-Ring of Honor World Championship: Nigel McGuinness [c] VS Tyler Black (Injustice II 1/17/09)
-Black pinned Nigel in a non-title match the night before this. Black is getting the shot because Austin Aries backed out. Nigel jumps Black at the bell, and immediately throws him outside. Nigel works over Black's arm, but when he throws Black back inside, Nigel stops to jaw with the fans, and takes a springboard dropkick for it. Black works Nigel over on the floor. Nigel gets on the mic, complains that he has a torn bicept, and that Black doesn't deserve the title shot, and says he's leaving. Bryan Danielson walks out and warns Nigel that if he doesn't go back, Danielson will kill him where he stands.
Black doesn't wait for Nigel's decision, and goes back on the attack. Black ties Nigel in the Tree of Woe, and hits a hesitation dropkick. Black hits another low dropkick, but takes time to preen, allowing Nigel to wrench Black's arm to take him down, and gain the momentum. Nigel goes to work on Black's arm, locking in a unique arm submission I've never seen before. Nigel wins a forearm exchange by hitting Black in the injured arm.
Nigel stretches out Black's arm, and flexes to amuse himself. Nigel slowly continues to stretch and work over Black. Black gets a second wind and a big kick to the back, and a stomp to the jaw. Nigel turns the tide on the outside, and takes the opportunity to steal a fan's camera, take a picture of himself giving Black the V sign, and puts the camera on the timekeeper's table instead of giving it back. Nigel then launches Black over the top, onto the timekeeper's table. It looks like Black can't continue, but when Nigel gets on the mic to declare the match over, Black comes back.
Nigel hits a running lariat for two. Nigel avoids a quebrada, but Black lands on his feet and hits a standing shooting star press for two. Black goes up top, but Nigel cuts him off, and hits a superplex for two. Black fights back, but Nigel trips him up, and hits the Tower of London off the apron to the floor. Black comes back, and gets in position for a Phoenix Splash, but Jimmy Jacobs rushes out to distract him and the ref. This allows Austin Aries to sneak in and shove Black to the floor, then follow up with a brainbuster. This brings out Jerry Lynn, who slides in and hits a cradle piledriver on Nigel, triggering a series of run-ins, including Bryan Danielson, who orders everyone to leave before being jumped by Jacobs. The battle rages on into the crowd, with the babyfaces gaining the advantage.
It's then announced that the match WILL CONTINUE! Black quickly hits an inverted suplex for two. Black pounds away, but runs into a lariat for two. Black avoids the top rope lariat, but takes a back chop, and the Tower of London onto the apron. Count out is teased, but Black makes it back in the ring at 19. Nigel kicks Black in the back and locks in the London Dungeon, but Black makes it to the ropes. Nigel hits a regular Tower of London, and locks in the London Dungeon again. Black slides out and kicks Nigel in the head. Nigel slingshots back with the Jawbreaker, but Black gets his foot on the ropes at two.
Black wins a slap exchange, and gets a school boy for two, followed by a kick to the head for two. Black hits God's Last Gift for two. Black goes for a second, but Nigel counters into a small package for two. Black lands a big boot, but misses the Phoenix Splash. Nigel starts obviously calling spots. Black slams Nigel off the top, and hits a frog splash for two. Black hits a powerbomb into the turnbuckles and a superkick (the combination that won the match the previous night), but can't make the cover. Black crawls over to make the cover, and the bell is rung for a time limit draw 10 minutes early. Play-by-play man Lenny Leonard is perplexed, since he knows it wasn't 60 minutes.
Black begs for five more minute, and Nigel teases agreeing to it, but tells Black to kiss his ass and leaves. Good match that was a lot different from most RoH title matches. Wasn't an all-time classic or anything, but good enough.
-Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship: Kevin Steen & El Generico [c] VS The American Wolves [Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards w/Larry Sweeny, Shane Hagadorn, & Bobby Dempsey] (Motor City Madness 2009 1/30/09)
-The rest of the crew torture Dempsey and send him to the back before the match starts. Steen & Richards feel each other out. The champs take control with double teams, causing the Wolves to take a powder. Steen takes some abuse from the Wolves for a bit, but the champs regain control with a drop toe hold/front flip legdrop. Generico hits a standing moonsault for two. Steen teases trying a standing moonsault, but opts for a senton instead.
Richards gets in, and gets tossed around by Generico. Richards begs off, actually kissing the boots of Generico, before spitting in his face. Generico chases Richards outside, but gets blind-sided by Edwards. Generico becomes the face-in-peril. Alarm clock (toss in the air, followed by a kick on the way down), Oklahoma Stampede, and diving headbut only get a one count on Generico. Steen gets tagged in and wipes Edwards out on the outside, and follows up with a powerbomb onto the corner of the ring apron. *Ouch*!. Steen misses a moonsault on Richards, but does hit a powerbomb into a sharpshooter on Edwards. Edwards fights the hold as Generico holds Richards back, but Richards manages to hit a headbut on Steen to break the hold.
Richards counters a package piledriver into a backslide for two. Wolves' double-team series ends with a Richards missile dropkick to Steen's face for two. Richards accidentally hits Edwards with an enziguiri, and takes a superkick from Steen. Generico hits a running Yakuza kick on Edwards, and the champions follow up with a swanton/big splash combo on Edwards for two. Wolves hit a superkick/German suplex into a double rollup on Steen, but Generico makes the save at two.
Larry Sweeny tries to hit Steen with his boot, but Brent Albright chases Sweeny off. The Wolves get a hold of the boot, but Richards accidentally KO's Edwards, allowing Steen to get the pin to retain. Decent, if non-descript tag formula match for the most part. Picked up a bit after the heat segment on Generico.
Wolves try to double team Generico after the match, but Steen grabs a chair, and chases them off.
-Austin Aries & Jimmy Jacobs VS Bryan Danielson & Tyler Black (Caged Collision 1/31/09)
-Winner of the fall gets an RoH world title shot whenever he wants it, similar to WWE's Money in the Bank. Aries says he doesn't want the crowd's chants because he knows they don't mean it. After Danielson enters, he gets on the mic and notes that neither of the teams can really trust each other, and proposes the match be changed to a 4 way. Everyone agrees, so instead we have...
-4 Corner Survival: Austin Aries VS Bryan Danielson VS Jimmy Jacobs VS Tyler Black
-Only one fall to win it. Nigel McGuinness joins in on commentary. Danielson mat wrestles with Jacobs a bit before Jacobs tags Aries.
Cute exchange between Nigel and Lenny Leonard on commentary: Nigel: "How is your diabetes?" Lenny: "I don't have diabetes!" Nigel: "Sweet..."
Danielson completely out-wrestles Aries. Jacobs refuses to tag in, so Aries gets in to position to slap Black across the face when he's not expecting it, and that constitutes a tag. Black takes Danielson down, but stops to punch Aries, allowing Jacobs to attack Black from behind. Black quickly stops selling Jacobs' punches and floors him, causing Jacobs to tag Aries. Black uses Aries' escape from a headscissors, then slaps the taste out of his mouth.
Danielson dominates Aries, including sending him over the top and into the front row with a European uppercut after Aries skins the cat. Danielson goes up top for a dive. but Jacobs shoves him off. Jacobs works over Danielson with a series of double stomps and an elbow drop before blowing a kiss to Black. Black goes to town on both heels, before Danielson lays him out with a missile dropkick. Danielson gets a two count on Black after a running knee strike, then locks in Cattle Mutilation. Black escapes and hits an inverted suplex. Black goes up for the Phoenix Splash, but Jacobs cuts him off. Danielson hits a top rope belly-to-back suplex, but Jacobs tags himself in, and covers Black for two.
Jacobs goes for Contra Code, but Black counters and dumps him. Black goes for a dive, but Aries trips him up. Aries tosses Black outside, but accidentally hits Jacobs with the suicide dive. Black hits a dive on both heels. Everyone ends up in the front row after Danielson dives onto the other three. Bison Smith interferes and powerbombs Danielson on the floor.
Black wins a slugfest with Aries, but when Black goes for a powerbomb, Jacobs jumps in and locks in the End Time. Aries accidentally hits Jacobs with a running dropkick, and Black hits Jacobs with an F-5 for two. Jacobs and Aries hit a spear/sunset flip combo into a double pin on Black, but that only gets two. Aries & Jacobs hit a double team kick, and get another double cover for two. Aries and Jacobs start fighting each other. Black hits a running powerbomb into the corner on Aries. Jacobs accidentally spears Aries, and Black schoolboys Jacobs for the pin. Pretty good four way that picked up considerably when Danielson was taken out, as the match had more focus with Aries/Jacobs VS Black.
-Bryan Danielson vs Ring of Honor Tag Team Champion El Generico (Proving Ground 2009 Night 2 2/7/09)
-Cute opening as Generico acts like the "Best in the World!" chants are for him, then freaks out at "You're gonna' get your fuckin' head kicked in!" Generico hugs a very perplexed Danielson after the handshake. The fans chant for Danielson to hug him back, and Generico's pose while he waits for it is hilarious. Danielson balks, so Generico pouts, prompting the fans to chant "say you're sorry!" at Danielson. One fan loudly tells Danielson to get on his knees, and Generico is mortified at the thought. Danielson finally says "lo ciento", and Generico hugs him again.
Danielson applies a wristlock, and Genrico makes himself dizzy by rolling around before breaking the hold. Danielson controls with mat wrestling for a few minutes. Danielson shows impressive strength by maintaining a bridge without using his hands even with Generico on top of him. Danielson wins a Greco-Roman knuckle lock exchange, finishing up with a monkey flip that causes Generico to land on his ass. Generico starts throwing forearms to the surprise of Danielson, who responds with a European uppercut.
Generico takes Danielson down, and tries for a surfboard, but Danielson shrugs him off and lets Generico know that's not going to be happening tonight. Danielson goes for the surfboard, and Generico unsuccessfully tries to shrug him off. Danielson gets Generico down in a pinning predicament, but keeps raising Generico's arm as the ref counts, making him go fast and faster. Generico fights back but Danielson takes him down, slaps him in the face, and goes back to work on the arm. Generico manages to knock Danielson outside, and dives over the ropes to wipe him out.
Generico hits a big splash for two. Danielson hits a German suplex for two. Rollup reversal sequence leads to a two count for Generico. Danielson locks in a triangle choke, but Generico counters into a rollup for two. Generico hits two Yakuza kicks, but Danielson fights out of the turnbuckle brainbuster. Danielson locks Generico into the Tree of Woe, and hits a baseball slide. Danielson follows up with a top rope belly-to-back suplex for two. Danielson hits a series of elbows and locks in Cattle Mutiliation, but Generico makes it to the ropes.
Bison Smith comes out, and Danielson goes on the offensive, taking him out with a dive. The distraction allows Generico to hit another Yakuza kick and the turnbuckle brainbuster to finish. Smith attacks Danielson, but is pulled away by several wrestlers.
Good comedy at the start, and a really good babyface match before the finish. I know it was part of a feud between Danielson and Smith, but I hate that Generico (who has really grown on me since I first saw him) got what should have been a huge win for him in a cheap fashion.
-Ring of Honor World Championship 4 Way Elimination Match: Nigel McGuinness [c] vs. Tyler Black vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jerry Lynn (Eliminating The Competition 2/27/09)
-Black wants to start with Jacobs, who tags out to Nigel. Lynn wants in, so Black tags him, but Nigel doesn't want to face Lynn, so he tags Jacobs back in. Jacobs spits on Black and shoves him, which constitutes a tag. Basic wrestling between Black and Lynn to start. Lynn avoids both a guebrada and a standing shooting star, before locking in La Mahistrol for two. Black gets Lynn down, and Nigel takes the opportunity to tag in. Nigel rolls out when Lynn turns the tide, then tags Jacobs.
Lynn gets a couple near-falls on Jacobs, then tags in Black, causing Jacobs to sprint across the ring and tag Nigel. Tyler gets Nigel in an arm-wringer and moves to tag Lynn, but Nigel knees Tyler in the gut and tags Lynn himself. Lynn avoids a couple moves from Black, but when Lynn runs the ropes, Nigel opens them up, causing Lynn to spill outside. Black shoves Nigel, which is a tag, and Nigel sends Lynn into the barricade. Nigel works on Lynn's arm. Lynn blocks the Tower of London, and hits a cross-body followed by a tornado DDT. Nigel tries a hurriacarana, but Lynn counters with a sit-out powerbomb for two.
Nigel blocks the cradle piledriver, and Lynn avoids the Jawbreaker. Lynn tries to suplex Nigel off the apron into the ring, but Jacobs grabs Lynn's foot and holds it, allowing Nigel to fall on top and pin Lynn. Lynn reacts by hitting an Air Raid Crash on Nigel, and wiping out Jacobs with a dive.
Black hits Nigel with a frog splash for two. God's Last Gift gets two when Jacobs breaks up the pin. Jacobs gets Black in a weakened state, and Nigel tags back in. Nigel hits a short-arm lariat for two. Black hits a kick on Nigel, who tags. Jacobs hits a series of double stomps followed by a slingshot senton for two. Black fights back and takes it to both opponents, and hits an inverted suplex on Jacobs for two. Nigel goes after Black, but misses the top rope lariat. Black counters the Jawbreaker and hits the Buckle Bomb (the running powerbomb into the turnbuckles). Black sets up for a superkick, but Jacobs spears Black for two.
Black wins a slugfest with Jacobs. Black tries a suplex on Jacobs from the apron into the ring, but Nigel returns the favor and holds Black's foot. The ref sees Nigel holding the foot before he counts three this time. Nigel hits Black with a forearm from outside the ring, then hits a Tower of London to the floor. Jacobs hits Nigel with a suicide dive, then locks in the End Time once they're back in the ring, but Nigel is not legal, so the ref continues to count Tyler. Black gets to the apron at 19, but Jacobs dropkicks him off, and Tyler is counted out.
Jacobs hits Nigel with a chinbreaker, but Nigel slingshots back with the Jawbreaker lariat for the pin to retain. Match picked up considerably about 25 minutes in. Good booking to not have Black beaten by Nigel yet again.
Black goes after Jacobs post-match, but Delirious (who at this time is a member of the Age of the Fall) makes the save. Just when it looks like Jacobs and Delirious are going to double team Black, Jerry Lynn rushes out to make the save for Black.
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