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Saturday, September 17, 2011

NWA/WCW Big Event Project #31: Capitol Combat "The Return of Robocop"


-From Washington D.C.


-Hosts are JR & Bob Caudle

-Match 1: Hair VS Hair: Paul Ellering VS Theodore R. Long

-Teddy comes out in full boxer sparring gear. Teddy jumps Paul at the bell, and hits some truly awful punches. Teddy loads one of his gloves, but Paul gets a hold of it, and KO's Teddy for the pin. Mercifully short.

-Tony is with the Horsemen. Ole says, literally, that Luger is going to die in the cage tonight. Flair says if Luger has a leg problem going into the match, then Luger will be a one-legged athelete the rest of his life. Arn says the Horsemen will die before Flair loses the title. Sid just stands there.

-Match 2: NWA United States Tag Team Championship: Brian Pillman & Z-Man [c] VS The Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)

-Cornette is to be locked in a cage during the match. Cornette tries to avoid being in the cage, but runs into Randy Anderson, and the champs help put him in there. Neither team can gain a real advantage until the Midnights screw up a double team, and Lane dropkicks Eaton in the stomach. Midnights just cannot get on track, as the champions cut them off at every turn. Champions continue to dominate, and the crowd doesn't seem to care too much. Eaton is backdropped over the top, but no DQ is called for.

Midnights finally get something going when Pillman dives at Lane but misses, sending himself out over the top. Eaton hits Pillman with a neckbreaker on the floor, and Lane follows up by knocking Pillman off the apron into the guardrail. Crowd wakes up as the Midnights go to work. Pillman gets a visual fall on Lane with a sunset flip, but Eaton detains the ref. Eaton tags in, and hits a flying elbow for two.

Midnights keep cutting Pillman off from making the tag. Eaton hits a legdrop from the top for two. Pillman hits a sloppy tilt-a-whirl slam, and finally makes the hot tag to Zenk. Zenk locks a sleeper on Lane, but gets hit by Eaton, and Lane takes Zenk down with a crisp Russian Leg Sweep. Midnights hit the Rocket Launcher, but Zenk kicks out at two. Eaton misses a charge, and Zenk hits a crossbody. Lane makes the save, and the match breaks down. Eaton hits an enziguiri on Zenk, and Eaton rolls Zenk up for the pin and the titles. Good match that picked up considerably once the Midnights finally got some offense.

-JR throws it TO THE BACK with Gordon Solie, as Sting is apparently arriving. Instead, we see ROBOCOP arrive, and the camera cuts out because it's terrified of ROBOCOP.

-Sting comes out, followed by ROBOCOP. As ROBOCOP makes his s l o w entrance, the Horsemen lock Sting in the cage Cornette was in. ROBOCOP makes the save, and the Horsemen bail, allowing ROBOCOP to pull the bars of the cage, allowing Sting to escape. What the fuck was the point of this? Was Robocop supposed to be wrestling at some point? Did Jim Herd see the WWF's angle with Zeus and decide to copy it with a successful, babyface movie character?

-Tony Schiavone is with the returning JYD. Cornette interrupts to gloat about the Midnights winning the US tag titles. JYD insinuates that he's spent his time away from the NWA nailing Cornette's mom, and blocks a tennis racket shot.

-Match 3: Corporal Punishment Match: The Rock 'N' Roll Express VS The Fabulous Freebirds

-Gary Michael Chapetta introduces the Freebirds as "the great rock and roll band of all time". This is a strap match. The straps are hung in the corners, as opposed to the wrestlers being attached at the wrist. RnR control the first few minutes. Hayes keeps distracting the ref, and the RnR piss Hayes off by switching without making a tag. RnR locks both Freebirds into a figure 4, but the 'Birds turn the tide. Hayes starts to whip Gibson, but backs off when Gibson grabs his strap. Gibson straps both Freebirds, sending them running.

Garvin gets the advantage on Gibson, and literally rubs his face in the mat. Hayes KO's Morton with a punch, and the match picks up. Morton becomes the face-in-peril. Morton finally makes the hot tag, but Gibson quickly gets DDT's by Hayes. Hayes goes for a second DDT, but Morton hits a sunset flip from the top, and gets the pin. Nothing special here. Didn't have the hatred and intensity one would want out of a gimmick match like this.

-Tony is with "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry Doug Furnas. Furnas says Lex is going to be OK. Sting says Luger will get out there and wrestle, and that Sting would do the same thing.

-Match 4: NWA World Tag team Championship: The Steiner Brothers [c] VS Doom (w/Teddy Long)

-Scott starts tossing Simmons around, and the crowd loves it. Steiners don't seem particularly interested in giving Doom anything. Doom finally get something going and Scott is the FIP. Scott appears to be ready to make the tag after reversing a suplex on Reed, but Simmons gets tagged and gives Scott a vicious knee that sends Scott through the ropes. Scott gets a modified suplex as a small "boring" chant can be heard. Simmons essentially no-sells it, and goes back to kicking Scott before tagging in Reed.

Reed hits Scott with a bulldog for two. Reed gets a nice piledriver on Scott before tagging in Simmons. Scott gets a fucked-up powerslam on Simmons. Scott hits the Frakensteiner on Simmons, and finally makes the hot tag. Steiners get a double suplex on Reed, but Simmons makes the save. Match breaks down. Simmons shoves Scott into the ringpost, then helps Reed counter a top rope belly-to-belly by pulling Rick down with Reed on top of him, and that gets the pin and the titles for Doom. Match sucked and probably suffered from being the third straight lengthy tag match worked seemingly the same way, but the finish was nice.

-Tony Schiavone interviews the new champions. Teddy invites Tony and Jim Herd to Doom's celebration.

-Match 5: NWA World Heavyweight Championship Cage Match: Ric Flair [c] (w/Woman) VS NWA United States Champion Lex Luger

-JR & Caudle really putting Lex over as the most courageous man in wrestling makes me wonder; which sudden and heavy-handed babyface turn for Lex was worse, this one, or the Lex Express? Flair is adament that Woman be allowed in the cage. The ref checks her and Flair, finding an "international" object. I don't know why someone didn't show whomever suggested avoiding the term "foreign" a dictionary. The cages is a lot like WWE's Hell in a Cell, which surrounds the ringside area and has a roof on it. It's thin bars instead of mesh though.

Luger immediately gets Flair in trouble. Flair starts landing chops, and it takes some time for Luger to start selling them. Luger no-sells a suplex and completely destroys Flair, busting Flair wide open by smashing his face into the cage. Flair gets battered in the ring, goes out to the cage, and gets hurt even worse. Lex hits superplex, but the move jolts Lex's injured knee, and Flair pounces right on it. Flair locks in a ropes-assisted figure 4.

The rest of the Horsemen come to ringside, and Luger fires up. Ole and Arn try to find a weak spot in the cage as Luger hits a clothesline for two. Sting comes down to prevent any possible Horsemen interference, and just as it looks like Sting is in trouble, El Gigante makes the save for Sting. Which outfit is worse, Gigante's ...whatever here, and his furry body suit in the WWF?

Luger has Flair beat with the Rack, but the Cage rases, allowing Barry Windham to rush in and attack Luger, drawing the DQ. Flair, AA, and Windham triple team Luger as Sting, Sid, and Gigante are nowhere to be found. Sting finally makes his way to ringside, but the cage is back down, as Ole is at the control according to JR. The cage finally raises, and Sting gets in to chase the Horsemen away. Good main event. Don't like a DQ in a Cage match, but it makes sense here. I know some people wanted Luger should have won here, but I can see why he didn't, as the story was with Sting.

-Tony gets a word with the Horsemen, namely Flair, who goes nuts. Sting and Gigante chase the Horsemen to the back.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: Pretty boring for the most part, of what was shown (the first three matches on the card were cut). I don't get the point of A.) having RoboCop be a selling point of the show and B.) then have him do not much. As stupid as the whole thing is, he should have been the one making the save with Sting at the end. The matches shown aren't the good, as the tag matches went too long and should not have been back-to-back-to-back. The main event was good and heated at least.

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