-Jim Cornette opens the show by announcing that Eddie Edwards will face Davey Richards for the RoH World title at Final Battle next month. Edwards says he has a new head trainer in preparation for this match, but declines to say who it is (probably meaning it's a heel manager). Edwards says there will be two Wolves in the match, but only one beast, and that brings out Davey Richards. Richards proposes that they face Roderick Strong & Michael Elgin next week. Edwards accepts, but then just has to remind Richards that when fans chanted "next world champ" at Davey when the Wolves would come out together, they were right, but it was Edwards who got there first, and when they do it next week, Richards will know who they're talking about.
-Video recap of Edwards/Elgin wastes time.
-Truth Martini is backstage with Michael Elgin, telling him that Elgin's guilt he carries over letting various people down, Martini can take away.
-Shiloh Jones says he can make himself a star with a win over Elgin. Yeah...I don't see that happening.
-Match 1: Shiloh Jones VS Michael Elgin (w/Truth Martini & Roderick Strong)
-Jones' tights look like cutoff jeans. Elgin mauls Jones, shrugging off his first attempt at offense. Elgin tosses Jones, hits an avalanche and a flying shoulder block from the top for two. Elgin blocks a tornado DDT and hits a running powerslam for two, as Elgin only covered with one hand. Elgin blocks a sunset flip attempt, but misses a sitdown splash. Elgin KO's Jones with a spinning back fist, and finishes with a buckle bomb followed by a spinning sit out powerbomb. Elgin is best in a squash match, where he can show off his strength.
-Kevin Kelly announces that Kevin Steen is actually suing Jim Cornette following his comments last week. There was a video sent to RoH, which they show. The video is unintentionally funny, as one lawyer reads off a series of charges against Cornette, including collusion with the referees at Final Battle last year. The lawyers nodding and smirking during the video is so 80's movie. Steen lays out the reasons he wants to come back. Good speech from Steen, but that video was too goofy to really take seriously.
-Mike Bennett says he didn't come back for five more minutes in his TV title match a couple weeks ago, because he didn't want to be screwed by Todd Sinclair. Sinclair stands by his call, as does Lethal.
-Video recap of Briscoes/ANX from last week. Seriously?
-Proving Ground rules are laid out again.
-Match 2: Caprice Coleman & Sedrick Alexander VS Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team
-Benjamin & Coleman exchange holds, with Benjamin continually coming out on top. Haas gets in and it's more of the same, until Alexander gets in. The offense for the underdogs doesn't last long, as Alexander botches rolling off Haas' back, and takes a superkick from Benjamin. WGTT focus on Alexander's leg as we go to break.
Haas keeps working over Alexander. Alexander does counter a suplex into a sunset flip for two. Alexander hits a fucked up tornado DDT, allowing him to finally make the tag. Coleman hits a Rough Ryder on Benjamin for two. Benjamin goes up, but Coleman leaps with a hurricaran to take him down. Coleman hits something on Benjamin (which the camera misses) for two. WGTT take over with 3 minutes left in the time limit, hitting the Leap of Faith on Alexander, and a new Wrestling's Greatest Finisher, a double powerbomb on Coleman for the win. Match was dreadfully dull until the underdog team got some offense in. Match was way too long and should not have been the main event.
-The Briscoes come out to "congratulate" them for beating "the biggest greenhorns on the roster". Jay says nothing else of note, and the show ends.
-FINAL THOUGHTS: Well this show wasn't any good. The opening squash was decent, but then it was downhill from there. They really need to settle into a format that features more wrestling and less time-wasting, and better choices for the main events.
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