with the Roadies.

Simmons pulls something out of his boot, but Animal takes it, and hits Simmons with it. Simmons no-sells, and they keep going until the Roadies throw Doom out of the ring. Doom really should have won that fight.

-Match 3: NWA United States Tag Team Championship: Brian Pillman & The Z-Man [c] VS The Freebirds

-Pillman & Zenk steal the Freebirds' ring jacket and pummel them, before egging the crowd into a "Freebirds Suck!" chant. Zenk locks Hayes in an arm bar and yells "Ask Him!" about as loud as he can. Hayes turns the tide as Funk gets upset with JR for forgetting that Funk went to college. Pillman locks in an arm-wringer on Garvin while the crowd reacts to something else going on off camera. Hayes locks a sleeper on Pillman, and JR calls it a "sleep hold".

Pillman is face-in-peril for a bit. Pillman and Garvin knock heads, and that allows Pillman to make the tag. Zenk locks a sleeper on Hayes, but Garvin breaks it up. Hayes locks in a rear chinlock on Zenk, and shows that his trash talk vocabulary is very limited. Zenk tries to fight back, and Hayes locks in his own rear chinlock. Funk and JR take the time to note that Funk has the teeth and breath of a Texan.

Hayes hits a bulldog, yells "YES!", but only gets two. This match is going waaaaay too long. Just as JR says the Freebirds are a DDT away from winning, Zenk catches Hayes with one, and makes the tag to Pillman. Nick Patrick catches Hayes trying to use one of the title belts, so Garvin chucks Pillman into a cameraman. Pillman finishes Garvin with a crossbody from the top shortly after anyway. This was really, really boring, and went an obscene amount of time longer than it should have.

-Match 4: NWA World Tag Team Championship: The Steiner Brothers [c] VS The Minnesota Wrecking Crew

-Arn is the TV champion at this point. Rick shows the Andersons a sign that says "Sting's Revenge". JR again refers to the Andersons as brothers. Steiners manhandle Arn to start. Ole and Rick get in, and neither team can get a real advantage. Arn does manages to drop a knee on Rick, but makes the mistake of going up top, and Rick gets up to meet him. Scott locks Arn in a Figure 4, but Ole makes the save.

Rick becomes the face-in-peril, but Ole does a poor job of stopping Rick from making the tag. Scott takes Arn outside, but misses a clothesline, and ends up hitting the ringpost. Scott isn't FIP for long, hitting a Frankensteiner out of nowhere on Arn. Andersons set Rick up for a double team, but Rick kicks Arn and small packages Ole for the pin to retain. Match was good, but I'm worn out on tag matches right now.

-Match 5: NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Ric Flair [c] (w/Woman) VS NWA United States Champion Lex Luger

-Sting was injured at the last Clash of the Champions, and Luger gets the shot instead, turning face in the process. Match is clipped (ok, this is clipped, but not the US title tag?), and Luger pounds on Flair in the corner. Flair avoids a clothesline, and Luger spills outside. Flair keeps the pressure on Luger, and takes time to try to intimidate Nick Patrick. Flair keeps working Luger over, and Woman joins in when the opportunity presents itself.

Lex finally manages to turn the tide, bashing Flair's head into the guardrail. Flairs comes back, but makes the mistake of trying to suplex Luger off the apron, and Luger reverses into a suplex of his own. Luger bashes Flair's leg into the ringpost as the crowd goes NUTS. Luger botches a figure 4 attempt in spectacular fashion. Flair, perhaps feeling humiliated thta he had to sell that, chops Luger. Luger gets a powerslam for two.

Flair takes control back, and works over Luger's leg to set up the figure 4. Once Flair locks it in, Sting comes down to ringside to pump Luger up. Luger starts no-selling everything Flair throws at him. Luger hits a huge military press slam. Luger gets tired of Woman's shit, but ends up taking a double knee to the back which wipes out Nick Patrick too. Luger cuts off Ole and Arn when they interfere, and locks Flair in the Rack.

The Andersons go after Sting, and Luger, for once in his life, makes the altruistic choice and saves Sting, which leads to him being counted out. AA drops Luger with a DDT, but the Steiners rush out to prevent further damage from being done to Luger. Typical Flair/Luger match. Count out finishes are usually cheap, but this one, with Luger cementing himself as a babyface, at least had a purpose.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: Well, if you really like tag wrestling, then this release is for you. As for me, I really struggled to pay attention, as this couldn't hold my interest for long stretches of time (particularly the US title tag). The main event looked ok from what was shown, that match has been done, and better.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Random Ring of Honor Matches #9

-Markham Street Fight: Jimmy Jacobs VS Delirious (Tag Title Classic 4/18/09)

-Delirious has finally left the Age of the Fall, after being saved by Daizee Haze. Delirious jumps Jacobs while he's cutting a promo backstage, and the ref calls for the opening bell while they fight in the crowd. Delirious is donning his red alternate mask and attire. Once they get in the ring, Delirious hits a flying clothesline and applies a choke. Back on the floor, Jacobs sends Delirious into the barricade and suplexes him. Delirious gets something in his hands, and Jacobs accidentally punches it before getting whacked across the face with it.

The pace is similar to a WWE street fight. Delirious hits a Panic Attack (running knee to the face while his opponent is seated), with Jacobs leaning against the barricade. Delirious gets a table, but ends up taking an unprotected chairshot to the head (which IIRC, they got fined for). Jacobs asks for, and receives, chairs from fans at ringside. Delrious gets a hold of a chair, and dives from the top to the outside, hitting Jacobs.

They go back into the ring which is now a sea of chairs, and Jacobs hits a chairshot to the back for one. Jacobs gives Delirious a vertical suplex through a seated chair for two. Jacobs goes up top, but Delirious throws a chair at his head, and hits a hurricarana from the top onto the chairs. Delirious misses the Shadows Over Hell (splash to the back of his standing opponent), and Jacobs locks in the End Time. Delirious fights out and locks in the Cobra Stretch (Crippler Crossface type move with a Cobra Clutch instead of the crossface).

Jacobs spears Delirious off the apron through the table. Daizee Haze comes out to check on Delirious, and Jacobs throws her into the ring and threatens to spike her. Delirious seems to be begging him not too, but then he suddenly sparys black mist into Jacobs' eyes. Haze spikes Jacobs, and Delirious hits a Cobra Clutch suplex. Delrious locks in the Cobra Stretch with the spike, and Jacobs taps. Match was missing intensity and hatred. Just completely tepid all around.

-Ring of Honor World Championship: Jerry Lynn [c] VS Colt Cabana (The Homecoming II 4/25/09)

-Lynn pulled the sword from the stone and knocked off Nigel McGuinness a couple weeks before this. Cabana just returned to RoH following his unsuccessful stint as Scotty Goldman in WWE.

Lynn gets a surprising amount of support in Chicago. Some comedy and lots of reversals for the first five minutes or so, with neither man gaining an advantage. Lynn locks in a hammerlock, but Cabana uses the old Bret Hart counter to send Lynn to the outside. Lynn sends Cabana outside, and when Lynn holds the ropes open for him, Cabana teases going through another side, and the crowd does the "boo...yay!" thing as he changes sides and makes up his mind. Cabana hits a Butt Bump and clothesline for two. Cabana starts taking over, but Lynn hits a sloppy inverted DDT for two.

Lynn uses the skullfucker on Cabana. Lynn hits a second rope legdrop for two. Lynn wins a forearm exchange, but Cabana avoids a charge, slugs Lynn down, and hits a quebrada for two. Cabana hits a neckbreaker for two. Cabana knocks Lynn outside, but misses when he slingshots himself out. Lynn hits a DDT on the apron for two. Lynn hits a piledriver for two.

Cabana locks in the Billy Goat's Curse, but Lynn makes it to the ropes. Cabana hits the Colt 45 (double underhook into a Shock Treatment) for two. Cabana hits the Pepsi Plunge (pedigree from the second rope) for two, but Lynn comes back with a reverse hurricarana and Cradile Piledriver to retain.

Match wasn't that good. Went from first gear to finishers with nothing in between.

-Ring of Honor World Championship: Jerry Lynn [c] VS Austin Aries VS Tyler Black (Manhattan Mayhem III 6/13/09)

-Black is cashing in his title shot that he had earned previously, and is coming off beating Lynn in a non-title match the previous night. Austin Aries comes out to Ric Flair's entrance music (Flair had been doing some work with RoH around this time) to piss off the fans. Aries announces that Flair will not be there to be the special ringside enforcer. Nigel McGuinness comes out (getting cheers because he's not the champion anymore), and says that he's said for weeks that he was going to be out here to make sure things go the way he wants them to, and it's going to be a lot easier now, as HE will be the special ringside enforcer.

Lynn & Black double team Aries to start. Lynn tries a snap mare on Black, but Black lands right on his feet. Aries gets back in the ring when he thinks Black & Lynn are preoccupied, but Lynn rakes his back, and Black hits him with a dropkick to send Aries back outside. Aries tries to work Black over on the outside, but ends up getting sent into the barricade. Aries comes back, and goes to work on Black's leg. Aries locks in the World of Pain (modified figure 4) around the ringpost on Black, and Nigel has to physically break the hold. Aries does a Flair flip in one corner and thinks he's avoided a slam off the top when he rakes Lynn's eyes, but Lynn tossed him off anyway.

Aries almost has Lynn pinned by using the ropes, but the ref notices. Aries takes Lynn down with an STO, but takes waaaaaaaaay too much time setting up the powerdrive elbow, and misses. Aries blocks a big boot from Black with a dragon screw legwhip. Aries goes for a figure 4, but Black kicks him off, and Aries hits a suicide dive on Lynn instead. All three men end up on the top rope, and Lynn hits a double bulldog on both challengers, getting two counts on both as well.

Lynn hits Black with an Air Raid Crash for two. Aries locks Black in the Last Chancery, but Black makes it to the ropes. Lynn pitches Aries to the outside and hits the Cradile Piledriver on Black, but Black gets his foot on the bottom rope at two. Lynn hits a superplex on Aries. Lynn hits Aries with a TKO for two. Aries nails Lynn with a couple dropkicks to the face for two. Aries goes for a brainbuster on Lynn, but Black superkicks Aries (turning the move into a DDT), and Black hits Lynn with God's Last Gift for the pin, guaranteeing a new champion will be crowned.

Black hits Aries with an inverted suplex for two. Black catches Aries while he goes for a running dropkick, and hits an F-5 for two. Aries counters a Buckle Bomb with a hurricrana, which sends Black into the turnbuckles. Aries hits the brainbuster/450 combo, but Black gets his hand on the bottom rope. Aries goes back to work on Black's leg, and locks in a figure 4. Aries uses the ropes, and Nigel isn't sure whether to stop him. Aries uses the ropes a second time, and Nigel does stop it this time, allowing Black to reverse the hold.

Aries argues with Nigel, allowing Black to get a rollup for two. Black tries for the Buckle Bomb again, but his leg gives out, allowing Aries to hit a big kick to the head, followed by a brainbuster to become the first (and so far only) two-time RoH world champion. Really good match. Not an all-time classic, but it is worth a watch.

-Cage Match: Jimmy Jacobs VS Tyler Black (Violent Tendencies 6/26/09)

-Jacobs wears the blood-stained coat from the night the Age of the Fall formed. Jacobs jumps Black as Black enters the cage, but Black slams the door on Jacobs' head. Jacobs gets busted open right away. Jacobs uses a headscissors to send Black into the cage. Jacobs pounds away on Black's forehead, busting him open. Black comes back, and slams Jacobs into the cage. Black hits an F-5 for two.

Black hits an inverted suplex for two. Black goes for the Buckle Bomb, but Jacobs pulls a spike out of his boot, and stabs Black in the forehead. Jacobs spikes Black again and goes for a pin with a foot on Black's chest, but pulls away when the ref starts to count. Jacobs starts pulling both Black's and his own hair out. Jacobs continue to spike Black, but when he goes for a headscissors, Black hangs on, and tosses Jacobs into the cage.

Black hits the Buckle Bomb/superkick combo, but no cover. Black goes up to the top of the cage, but Jacobs cuts him off, and they both end up falling to the floor (this is pin or submission only). They don't stay outside for long. Black counters a hurricarana into a Buckle Bomb, but Jacobs ducks the superkick, and locks in the End Time. Jacobs hands onto the hold even after being mashed into the cage and taking a Northern Lights suplex. Black doesn't go out, and finally manages to break the hold.

Jacobs goes for a spear, but Black counters with the End Time. Jacobs rolls out for two, and hits a spear. Jacobs hits a hurricarana off the top rope, the Contra Code, and a superkick, but Black still kicks out at two. Jacobs stabs himself in the head with the spike out of frustration. Jacobs goes outside and retrieves a table from underneath the ring. Black grabs the spike, so Jacobs produces a second. They go back-and-forth spiking each other. Black hits the Buckle Bomb/superkick combo and God's Last Gift, but does not go for the cover.

Black sets Jacobs on the table, and hits a big splash off the top of the cage for the pin. After the pin, a whole host of men dressed in black and wearing something on their faces rush the ring, as Jacobs rants that the Age of the Fall is not done. The mystery men carry Jacobs out of the cage to the back.

This match...sucked. The pace was way too slow, the instensity of a long-simmering blood feud was not there, and anytime there's a cage match and the wrestlers go outside it, it's really, really stupid.

-Ring of Honor World Championship 4 Corner Survival: Austin Aries [c] VS Nigel McGuinness VS Jerry Lynn VS Tyler Black (Death Before Dishonor VII Night 1 7/24/09)

-Aries gets on the mic and gains some heat for ripping off Bret Hart's catchphrase, then says because he can lose the title without getting pinned, he has seeked legal counsel, and is wrestling this match under protest.

Aries & Black start, and they immediately spill outside, with Black pounding on Aries. Lynn & McGuinness go at it in the ring while Black & Aries continue to fight outside. Lynn hits a tornado DDT on McGuinness, but turns right into a springboard clothesline from Black. Aries counters a Black Buckle Bomb into a sunset flip, but Black rolls out and dropkicks Aries in the face for two. Black goes outside, and Lynn catches Aries with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Lynn hits a slingshot crossbody on Aries for two. McGuinness sends Black into the guardrail as Aries hits Lynn with a shinbreaker/belly-to-back suplex combo, then a corner dropkick for two. Aries gets the Last Chancery on Lynn, and McGuinness breaks the hold by punching Aries right in the dick. Nigel locks Lynn in the London Dungeon, but has to break the hold when Aries gets in the ring. Nigel gets the hold again, but has to stop to pitch Black out of the ring, and Nigel sends Black right onto Aries.

Aries stops Nigel from hitting the Tower of London on Lynn, so Nigel goes for a double Tower of London. Black superkicks Nigel, who hits the move as he falls down. Black gets two counts on all three opponents. Black throws Aries outside, and wipes him out with a dive. Black hits Lynn with an F-5 for two. Black counters a Tower of London into an inverted suplex on Nigel for two. Black hits the Buckle Bomb on Lynn for two. Black gets a schoolboy on Aries for two.

Nigel locks Black in the London Dungeon, and when Aries breaks the hold, Nigel puts Aries in it. Lynn breaks that attempt, and Nigel responds by hitting Lynn with the Tower of London through the timekeeper's table. Aries hits a suicide dive on Nigel, and holds both he and Lynn up for a flipping dive from Black. Aries whacks Black in the head with the title belt for two.

Aries ducks a Jawbreaker from Nigel that hits Black, and has to fight off Lynn to make the save when Nigel covers Black. Aries tries to lock the Last Chancery on Nigel, but Lynn catches him with the Cradle Piledriver for two, as Nigel makes the save. Lynn hits the move on Nigel, but Black superkicks Lynn out of the ring. Black goes up for the Phoenix Splash, but Aries' stablemate Kenny King rushes out to shove Black down, allowing Aries to hit a 450 into a double legdrop on Nigel to retain.

Pretty good match with quite a few interesting spots and counters.

-Ring of Honor World Championship Cage Match: Austin Aries [c] VS Colt Cabana (Reverse the Curse 12/5/09)

-This is Cabana's last title shot in Chicago. Aries tries to climb out right away, but Cabana shakes the ropes, sending Aries down. Cabana hits a flying ass for two. Cabana gets a rolling cradle, then an airplane spin. Aries goes to work on Cabana's knee. Aries locks in a ropes-assisted figure 4. After several attempts, Cabana manages to reverse the hold, causing Aries to break.

Aries locks Cabana in the Tree of Woe, and kicks at the injured leg. Aries signals for the figure 4 again, but Cabana kicks Aries off, sending him into the cage. Cabana hits a quebrada for two. Cabana hits a gut buster for two. Aries hits a shin breaker/belly-to-back suplex combo, sending Cabana into the cage. Aries rakes Cabana's face across the mesh of the cage, busting Cabana open. Aries hits a series of running dropkicks for two.

Aries hits a brainbuster for two. Aries locks in the Last Chancery, but Cabana will not submit. Man, the crowd is not really reacting to ANYTHING here. Aries blocks a Cabana escape attempt, and hits a sunset flip into a powerbomb off the top for two. Cabana ducks a kick and locks in the Billy Goat's Curse, FINALLY waking up the crowd.

They both try to crawl out the door, and when it looks like Cabana may win, Aries slams the door on his head. Cabana stops an Aries escape attempt and gets him in fireman's carry position while standing on the top rope, and Cabana simply drops down, dumping Aries chest-first onto the top turnbuckle. Cabana repeatedly rams Aries into the cage, busting Aries open.

Cabana sits Aries between the ropes and the cage, and delivers a flying ass, breaking the cage wall open and Aries falls out, retaining the title. This match was boring as hell. I don't know if the crowd wasn't mic'd properly or what, but they seemed silent at times, which is really strange with a really popular babyface challenging for a world title in his hometown. The ring work was nothing special either.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

ECW on Sci-Fi 3/4/08

-From Cleveland, OH.

-Recap of the Chavo/Punk feud, including everything but Chavo's clean win at No Way Out.

-Match 1: WWE Tag Team Championship: John Morrison & The Miz [c] VS Tommy Dreamer & Colin Delaney

-Miz gets a nice hometown reaction. Dreamer and Delaney hit the Quebecers' finisher on Miz. Miz quickly turns the tide, and the champs hit a series of moves, culminating with Morrison hitting the Flying Chuck on Delaney, forcing Dreamer to make the save. Dreamer gets the hot tag. Miz saves Morrison from a basement dropkick, so Dreamer hits an elevated neckbreaker instead. Dreamer locks Morrison in a Texas Cloverleaf, but Miz makes the save. The champions start double teaming Dreamer, and Delaney shocks the hell out of everyone by grabbing a chair and attacking the champions, drawing a DQ. Dreamer is more proud than pissed, and it actually draws an "ECW" chant. Nothing much to the match, more storyline enhancement than anything else.

-Match 2: Shelton Benjamin VS Stevie Richards

-Big jump in competition for Richards. Stevie counters a side headlock with a belly-to-back suplex, but gets caught with a shoulder breaker. Shelton locks in a hammerlock, and the crowd DIES. Stevie fights out, and Shelton misses a cross-body from the top. Stevie hits a side slam for two. Stevie hits a big back kick to the midsection and an enziguiri for two, which wakes up the crowd a little bit. Shelton blocks a roll-up, and hits Paydirt out of nowhere for the pin. Good start, good finish, middle was ghastly, with the long hammerlock putting the crowd to sleep.

-Shelton says there will be no stopping him in the Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania XXIV.

-LAST NIGHT: Maria's Playboy cover is unveiled.

-Kofi Kingston hits on Kelly Kelly. Layla starts some shit, leading to a catfight. No "cat fight, CAT FIIIIIIGHT!" call from Joey.

-Match 3: Kane VS James Curtis

-Chuck Palumbo (Kane's opponent on Smackdown) rides out on a motorcycle, causing a distraction. Kane finishes Curtis in seconds with a chokeslam anyway.

-RAW REBOUND: Big Show destroys a "boxer" and jaws with Floyd Mayweather.

-Joey & Tazz announce that next week, Dreamer & Delaney will get a tag title rematch, but next time, it will be contested under "Extreme Rules".

-CM Punk says Chavo is not a warrior, and that it took Vickie and Edge to make him a champion. He conveniently skips over losing clean at No Way Out. Punk says he's a champion, and will earn it for the second time tonight.

-Match 4: ECW Championship: Chavo Guerrero [c] VS CM Punk

-Big heat for Chavo. Punk answers a shove with a roundhouse kick. Punk goes to work on Chavo's arm with a hammerlock slam. Punk counters a side headlock with a back breaker. Chavo drops Punk with a European uppercut. Punk goes for a springboard clothesline, but Chavo shoves him to the floor, and we go to a commercial break.

Back from break, Chavo is working on Punk's leg. Punk fights back, but Chavo regains control with a clip. Chavo locks in a kneebar, but Punk escapes with a headscissors. Punk sends Chavo to the outside with an enziguri, and follows up with a suicide dive. Punk hits the springboard clothesline, and counters a clothesline with a powerslam for two. Punk gets a rollup for two. Punk hits the running knee and bulldog combo for two. Chavo gets a single-leg crab, but Punk gets to the ropes.

Punk's knee gives out on the GTS, but he manages to counter the 3rd Amigo into a small package for two. Chavo hits a tornado DDT for two. Chavo crotches Punk on the top rope, and hits a frog splash for the pin to retain. Really good main event.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: Better than average show this week, with a decent opener and a really good main event at the end. Shelton/Stevie sucked for the most part, and I don't get the point of Kane/Curtis with the Palumbo interaction.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Random Ring of Honor Matches #8

-Ring of Honor World Championship: Nigel McGuinness [c] VS Tyler Black (Injustice II 1/17/09)

-Black pinned Nigel in a non-title match the night before this. Black is getting the shot because Austin Aries backed out. Nigel jumps Black at the bell, and immediately throws him outside. Nigel works over Black's arm, but when he throws Black back inside, Nigel stops to jaw with the fans, and takes a springboard dropkick for it. Black works Nigel over on the floor. Nigel gets on the mic, complains that he has a torn bicept, and that Black doesn't deserve the title shot, and says he's leaving. Bryan Danielson walks out and warns Nigel that if he doesn't go back, Danielson will kill him where he stands.

Black doesn't wait for Nigel's decision, and goes back on the attack. Black ties Nigel in the Tree of Woe, and hits a hesitation dropkick. Black hits another low dropkick, but takes time to preen, allowing Nigel to wrench Black's arm to take him down, and gain the momentum. Nigel goes to work on Black's arm, locking in a unique arm submission I've never seen before. Nigel wins a forearm exchange by hitting Black in the injured arm.

Nigel stretches out Black's arm, and flexes to amuse himself. Nigel slowly continues to stretch and work over Black. Black gets a second wind and a big kick to the back, and a stomp to the jaw. Nigel turns the tide on the outside, and takes the opportunity to steal a fan's camera, take a picture of himself giving Black the V sign, and puts the camera on the timekeeper's table instead of giving it back. Nigel then launches Black over the top, onto the timekeeper's table. It looks like Black can't continue, but when Nigel gets on the mic to declare the match over, Black comes back.

Nigel hits a running lariat for two. Nigel avoids a quebrada, but Black lands on his feet and hits a standing shooting star press for two. Black goes up top, but Nigel cuts him off, and hits a superplex for two. Black fights back, but Nigel trips him up, and hits the Tower of London off the apron to the floor. Black comes back, and gets in position for a Phoenix Splash, but Jimmy Jacobs rushes out to distract him and the ref. This allows Austin Aries to sneak in and shove Black to the floor, then follow up with a brainbuster. This brings out Jerry Lynn, who slides in and hits a cradle piledriver on Nigel, triggering a series of run-ins, including Bryan Danielson, who orders everyone to leave before being jumped by Jacobs. The battle rages on into the crowd, with the babyfaces gaining the advantage.

It's then announced that the match WILL CONTINUE!  Black quickly hits an inverted suplex for two. Black pounds away, but runs into a lariat for two. Black avoids the top rope lariat, but takes a back chop, and the Tower of London onto the apron. Count out is teased, but Black makes it back in the ring at 19. Nigel kicks Black in the back and locks in the London Dungeon, but Black makes it to the ropes. Nigel hits a regular Tower of London, and locks in the London Dungeon again. Black slides out and kicks Nigel in the head. Nigel slingshots back with the Jawbreaker, but Black gets his foot on the ropes at two.

Black wins a slap exchange, and gets a school boy for two, followed by a kick to the head for two. Black hits God's Last Gift for two. Black goes for a second, but Nigel counters into a small package for two. Black lands a big boot, but misses the Phoenix Splash. Nigel starts obviously calling spots. Black slams Nigel off the top, and hits a frog splash for two. Black hits a powerbomb into the turnbuckles and a superkick (the combination that won the match the previous night), but can't make the cover. Black crawls over to make the cover, and the bell is rung for a time limit draw 10 minutes early. Play-by-play man Lenny Leonard is perplexed, since he knows it wasn't 60 minutes.

Black begs for five more minute, and Nigel teases agreeing to it, but tells Black to kiss his ass and leaves. Good match that was a lot different from most RoH title matches. Wasn't an all-time classic or anything, but good enough.

-Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship: Kevin Steen & El Generico [c] VS The American Wolves [Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards w/Larry Sweeny, Shane Hagadorn, & Bobby Dempsey] (Motor City Madness 2009 1/30/09)

-The rest of the crew torture Dempsey and send him to the back before the match starts. Steen & Richards feel each other out. The champs take control with double teams, causing the Wolves to take a powder. Steen takes some abuse from the Wolves for a bit, but the champs regain control with a drop toe hold/front flip legdrop. Generico hits a standing moonsault for two. Steen teases trying a standing moonsault, but opts for a senton instead.

Richards gets in, and gets tossed around by Generico. Richards begs off, actually kissing the boots of Generico, before spitting in his face. Generico chases Richards outside, but gets blind-sided by Edwards. Generico becomes the face-in-peril. Alarm clock (toss in the air, followed by a kick on the way down), Oklahoma Stampede, and diving headbut only get a one count on Generico. Steen gets tagged in and wipes Edwards out on the outside, and follows up with a powerbomb onto the corner of the ring apron. *Ouch*!. Steen misses a moonsault on Richards, but does hit a powerbomb into a sharpshooter on Edwards. Edwards fights the hold as Generico holds Richards back, but Richards manages to hit a headbut on Steen to break the hold.

Richards counters a package piledriver into a backslide for two. Wolves' double-team series ends with a Richards missile dropkick to Steen's face for two. Richards accidentally hits Edwards with an enziguiri, and takes a superkick from Steen. Generico hits a running Yakuza kick on Edwards, and the champions follow up with a swanton/big splash combo on Edwards for two. Wolves hit a superkick/German suplex into a double rollup on Steen, but Generico makes the save at two.

Larry Sweeny tries to hit Steen with his boot, but Brent Albright chases Sweeny off. The Wolves get a hold of the boot, but Richards accidentally KO's Edwards, allowing Steen to get the pin to retain. Decent, if non-descript tag formula match for the most part. Picked up a bit after the heat segment on Generico.

Wolves try to double team Generico after the match, but Steen grabs a chair, and chases them off.

-Austin Aries & Jimmy Jacobs VS Bryan Danielson & Tyler Black (Caged Collision 1/31/09)

-Winner of the fall gets an RoH world title shot whenever he wants it, similar to WWE's Money in the Bank. Aries says he doesn't want the crowd's chants because he knows they don't mean it. After Danielson enters, he gets on the mic and notes that neither of the teams can really trust each other, and proposes the match be changed to a 4 way. Everyone agrees, so instead we have...

-4 Corner Survival: Austin Aries VS Bryan Danielson VS Jimmy Jacobs VS Tyler Black

-Only one fall to win it. Nigel McGuinness joins in on commentary. Danielson mat wrestles with Jacobs a bit before Jacobs tags Aries.

Cute exchange between Nigel and Lenny Leonard on commentary: Nigel: "How is your diabetes?" Lenny: "I don't have diabetes!" Nigel: "Sweet..."

Danielson completely out-wrestles Aries. Jacobs refuses to tag in, so Aries gets in to position to slap Black across the face when he's not expecting it, and that constitutes a tag. Black takes Danielson down, but stops to punch Aries, allowing Jacobs to attack Black from behind. Black quickly stops selling Jacobs' punches and floors him, causing Jacobs to tag Aries. Black uses Aries' escape from a headscissors, then slaps the taste out of his mouth.

Danielson dominates Aries, including sending him over the top and into the front row with a European uppercut after Aries skins the cat. Danielson goes up top for a dive. but Jacobs shoves him off. Jacobs works over Danielson with a series of double stomps and an elbow drop before blowing a kiss to Black. Black goes to town on both heels, before Danielson lays him out with a missile dropkick. Danielson gets a two count on Black after a running knee strike, then locks in Cattle Mutilation. Black escapes and hits an inverted suplex. Black goes up for the Phoenix Splash, but Jacobs cuts him off. Danielson hits a top rope belly-to-back suplex, but Jacobs tags himself in, and covers Black for two.

Jacobs goes for Contra Code, but Black counters and dumps him. Black goes for a dive, but Aries trips him up. Aries tosses Black outside, but accidentally hits Jacobs with the suicide dive. Black hits a dive on both heels. Everyone ends up in the front row after Danielson dives onto the other three. Bison Smith interferes and powerbombs Danielson on the floor.

Black wins a slugfest with Aries, but when Black goes for a powerbomb, Jacobs jumps in and locks in the End Time. Aries accidentally hits Jacobs with a running dropkick, and Black hits Jacobs with an F-5 for two. Jacobs and Aries hit a spear/sunset flip combo into a double pin on Black, but that only gets two. Aries & Jacobs hit a double team kick, and get another double cover for two. Aries and Jacobs start fighting each other. Black hits a running powerbomb into the corner on Aries. Jacobs accidentally spears Aries, and Black schoolboys Jacobs for the pin. Pretty good four way that picked up considerably when Danielson was taken out, as the match had more focus with Aries/Jacobs VS Black.

-Bryan Danielson vs Ring of Honor Tag Team Champion El Generico (Proving Ground 2009 Night 2 2/7/09)

-Cute opening as Generico acts like the "Best in the World!" chants are for him, then freaks out at "You're gonna' get your fuckin' head kicked in!" Generico hugs a very perplexed Danielson after the handshake. The fans chant for Danielson to hug him back, and Generico's pose while he waits for it is hilarious. Danielson balks, so Generico pouts, prompting the fans to chant "say you're sorry!" at Danielson. One fan loudly tells Danielson to get on his knees, and Generico is mortified at the thought. Danielson finally says "lo ciento", and Generico hugs him again.

Danielson applies a wristlock, and Genrico makes himself dizzy by rolling around before breaking the hold. Danielson controls with mat wrestling for a few minutes. Danielson shows impressive strength by maintaining a bridge without using his hands even with Generico on top of him. Danielson wins a Greco-Roman knuckle lock exchange, finishing up with a monkey flip that causes Generico to land on his ass. Generico starts throwing forearms to the surprise of Danielson, who responds with a European uppercut.

Generico takes Danielson down, and tries for a surfboard, but Danielson shrugs him off and lets Generico know that's not going to be happening tonight. Danielson goes for the surfboard, and Generico unsuccessfully tries to shrug him off. Danielson gets Generico down in a pinning predicament, but keeps raising Generico's arm as the ref counts, making him go fast and faster. Generico fights back but Danielson takes him down, slaps him in the face, and goes back to work on the arm. Generico manages to knock Danielson outside, and dives over the ropes to wipe him out.

Generico hits a big splash for two. Danielson hits a German suplex for two. Rollup reversal sequence leads to a two count for Generico. Danielson locks in a triangle choke, but Generico counters into a rollup for two. Generico hits two Yakuza kicks, but Danielson fights out of the turnbuckle brainbuster. Danielson locks Generico into the Tree of Woe, and hits a baseball slide. Danielson follows up with a top rope belly-to-back suplex for two. Danielson hits a series of elbows and locks in Cattle Mutiliation, but Generico makes it to the ropes.

Bison Smith comes out, and Danielson goes on the offensive, taking him out with a dive. The distraction allows Generico to hit another Yakuza kick and the turnbuckle brainbuster to finish. Smith attacks Danielson, but is pulled away by several wrestlers.

Good comedy at the start, and a really good babyface match before the finish. I know it was part of a feud between Danielson and Smith, but I hate that Generico (who has really grown on me since I first saw him) got what should have been a huge win for him in a cheap fashion.

-Ring of Honor World Championship 4 Way Elimination Match: Nigel McGuinness [c] vs. Tyler Black vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jerry Lynn (Eliminating The Competition 2/27/09)

-Black wants to start with Jacobs, who tags out to Nigel. Lynn wants in, so Black tags him, but Nigel doesn't want to face Lynn, so he tags Jacobs back in. Jacobs spits on Black and shoves him, which constitutes a tag. Basic wrestling between Black and Lynn to start. Lynn avoids both a guebrada and a standing shooting star, before locking in La Mahistrol for two. Black gets Lynn down, and Nigel takes the opportunity to tag in. Nigel rolls out when Lynn turns the tide, then tags Jacobs.

Lynn gets a couple near-falls on Jacobs, then tags in Black, causing Jacobs to sprint across the ring and tag Nigel. Tyler gets Nigel in an arm-wringer and moves to tag Lynn, but Nigel knees Tyler in the gut and tags Lynn himself. Lynn avoids a couple moves from Black, but when Lynn runs the ropes, Nigel opens them up, causing Lynn to spill outside. Black shoves Nigel, which is a tag, and Nigel sends Lynn into the barricade. Nigel works on Lynn's arm. Lynn blocks the Tower of London, and hits a cross-body followed by a tornado DDT. Nigel tries a hurriacarana, but Lynn counters with a sit-out powerbomb for two.

Nigel blocks the cradle piledriver, and Lynn avoids the Jawbreaker. Lynn tries to suplex Nigel off the apron into the ring, but Jacobs grabs Lynn's foot and holds it, allowing Nigel to fall on top and pin Lynn. Lynn reacts by hitting an Air Raid Crash on Nigel, and wiping out Jacobs with a dive.

Black hits Nigel with a frog splash for two. God's Last Gift gets two when Jacobs breaks up the pin. Jacobs gets Black in a weakened state, and Nigel tags back in. Nigel hits a short-arm lariat for two. Black hits a kick on Nigel, who tags. Jacobs hits a series of double stomps followed by a slingshot senton for two. Black fights back and takes it to both opponents, and hits an inverted suplex on Jacobs for two. Nigel goes after Black, but misses the top rope lariat. Black counters the Jawbreaker and hits the Buckle Bomb (the running powerbomb into the turnbuckles). Black sets up for a superkick, but Jacobs spears Black for two.

Black wins a slugfest with Jacobs. Black tries a suplex on Jacobs from the apron into the ring, but Nigel returns the favor and holds Black's foot. The ref sees Nigel holding the foot before he counts three this time. Nigel hits Black with a forearm from outside the ring, then hits a Tower of London to the floor. Jacobs hits Nigel with a suicide dive, then locks in the End Time once they're back in the ring, but Nigel is not legal, so the ref continues to count Tyler. Black gets to the apron at 19, but Jacobs dropkicks him off, and Tyler is counted out.

Jacobs hits Nigel with a chinbreaker, but Nigel slingshots back with the Jawbreaker lariat for the pin to retain. Match picked up considerably about 25 minutes in. Good booking to not have Black beaten by Nigel yet again.

Black goes after Jacobs post-match, but Delirious (who at this time is a member of the Age of the Fall) makes the save. Just when it looks like Jacobs and Delirious are going to double team Black, Jerry Lynn rushes out to make the save for Black.