-LAST WEEK: RoH Tag Team Champions Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team get all they could handle from Sedrick Alexander & Caprice Coleman, before having a confrontation with the Briscoe Brothers.
-Match 1: The Bravado Brothers VS The Young Bucks
-Bravados hits Nick Jackson with a double hip toss/rolling neck snap/senton splash sequence for two. Bucks come back with a double hip toss and double low dropkick on Lancelot for two. Bucks takes Lancelot down with a ropes-assisted double stomp, then Nick holds Harlem in place with a headscissors for a Matt dropkick. Harlem gets in and cleans house, hitting Nick with a scisscors kick, then Matt with a Blue Thunder bomb for two. Harlem sends both Bucks outside, then follows with a dive over the ropes.
Harlem rolls Matt back in, and gets two. Bravados hits a double team chinbreaker on Matt for two. Complicated sequence ends with Matt taking an enziguri from Harlem, and a German suplex from Lancelot for two. Bucks hit Lancelot with a wheelbarrow X-Factor, and finish with More Bang For Your Buck (Finlay roll/450/springboard moonsault sequence) for the win. Bucks refuse to shake hands. Some interesting sequences with no psychology (Bucks are clearly heels, Bravados have been heels, but wrestled like babyfaces), which is pretty much par for the course when it comes to the Bucks.
-Kevin Kelly brings out Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team to waste some time. RoH should know by now that neither of these guys are good (or even decent) promos, but yet they give them interview/promo time seemingly every week. I fast-forward because I don't give a shit until the All Night Express come out. ANX say that WGTT have been ducking them. King fucks up a line about calling WGTT Donald & Daffy because they've been ducking them. Well that was a disaster.
-Good, and lengthy video package recaps the whole angle with Kevin Steen.
-TV Champion Jay Lethal wants another match with Mike Bennett, who agrees, but only uf his manager Brutal Bob Evans is the referee.
-Steve Corino (now with half of his hair dyed) says that he has a solution to a problem he and Jim Cornette has, and that all Corino needs is five minutes of Cornette's time.
-Video recap of Strong/O'Reilly and the fight between the House of Truth and the American Wolves that set up this week's main event.
-Match 2: The American Wolves VS The House of Truth (w/Truth Martini)
-HoT get the early jump, and focus on Edwards. Edwards fights them off. Richards hits a running apron kick on Strong, then a missile dropkick on Elgin, which gets two for Edwards. Edwards quickly becomes the face-in-peril, however. That doesn't last long. Richards hits a series of kicks to the chest on Elgin. Richards goes for a hand spring elbow, but Elgin catches him with shock treatment for two. Richards shrugs off some Strong chops, but takes a dropkick for two. Elgin drops Richards with a forearm for two.
The Wolves hit stereo kicks to send the HoT to the outside, and follow up with stereo suicide dives. Edwards kicks Strong in the back for two. Strong goes up, but Edwards catches him with an enziguiri, and a backpack chin breaker for two. Edwards locks Strong in the Achillies' lock, but Strong makes it to the ropes. Strong drops Edwards with a belly-to-back suplex on the corner of the ring apron as we go to a commercial break.
Back from break, Elgin hits a long delayed vertical suplex on Edwards for two. Edwards runs into an Elgin powerslam for two. HoT try to double team Edwards, who fights back and makes the tag to Richards. Richards hits Strong with a Northern Lights suplex, causing both men to crash on top of Elgin, and gets two off that. Richards locks Elgin in an ankle lock, but Elgin kicks out of it. Richards hits Elgin with a German suplex for two.
HoT break up stereo top rope moves by the Wolves, and Elgin hits a spinning side effect on Richards for two. Elgin holds Richards in vertical suplex position for a Strong chop, and Elgin slams Richards down with a Rock Bottom for two. Match breaks down. Elgin gets Edwards on his shoulders and Richards in his arms before falling back with a Samoan drop/fall away slam combo. Now that's impressive. The teams pair off and exchange strikes, which the Wolves win. Edwards tosses Elgin into an alarm clock from Richards.
Wolves both hit double stomps on Elgin for two, then a nasty kick combo, but Elgin survives that. Richards applies the ankle lock on Elgin. Elgin muscles Richards into his spinning sit out powerbomb, but Richards kicks out at two. I don't like Richards kicking out of Elgin's finishes. Elgin hits a second sitout powerbomb on Richards, but the referee is stuck with Truth Martini. Edwards slips in and chokes Elgin out with a Dragon sleeper, and that allows Richards to get the pin. Richards has no idea what happened. Nigel & Kevin make a big deal out of Edwards never having used the Dragon sleeper before, and that possibly being a clue as to who his new trainer is. Pretty good main event that, if nothing else, added intrigue to the Final Battle main event.
-FINAL THOUGHTS: Same problems as the previous weeks, with too much time wasting and guys who can't cut promos being given time to do so. The main event was better than average for this show, and added something to the main event at Final Battle, even if the obvious result is Edwards losing and turning heel with the help of his new trainer.
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