-From Cleveland, OH.
-Recap of the Chavo/Punk feud, including everything but Chavo's clean win at No Way Out.
-Match 1: WWE Tag Team Championship: John Morrison & The Miz [c] VS Tommy Dreamer & Colin Delaney
-Miz gets a nice hometown reaction. Dreamer and Delaney hit the Quebecers' finisher on Miz. Miz quickly turns the tide, and the champs hit a series of moves, culminating with Morrison hitting the Flying Chuck on Delaney, forcing Dreamer to make the save. Dreamer gets the hot tag. Miz saves Morrison from a basement dropkick, so Dreamer hits an elevated neckbreaker instead. Dreamer locks Morrison in a Texas Cloverleaf, but Miz makes the save. The champions start double teaming Dreamer, and Delaney shocks the hell out of everyone by grabbing a chair and attacking the champions, drawing a DQ. Dreamer is more proud than pissed, and it actually draws an "ECW" chant. Nothing much to the match, more storyline enhancement than anything else.
-Match 2: Shelton Benjamin VS Stevie Richards
-Big jump in competition for Richards. Stevie counters a side headlock with a belly-to-back suplex, but gets caught with a shoulder breaker. Shelton locks in a hammerlock, and the crowd DIES. Stevie fights out, and Shelton misses a cross-body from the top. Stevie hits a side slam for two. Stevie hits a big back kick to the midsection and an enziguiri for two, which wakes up the crowd a little bit. Shelton blocks a roll-up, and hits Paydirt out of nowhere for the pin. Good start, good finish, middle was ghastly, with the long hammerlock putting the crowd to sleep.
-Shelton says there will be no stopping him in the Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania XXIV.
-LAST NIGHT: Maria's Playboy cover is unveiled.
-Kofi Kingston hits on Kelly Kelly. Layla starts some shit, leading to a catfight. No "cat fight, CAT FIIIIIIGHT!" call from Joey.
-Match 3: Kane VS James Curtis
-Chuck Palumbo (Kane's opponent on Smackdown) rides out on a motorcycle, causing a distraction. Kane finishes Curtis in seconds with a chokeslam anyway.
-RAW REBOUND: Big Show destroys a "boxer" and jaws with Floyd Mayweather.
-Joey & Tazz announce that next week, Dreamer & Delaney will get a tag title rematch, but next time, it will be contested under "Extreme Rules".
-CM Punk says Chavo is not a warrior, and that it took Vickie and Edge to make him a champion. He conveniently skips over losing clean at No Way Out. Punk says he's a champion, and will earn it for the second time tonight.
-Match 4: ECW Championship: Chavo Guerrero [c] VS CM Punk
-Big heat for Chavo. Punk answers a shove with a roundhouse kick. Punk goes to work on Chavo's arm with a hammerlock slam. Punk counters a side headlock with a back breaker. Chavo drops Punk with a European uppercut. Punk goes for a springboard clothesline, but Chavo shoves him to the floor, and we go to a commercial break.
Back from break, Chavo is working on Punk's leg. Punk fights back, but Chavo regains control with a clip. Chavo locks in a kneebar, but Punk escapes with a headscissors. Punk sends Chavo to the outside with an enziguri, and follows up with a suicide dive. Punk hits the springboard clothesline, and counters a clothesline with a powerslam for two. Punk gets a rollup for two. Punk hits the running knee and bulldog combo for two. Chavo gets a single-leg crab, but Punk gets to the ropes.
Punk's knee gives out on the GTS, but he manages to counter the 3rd Amigo into a small package for two. Chavo hits a tornado DDT for two. Chavo crotches Punk on the top rope, and hits a frog splash for the pin to retain. Really good main event.
-FINAL THOUGHTS: Better than average show this week, with a decent opener and a really good main event at the end. Shelton/Stevie sucked for the most part, and I don't get the point of Kane/Curtis with the Palumbo interaction.
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