Can't really call these random...
-Match 1: World Title Classic 6/12/04
-Punk is half of the RoH tag champions at this point. Slow start. Punk starts working headlocks to wear Joe down, and Joe goes for strikes when he gets the chance. Shoulderblocks prove nothing, so Punk fakes Joe out by punching him before knocking Joe down with one last shoulderblock. This kicks off a series of reversals that ends with Punk avoiding a big kick from Joe. Joe tries to maul Punk, who covers up.
Joe bashes Punk with a series of headbuts, but Punk avoids the facewash. For some reason, they pause to mess with a CM Punk fan in the front row, Joe faking like he's going to hit him, and Punk faking like he's going to give him a high-five. Punk continues to work headlocks while Joe counters with quick bursts of offense. Joe holds Punk in a delayed vertical suplex for a 20 count. Gabe Sapolsky is terrible on commentary, acting (badly) STUNNED when Mark McNulty explains that Punk is using the "rope-a-dope" strategy.
They go outside, and Joe pounds on Punk. Joe tries to ram Punk into the barricade, but Punk reverses on him. Crowd is split 50-50. Joe knocks Punk off the apron, and follows up with a suicide dive. Punk blocks the Ole Kick with a back elbow. Punk tries a hurricarana, but Joe catches Punk and swings him into the barricade. Joe blows a kiss at the CM Punk fan and hits the Ole Kick. Joe hits two more Ole Kicks and Punk seems to be out, but Joe doesn't go for the win right away.
Punk runs right into a NASTY STO. Joe hits the facewash. Punk finally fights back, hitting a crossbody from the top. Punk hits three big boots, getting a two count. Punk struggles with, but does lick in, and Indian Deathlock. Punk tries to headbut Joe, but since Joe is Samoan, you can figure out how that worked for him. Punk does one of Joe's poses, so Joe hits Punk with an enziguiri, and a belly-to-back suplex. Punk hits a roaring elbow for two.
Punk locks in a sleeper, almost putting Joe out. Joe comes back with a modified Boston crab. Punk hits a Savage Elbow for two. Punk hits a top rope belly-to-back suplex, but can't follow up. Joe hits a powerslam, then locks in a cross-armbreaker. Punk counters a powerbomb with a sunset flip for two. Joe connectes on his second powerbomb attempt for two, then locks in the modified crab once Punk kicks out. Joe transitions that into an STF. Punk hits a top rope hurricarana for two.
Punk hits the Pepsi Twist for two. Joe gets a rolling cradle for two. Punk gets a crucifix for two. Joe hits a HUGE lariat for two. Punk hits a Shining Wizard for two. Punk somehow does not get DQ'd for a low blow. Joe locks in a half-crab. Punk fights off a tope rope Muscle Buster and hits the Pepsi Plunge, but Punk rolls to the outside on impact, so he can't make the cover. Double-clothesline KO's both men. Joe hits...something off the second rope. Punk ends a slap exchange with a DDT, but cannot make the cover, and the time limit expires.
Crowd chants for five more minutes, but Homicide runs in and steals the title belt. I really think this match is overrated. They didn't get into second gear until about 50 minutes into it, and there was nothing really special about it. I did like the psychology of Punk's strategy, but it's not very visuall exciting to see headlocks for 15 minutes. I don't think there were enough momentum changes either.
-Match 2: Joe VS Punk II 10/16/04
-Punk gets a quick crucifix roll-up for two. First few minutes are a feeling out process. Joe has a surprising amount of support in Chicago. Joe gets a modified Camel Clutch. Punk, in a callback to the first match, starts working headlocks. Joe gets annoyed and hits some stiff chops, but Punk goes back to the headlock. Pace picks up, and Punk avoids a knee-lift before turning it into a schoolboy for two. Joe, frustrated, bails to the outside.
They start to exchange strike, and Joe ducks a spinning backfist before flooring Punk with a kick. Joe gets the advantage with a Greco-Roman knucklelock. Punk actually wins a chop exchange. Punk goes OLD SCHOOL and drops a leg across Joe's arm. Punk starts working the arm as well as the headlock. Joe goes for his back chop/kick to the chest/kneedrop combo, but Punk blocks the kick and locks in a headlock.
They go to the floor, and Joe gives Punk a belly-to-back suplex. Joe hits the combo he went for earlier, utilizing a second back chop when Punk blocks the kick again. Joe hits the facewash, so Punk gives him one in receipt. Punk uses a knee in the back to drive Joe face-first into the mat for two. Joe bends Punk almost completely backward, but doesn't get the submission.
Punk tries a crossbody, but Joe casually moves out of the way. Joe hits a delayed vertical suplex for two. Punk jumps over a legsweep, and hits a dropkick. Joe gets the legsweep seconds later anyway. Joe locks in a Boston Crab. Joe hits the facewash again. Joe starts pounding on Punk, but walks into a boot, and a hurricarana. Punk hits a couple Ole Kicks on Joe. Punk jumps off the apron and goes for a hurricarana, but Joe catches him, and swings him into the barricade.
Punk cuts off a Joe Ole Kick attempt, but ends up losing a strike exchange, and ends up eating a couple Ole Kicks anyway. Punk charges into a urinage for two. Joe hits a suicide forearm to the outside. The announcers sign off with about 20 minutes left in the match. Joe hits a DDT on the apron. Punk signals for a running knee, but Joe hits a spear for two. Joe misses a splash from the top. Punk hits a series of kicks, but runs into a snap powerslam for two. Joe locks in a cross-arm breaker, but Punk makes it to the ropes.
Punk counters a powerbomb with a hurricarana, and follows up with a big boot for two. Punk hits a tornado DDT for two. Joe comes back with a gutbuster, punt kick to the head, and a brainbuster for two. Punk ducks a clothesline, and hits a hammerlock DDT for two. Joe ducks the Pepsi Twist and hits a powerbomb for two, then locks in an STF when Punk kicks out. Punk gets a sunset flip for two, then follows up with a Shining Wizard for another two count.
Punk hits a moonsault for two. Joe goes through a series of unneccessary moves just to try a short-arm clothesline, which Punk ducks, and locks in a sleeper. After a long fight on the top rope, Joe fights off the Pepsi Plunge, and hits a superplex. They fight up top again, and again Joe hits a superplex, but the time limit expires.
Match was definitely better than the first, but there was still way too much time in the beginning of the match where they were clearly setting themselves up to go long, instead of actually trying to win the match.
-Match 3: All Star Extravaganza II 12/4/04
-Punk gets annoyed after being hit with several chops early on. Punk intentionally hits a weak chop then challenges Joe to do better. Punk ducks the chop, and gets a schoolboy for two. Punk takes control with headlocks and low dropkicks to the head. Joe hits a series of strikes in the corner, but Punk fires back, eventually dropping Joe with a slap to the face. Joe catches Punk with a hard kick, which knocks Punk through the ropes, and busts him wide open.
Joe hits the back chop/kick to the chest/kneedrop combo for two, then tears at Punk's open wound. Joe hits a urinage for two. Joe hits Punk with some headbuts, and follows up with the facewash for two. Joe takes Punk outside, and hits an Ole Kick. Punk stops a second Ole Kick, and hits a missile dropkick off the ring apron. Back in, Punk hits a crossbody from the top for two. Punk hits a tornado DDT for two. Joe counters a Shining Wizard with a snap powerslam for two. Punk counters a cross-armbreaker with a rollup for two. Joe hits a powerbomb, then stretches Punk.
Punk fights out of a full nelson suplex, and hits a hammerlock DDT for two. Punk hits the Pepsi Twist and a moonsault for two. Joe counters a powerbomb with a hurricrana, and hits a huge lariat for two. Punk comes back with a mule kick and a Shining Wizard for two. Joe dodges the Pepsi Twist, and locks in a sleeper. Punk looks to be out, but Ricky Steamboat (who is sitting at ringside) stops the timekeeper from ringing the bell, and Punk snaps to life.
Punk hits two chinbreakers, but Joe keeps the hold on. Punk uses the ropes to get into a pinning position, and that gets two. Punk gets a couple more two counts. Punk staggers Joe with elbows, but Joe takes Punk down, and puts his feet on the ropes, but that only gets two. Joe blocks the Pepsi Plunge. Joe is supposed to miss a splash, but Punk doesn't move far enough, and gets kneed in the head for his troubles.
Punk gets a rollup, but Joe counters into a rear naked choke. Joe hits a German suplex, and a half-nelson suplex, before reapplying the rear naked choke, which is finally enough to put Punk out and allow Joe to retain. My favorite of the three, as it is about half as long and much more energetic than the first two. Punk getting busted open was a great way to increase the urgency for both wrestlers, as they wrestled to win as opposed to spending twenty minutes or so wrestling for the time limit draw.
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