-From New York City
-Hosts are Kevin Kelly & Joe Dombrowski.
-Match 1: Kenny King VS Jay Briscoe
-Briscoe lands some hard chops, and hits a sliding boot to the face for two. Briscoe walks into a hot shot, and King follows up with a lariat for two. King hits a leg lariat for two. King hits a springboard legdrop for two. Briscoe catches King on his shoulders, and is supposed to toss King into the turnbuckles, but he lands short, RIGHT ON HIS HEAD. Very fortunate there wasn't any legitimate damage done to King. Briscoe hits a Ron Simmons' spinebuster for two. Briscoe hits a big boot for two, and King's tag team partner Rhett Titus joins us.
Briscoe immediately wipes Titus out with a dive. King blocks a sunset flip and uses the ropes to get a near-fall. King fights off the Jay Driller, and hits the Royal Flush (TKO into a Rock Bottom) for the pin. Decent opener. Good move to give King the win.
-Mark Briscoe joins in the make it a 2-on-2 fight, which leads right into...
-Match 2: Rhett Titus (w/Kenny King) VS Mark Briscoe (w/Jay Briscoe)
-Briscoe hits a spinning heel kick for two. Titus comes back with a dropkick and slingshot kneedrop for two. Titus keeps control of the match, and hits a move where he locks Briscoe into a cobra clutch, but then falls back, driving the back of Briscoe's neck into Titus' knee. That gets two. Mark wins a "boo-yay" kick/headbut exchange on the apron, then hits a twisting dive off the top onto the floor. Mark goes up, and fights off a pop-up suplex attempt from Titus before hitting a top rope Ace Crusher.
Titus counters a Burning Hammer, kicking off a series of roll-ups and reversals. King tries to interfere, but Jay cuts him off, and Mark quickly finishes with a superkick and Burning Hammer. Good match. Titus looked strong in defeat.
-Match 3: Erik Stevens & The Necro Butcher (w/Prince Nana & Ernesto Osiris) VS Grizzly Redwood & Balls Mahoney
-Never thought I'd see the day when Balls Mahoney would be in RoH. Embassy attacks during the babyface's entrance, and the match goes to the floor right away. Balls gets a fan's beer, takes a sip, then hits Stevens with it. Stevens catches Redwood in mid-air, and tosses him over the top rope, with Necro punching Redwood in the head on the way down. Necro hits two awkward chokeslams and a clothesline for two. Redwood counters a Stevens' suplex with a sleeper, then hits a hurricrana that sends Stevens face-first into the turnbuckles.
Balls gets the tag and cleans house. Balls hits a spinebuster on Stevens for two. Balls tosses Redwood over the top onto Stevens, then hits a frog splash on Necro. Nana stops the count. Balls goes after Nana, but ends up taking a neckbreaker from Stevens for the pin. Another solid match. Would have been more memorable as a wild brawl, but the wild brawl for the night is coming up next.
-Match 4: Double Chain Match: Steve Corino & Kevin Steen VS Colt Cabana & El Generico
-Match is won by pin, submission, or KO. Ring announcer warns that this could be a "bloody war", which the crowd cheers. Babyfaces win a coin toss, and Generico chooses to be tied to Steen, and Cabana to Corino. Babyfaces dominate the first few minutes. Generico busts Steen open. Cabana does the same to Corino. Heels turn the tide and Cabana gets opened up. Steen tries to choke Generico out. Steen ties Generico's legs with the chain and locks in a sharpshooter, but Cabana makes the save.
Generico saves Cabana from a double suplex, and hits an Exploder on Steen, sending Steen upside-down into the turnbuckles and onto his head. Cabana sets Generico up to go coast-to-coast and dropkick a chair into Corino's face. Steen holds Generico, who then dives onto Steen. Cabana dropkicks the chair into Corino's face, and gets two off that. A table is set up on the outside, and Steen yanks Generico off the top, through the table.
Cabana pounds on Corino as Generico holds Steen back. Corino's son Colby comes out and frees Steen from the chain, allowing Steen to hit a pumphandle neckbreaker on Cabana. Crowd chants "kill the kid!" in response. Steen & Corino use the chains to tie Cabana to the corners, making him helpless. Then, my video stops and cuts to the GoFightLive logo, and when we come back, the match is over. Damn it, I wanted to see the finish.
Looking it up online, it appears there was an outage during the live broadcast, but it did come back in time for the finish, in which Cabana somehow got free and made Corino tap to the Billy Goat's Curse.
-Jim Cornette comes out, and announces that Davey Richards has re-signed with RoH, after contemplating retirement earlier in the year. Cornette announces Richards VS whoever is the RoH world champion at that time will be the main event at Final Battle 2010 in 3 months.
-Match 5: RoH World Television Championship: Eddie Edwards [c] VS Shawn Daivari (w/Prince Nana)
-Edwards hits some chops and Daivari fires back, but not any where near the same impact. Edwards hits a couple slaps and an enziguiri followed up by a face-plant, but he ends up ramming himself shoulder-first into the ringpost, allowing Daivari to take over. They go up top, and Edwards hits a superplex. Edwards leapfrogs over a charging Daivari, which sends Daivari through the ropes, and Edwards follows up with a dive. Back in, Edwards hits a leg lariat for two. Daivari hits a tornado DDT, walks into a superkick, but comes back with a lariat for two. Edwards goes for the Achilles Lock. Nana provides a distraction, but Edwards suckers Daivari into hitting Nana, and re-applies the Achilles Lock for the quick submission. Solid match, but Daivari is really unexciting in the ring.
-Match 6: Austin Aries VS Christopher Daniels
-Aries gets on the mic and credits Daniels with coining the name "A-Double", and suggest that Daniels be referred to as "CD", because like CDs, a lot people think he's obsolete. Aries feigns wanting to wrestle a clean match, and goes for a schoolboy off the opening handshake. Feeling out process to start. Daniels takes control of the match, hitting an Arabian Press for a one count. Aries goes to the eyes, and hits a neckbreaker with Daniels in the ropes. Aries works Daniels over on the outside, and hits a back elbow for two once they get back in.
Aries hits an STO and a powerdrive elbow for two. Daniels takes over, and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Aries hits a missile dropkick, but Daniels blocks the corner dropkick, and drives Aries' head into the turnbuckle for two. Daniels locks in the Koji Clutch, but Aries makes it to the ropes. Aries counters a urinage with a crucifix bomb and a brainbuster for two. Aries hits the 450 for two. Daniels crotches Aries on the top rope, then hits the Angel's Wings from the top for the pin. Good match. IIRC, this was Aries' last gasp as a wrestler in RoH.
-Match 7: RoH World Tag Team Champions The Kings of Wrestling [Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli] (w/Shane Hagadorn) VS Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin
-Feeling out process, with WGTT out-wrestling the KoW early on. Claudio tries a moneky flip on Shelton, who lands on his feet and returns the favor, launching CC through the air and almost spiking him on his head. KoW go for the KRS-1 first chance they get, but Haas helps Shelton fight it off. CC and Haas exchange European Uppercuts. Haas looks like he'll be the face-in-peril (even though there's a lot of KoW love, they're heels), Haas hits CC with an exploder suplex. Haas makes the tag, but Shelton immediately gets low-bridged by Hero and worked over on the outside.
CC hits Shelton with an impressive deadlift gutwrench suplex. CC hits a snap powerslam for two. Shelton then becomes the face-in-peril, until he counters a double team suplex with a double neckbreaker. Haas hits a couple suplexes on CC, then catapults him into a Samoan Drop from Benjamin for two. CC tosses Benjamin into a HARD elbow from Hero for two. Hero hits an elbow to the back of Benjamin's head for two. Benjamin hits the Dragon Whip on Hero.
Haas goes for the Haas of Pain on Hero, but CC breaks it up. Hero hits a big roaring elbow on Haas. Shelton hits a pop-up throw on CC. Haas gets the Haas of Pain on CC, but Hagadorn distracts Shelton and the ref as Hero slips on his loaded elbow pad and drops on elbow on Haas (which the camera misses), and that allows Claudio to get the pin. Excellent match that provided everything you could want from these two teams.
-Haas & Benjamin fight off a post-match attack from the KoW, and receive a big "please come back!" chant. Hagadorn is left behind, stripped, and whipped with a belt. WGTT set Hagadorn up in position for the Dudley's "whazzup" headbut, but Haas drops an elbow instead. WGTT then pose with the RoH Tag Team Championship belts.
-Match 8: Ring of Honor World Championship No-DQ Match: Tyler Black [c] VS Roderick Strong (w/Truth Martini)
-Terry Funk is the special ringside enforcer. Black has turned heel by promising to bring the RoH title with him when he goes to WWE. Jim Cornette is on color.
Rollup series leads to Strong hitting a leg lariat to send Black to the outside. Black sends Strong into the barricade, then slams him chest-first onto the ring apron. Strong hits a couple chops, but runs into a dropkick for two. Black hits a belly-to-back suplex for two. Strong counters a Black charge to take control. Strong hits a Falcon Arrow for two. Black absorbs a roaring elbow, and hits Death From Above. Black locks in a shitty STF to really piss off the crowd.
Black hits a superplex, but Strong comes back with a suplex into a back breaker for two. Strong hits Death From Above to set up the Sick Kick, but Black moves, and Strong KO's the ref. Black hits Strong with Martini's Book of Truth, and follows up with God's Last Gift for two. Black gets Strong in the Tree of Woe and tries to hit the Warrior's Way, but Strong avoids the stomp and locks in the Stronghold, which Black counters into a rollup for two.
Funk prevents the House of Truth from interfering, and tosses Martini from the ring. Black hits a superkick, two Buckle Bombs, and two more superkicks before missing the Phoenix Splash. Strong hits a back breaker, Death From Above, and a Sick Kick for the pin and the title.
-Strong offers a handshake as the crowd chants "Thank You Tyler!". Black responds by flipping off Strong, then the crowd before leaving. Suddenly, the lights go out, and Homicide's music hits. He comes out, making his return to RoH and gets in Strong's face as the show ends.
-FINAL THOUGHTS: Technical issues aside, this was a tremendous show, particularly the final two matches. May have to actually pick this up on DVD.
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