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Sunday, October 23, 2011

NWA/WCW Big Event Project #35: Halloween Havoc 1990 (Turner Home Entertainment)


-From Chicago

-Hosts are JR (as a gangster) & Paul E. Dangerously (as a vampire)

-PPV matches that didn't make the home video: Terry Taylor def. Bill Irwin, Brad Armstrong def. JW Storm, The Master Blasters def. The Southern Boys, & The Junkyard Dog def. Moondog Rex

-Tony Schiavone (as the Phantom of the Opera) interviews Ricky Morton and Tommy Rich, who is subbing for the injured Robert Gibson. Morton wishes Gibson well.

-Match 1: Ricky Morton & Tommy Rich VS The Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)

-Quite a positive reaction for the Midnights. The ring looks TINY. The middle rope has black stripes on it. Eaton gives a clean break (while trash talking), so Paul makes JR applaud Eaton for his good sportsmanship. Eaton tosses Morton around, but takes time to play to the crowd while going to the top, and gets nailed on the way down. Pace picks up, which doesn't go well for Eaton. Midnights hit a double team suplex to turn the tide. Lane slingshots in with a clothesline, and dances.

Morton is the face-in-peril already. Morton hits the ring post on a charge. Eaton sends Morton out. Eaton goes up top to nail him, but Morton, apparently forgetting the spot, moves out of the way when he wasn't supposed to. Cornette nails Morton in the throat with the tennis racket, and Eaton continues to punish Morton before sending him into the ring. Cornette distracts the ref so he doesn't see Morton get a sunset flip on Lane or Eaton coming in to break it up. Lane sends Morton outside, then slams him on the floor and the entrance ramp. The Midnights hit the Rocket Launcher while Morton is still on the entrance ramp. Lane does the Cabbage Patch before trying a jackknife cover, which gets two.

Eaton gets in, and hits a SWEET slingshot into a back breaker. Morton tries to roll up Lane, but gets hit with an awkward DDT by Eaton. Midnights throw Morton outside, but Eaton runs into the ring post, and takes a hurricarana on the floor. Lane holds the ref as Cornette gets a cheapshot in. Eaton hits the top rope leg drop, and instead of going for the cover, he DEMANDS that Nick Patrick count Morton out. Morton gets up at 8, so Lane kicks the shit out of him in the corner. Morton starts no-selling and slugs Lane down, but the Midnights prevent a tag.

Morton gets his knees up on a second Rocket Launcher, and finally makes the hot tag. Rich hits the Thesz press on Lane, but Eaton makes the save. Rich goes up top, but Cornette knocks him down with a tennis racket shot. The Southern Boys come out dressed as Cornette to distract the Midnights. It works as Rich KO's Lane with Cornette's racket for the pin. Terrific opener. It's a huge testament to the Midnights that they could take 90% of the match, and keep it interesting.

-Tony is with Sting (dressed as Sting), who is hyped for his title defense against Sid Vicious. As Sting finishes up, the Black Scorpion comes out, drags an audience plant behind a curtain, and performs "black magic", which makes the Scorpion and the plant re-appear behind Sting. Black Scorpion's taunts to Sting are played over the PA system. Sounded like Ole Anderson was doing the voice over.

-Match 2: The Renegade Warriors (Chris & Mark Youngblood) VS The Fabulous Freebirds (w/Little Richard Marley)

-Both teams get a mixed reaction. Marley is the former Rocky King, and he's sporting a Robert Gibson look after the Freebirds injured Gibson. JR is PISSED at the Freebirds for their recent actions. Chris becomes the face-in-peril after getting nailed by Hayes and thrown over the top by Garvin. Marley gets his licks in while the Freebirds distract the ref. Paul's complete lack of caring that the Freebirds have "ended five careers" recently is great.

Hayes almost gets the DDT, which causes the crowd to EXPLODE. Freebirds continue to work Chris over, and the crowd chants for the DDT. Chris makes the hot tag, but the Warriors make the mistake of bringing Marley in. This allows Hayes to hit a shitty DDT on Mark (which the crowd loves) and Garvin to get the pin. As awesome as the Midnight Express are at making their control segments awesome, the Freebirds are...not.

-Tony is with Flair, AA, and Sid. AA points out that the tag title match is not a "good guy/bad guy situation", and says he won't blame Doom if they back out. Flair says tonight he and AA will win the tag titles, then watch Sid win the world title. Sid says the trick tonight is to make it out alive. Crowd seems to like the Horsemen.

-Match 3 for the United States Tag Team Championship: The Steiner Brothers [c] VS The Nasty Boys

-Rick wears his belt backwards. Match immediately spills outside. Sags cracks Scott with a chair across the back of the head. Inside, Scott fights off a superplex and tosses Sags with an overhead belly-to-belly off the second rope, which gets two. Scott tosses Sags with a double-underhook suplex. Steiners appear to finish with the bulldog off Scott's shoulders, but Knobbs drills Scott with a chair while the ref's back is turned, and that gets two. Sags slams Scott, and hits a series of headbuts to Scott's back.

Nastys double-team Scott. Rick tries to help by dropping Knobbs with a clothesline. Rick misses on a second and falls outside, allowing the Nastys to hit Scott with a spike piledriver, but the ref is busy with Knobbs, and Rick pastes Sags with a chair, which busts the top of Sags' head. Nastys keep the pressure on Scott, but then Sags misses a splash in the corner, allowing Scott to make the hot tag.

Match breaks down and both Steiners are thrown outside. The Nastys celebrate, and don't see Rick getting ready to clothesline the both of them from off the top until it's too late. Scott breaks up a Nastys double-team. Rick floors Knobbs with a clothesline, and Scott finishes with an ugly Frankensteiner. Match was at its best when the two teams were fighting it out, as the Nastys' control segments were pretty boring.

-Nastys gets some revenge after the bell, ramming Rick into the ring post twice.

-Tony gets a word with Scott, who says it's not over. He gets jumped by a vendor, who turns out to be Sags. The Nastys beat Scott down and leave. Paul is very excited about the attacks.

-Match 4 for the World Tag Team Championship: Doom [c] (w/Teddy Long) VS Arn Anderson & Ric Flair

-AA starts with Simmons. Reed gets into the ring for no reason, allowing the Horsemen to double team Simmons. Simmons no-sells a suplex. Horsemen try more double teaming. but Simmons lays them both out with a double clothesline. Horsemen go after Teddy, and he responds by slapping Flair in the face and giving a "woo". Flair pounds on Reed, but a chop wakes Reed up, and he hits Flair with several punches and a gorilla press slam. Flair lands a couple HARD chops, but Reed shrugs them off and comes back with punches.

Reed lands several more punches. Flair extends his hand for the tag, but then flops. AA gets in, and takes a high knee from Reed. AA locks Reed in a Boston crab, and Flair drops a knee to the back of his head. Flair gets Simmons in the figure 4, and AA lends a hand. Simmons whiffs on a dropkick, and AA gets two off that.

Simmons takes some more punishment before making the hot tag to Reed. Reed hits a shoulder block on Flair for two. Reed fights off Flair on the outside, and saves Simmons from a AA piledriver with a flying shoulder block for two. AA catches Reed with a DDT, and Simmons makes the save. Match breaks down. AA and Simmons brawl on the outside. Flair and Reed join them, and they fight down the aisle for a double count-out. Damn, match was getting good before the weak finish.

-Stan Hansen spits on a pumpkin and says he's going to take the U.S. title back to Texas.

-Match 5 for the United States Championship: Lex Luger [c] VS Stan Hansen

-Luger starts fast, and Hansen has to bail early on. Hansen mauls Luger, and gets an elbow drop for two before battering him some more on the outside. Luger fights back and takes control, but the crowd is oddly silent. They slug it out some more. Hansen hits a bulldog for two. Hansen counters corner punches with a double leg take down for two. Hansen misses an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle.

Luger hits a nice dropkick. Luger hits a slam and elbow for two. Luger hits a suplex for two. Hansen pounds on Luger in the corner, and shoves the referee down. Luger hits a big clothesline. Dan Spivey, who is Hansen's protege, hands Hansen the cow bell. Luger backdrops Hansen, and hits a modified bulldog. Luger motions for the rack, but runs into a lariat to give Hansen the title.

Match was mostly punches to a silent crowd. The finishing lariat didn't look that good, and there's no reason for Hansen not to get DQ'd for shoving the ref.

-Tony is with Teddy Long, who reminds Tony that "homey don't play that", and that the Horsemen will not get another title shot.

-JR is with Missy Hyatt and Paul. JR notes that both have predicted a Sid Vicious title win. Missy says it will be easy.

-Match 6 for the World Heavyweight Championship: Sting [c] VS Sid Vicious

-Vicious is announced as being from "anywhere he darn well pleases". Tremendous. Sting stupidly turns his back after a stare down, and gets jumped. He really is the dumbest wrestler ever. Sting no-sells a slam, and almost gets Sid in a figure 4. Sid misses a clothesline and falls outside. Sid gets rammed into the ring post. Match slows to a crawl. Sting gets a sunset flip for two.

Sid hits a big boot, but plays to the crowd before covering, so he gets nothing. Sid applies a nerve hold, which is not what this match needs. Sting misses a Stinger splash. Sid turns his back, and takes a crossbody from the top for a one count. Match spills out onto the entrance ramp. Nick Patrick goes with him instead of counting. Cool spot as Sting sprints down the ramp and leaps over the ropes at Sid.

Sid walks away from the ring as Flair and AA provide a distraction. Sid and Sting come back to the ring. Sting tries slam Sid, but can't hold him. Sid falls on top...for the pin, and the title? Sid celebrates as fireworks go off and balloons fall from the ceiling. The real Sting emerges from the back with a rope tied around his wrist, and Nick Patrick re-starts the match. Sting hits Sid with the belt (which Patrick ignores), and a Stinger splash before rolling Sid up for the pin to retain.

Damn, whose brain fart was that? The match sucked, and that finish...I don't even know what to say about that.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: The opener was great, the world tag title match was getting good at the end, but everything else was pretty bland. Nothing here you need to go out of your way to see.

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