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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Random Ring of Honor Matches #6

-Dog Collar Match: Jimmy Jacobs VS Austin Aries (Bound By Hate 11/8/08)

-Jacobs continually refuses to put the collar around his neck. He uses the advantage of not being attached to the collar to use the chain to beat on Aries, and eventually hog ties Aries in the corner. Jacobs repeatedly hits Aries across the back with a chair, while getting on the mic to taunt him. Jacobs finally gets too close, and Aries manages a back kick to the nuts on Jacobs. Aries gets free, delivers a vicious chairshot to the head, and wraps the dog collar around his fist before punching Jacobs and busting him open.

Aries finally gets the collar around Jacobs' neck. Jacobs fights off a brainbuster attempt and tries to bail. They go up the ramp, and Tyler Black attacks Aries. Black gives Aries a superkick, then Jacobs orders him to go to the back. Contra Code only gets two for Jacobs. Jacobs tries to use a chair, but Aries uses the chain to knock the chair out of Jacobs' hands. Aries keeps Jacobs close to the ring, then hits a suicide dive.

Aries wraps the chain around the turnbuckle pad, and rams Jacobs' head into it. Aries goes for the 450 splash, but Jacobs yanks on the chain, sending Aries crashing down. Jacobs manages to lock in the End Time, but Aries fights out. Running dropkick in the corner almost KO's Jacobs. Aries wraps the chain around his knee before delivering several knee strikes to Jacobs' head, then locks in the Last Chancery for the submission. Really good match. Loved the early psychology of Jacobs outsmarting Aries and keeping the advantage by not putting the chain around his neck.

-Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship: Kevin Steen & El Generico [c] VS The Briscoe Brothers (Rising Above 11/22/08)

-Mark is nursing a knee injury sustained at the RoH show the previous night. Briscoes jump the champions to start. Steen quickly becomes the face-in-peril. Jay dumps Steen on his head with a belly-to-back suplex for two. Mark tries an exploder suplex on Steen, who fights out and hits a nasty superkick. Mark tags Jay, and Generico actually moves out of the way when Jay tries to knock him off the apron, allowing Steen to make the tag. Generico gets a Michinoku Driver on Jay for two. Jay counters a springboard armdrag with a clothesline, and Mark takes Generico down with an exploder. Steen prevents Mark from hitting a Cutthroat Driver on Generico. Steen pitches Jay to the outside, and a Generico Yakuza Kick followed by a Steen frog splash on Mark gets two. Mark tries for the Cutthroat Driver on Steen, but his knee gives out. Mark asks for time, but Steen kicks him in the knee, and Package Piledriver gets the pin. Briscoes aren't happy and a post-match fight starts, so several officials rush in to keep them apart. Match was ok for the time given.

-I Quit Match: Jimmy Jacobs (w/Tyler Black) VS Austin Aries (Rising Above 11/22/08)

-Match spills to the floor right off the bat. Aries gets Jacobs on a table and prepares to dive onto him, but Black pulls Jacobs off the table before that can happen. Aries goes for a suicide dive, but Jacobs pulls the dog collar from the previous match out from underneath the ring, and pops Aries in the face mid-dive, busting him open. Jacobs tries to choke Aries out with the chain. Jacobs sets Aries up for a dive to the outside, but Aries blocks it. Jacobs hits a spear through the ropes, sending Aries crashing into the barricade.

Jacobs sets Aries on a chair, then dives onto him. Jacobs uses the chain to tie Aries to another chair, and digs at Aries' open wound. Jacobs has a chair, but as he's ready to use it Lacey (Jacobs' former manager whom he loved, then chased away from RoH when she left him for Aries) makes a surprise return. She teases throwing in a towel, so Jacobs grabs a spike and threatens to spike Aries in the throat. Lacey still won't throw it in, so Jacobs goes after her, and gets a slap in the face for his troubles. Aries frees himself from the chair and knocks Jacobs through the ropes before following up with a suicide dive.

Aries hits a brainbuster on a chair, then uses the chain to bust Jacobs open, then tie him in the corner. Aries refuses to allow Todd Sinclair to ask Jacobs if he quits. After Aries has enough of pounding on Jacobs in the corner, he unties him, then sets him on the table, with a chair across his chest. Aries climbs up top, but Jacobs launches the chair, hitting Aries right in the face. The two fight on the top turnbuckle, then fall through the table.

Jacobs manages to lock in the End Time, then switches to knee strikes and the Last Chancery, but Aries digs at Jacobs eyes to escape. Aries hits his own series of knee strikes and locks in his own Last Chancery. Jacobs motions for Tyler Black to throw in the towel, but Lacey steals it from him. While maintaining the hold, Aries grabs the spike, and repeatedly spikes Jacobs in the head until he quits.

Aries want to celebrate with Lacey, but she takes off. Jacobs gets pissed at Tyler, who walks out after Jacobs pushes him. Tremendous match that told a great story, and a perfect blowoff to the feud. Probably my favorite match I've reviewed for this Random RoH series so far.

-No DQ: Bryan Danielson VS Claudio Castagnoli (Southern Hostility 12/6/08)

-Danielson attacks right off the bat. Claudio pulls Danielson's shirt over his head before delivering some hockey-style punches. Danielson hits a couple suicide dives, which drive Claudio back-first into the barricade. Third dive is met with a chair to the face. Claudio rams Danielson's head into the barricade, and Danielson is busted open. Claudio keeps working on that cut. Claudio pulls the turnbuckle pad off the top and second turnbuckles in one of the corners. Claudio takes the belt off referee Paul Turner's pants, and uses it to whip Danielson, before wrapping it around his fist and delivering punches.

Danielson comes back with a running elbow, followed by a missile dropkick and running leg lariat for two. Danielson wipes his hand across his bloodied forehead before delivering chops and slaps, but rung into a bicycle kick for two. Claudio hits a pop-up European uppercut for two. Claudio wants a superplex, but Danielson slips out, crotches Claudio, and hits a belly-to-back suplex from the top. Danielson wins a European uppercut exchange. Claudio nearly chokes Danielson out with the belt. Danielson whips Claudio with the belt, but then runs into the exposed turnbuckle. Riccola bomb only gets two for Claudio.

Claudio grabs a chair, and tries to stomp it onto Danielson's face, but Danielson holds it up to trap Claudio's leg, then locks in Cattle Mutilation. Claudio rolls out, so Danielson hits a series of elbows to the jaw. Danielson straps the belt around Claudio's neck, lands a couple stomps to his face, then locks in a triangle choke for the knockout win. Danielson holds onto the triangle for a little bit before letting go. Match was OK, but it was missing something to really make it good. Didn't really have that intensity that's required to have a memorable no-dq type match.

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