-Match 1 for the WWE Tag Team Championship: Air Boom [c] VS United States Champion Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger (w/Vickie Guerrero)
-Dolph has new USA-themed tights. Ziggler takes a KING-SIZED bump off a Kofi monkey flip. Bourne rolls Swagger up for two. Champs hit a double baseball slide on Swagger, and Bourne gets two. Swagger catches Kofi in mid-air and dumps him, allowing Ziggler to get a two count. King makes a really terrible joke about Vickie bathing in Oil of Olay. Bourne hits Swagger with a series of kicks and knees for two. Bourne goes for Air Bourne, but Swagger gets his knees up.
Bourne becomes the face-in-peril. Swagger hits a Vader Bomb for two. Zig Swag double team Bourne. Swagger goes for a second Vader Bomb, but Bourne counters, and makes the tag. Kofi cleans house, and hits a crossbody from the top (that Ziggler jumps into) for two. Kofi hits the Boomb Drop. Ziggler avoids the Trouble in Paradise, but takes the S.O.S. for two. Champions take Swagger out, then Trouble in Paradise leads to Air Bourne on Ziggler, and the champions retain. Good opener.
-Match 2 for the United States Championship: Dolph Ziggler [c] VS Zack Ryder
-Swagger & Vickie stay for Dolph, so Air Boom stays for Ryder. Ryder gets a hard Irish Whip for two. Ziggler is sent outside. Air Boom throw him back in, and the ref ejects them for that. Ryder hits a flapjack for two. Dolph works Ryder over as the commentary team ponder over who Zack beat to become the Internet Champion. Ziggler avoids one Woo Woo Woo kick, but not the second. Ryder avoids a Zig Zag and fights off Swagger, but then he walks into a superkick for the pin. Not bad. Crowds are starting to get behind Ryder.
-Backstage, Punk is talking to Ted DiBiase for some reason. HHH enters, and says he wasn't screwing with Punk last week when HHH had to leave the arena, and thus their tag match, due to immigration issues. They forgo the rah-rah speeches, and appear to be on the same page.
-Match 3 for the Divas Championship: Beth Phoenix [c] VS Eve
-There was a backstage fight earlier, so Kelly and Natalya are banned from ringside. Eve has a new crappy remix of her entrance theme. Eve comes off the top with a sunset flip for two. Eve uses Beth's outfit to handcuff her to the middle rope. That doesn't go anywhere. Beth hits a gutbuster for two. Beth locks in a bodyscissors and tries to get Eve to cry. Eve hits a front flip splash for two. Eve locks in a (very loose) triangle choke.
Eve counters the Glam Slam, and gets a schoolgirl for two. Eve hits a buzzsaw kick, but misses a moonsault, and Beth finishes with the Glam Slam. Really good for a Divas match.
-Matt Striker is backstage with the Big Show. Show plans on taking everything that Mark Henry has worked for away from him.
-Match 4: Christian VS Sheamus
-They pound on each other in the early going. Sheamus takes Christian out onto the apron and pounds on his chest, which Booker T dubs the "Irish Hand Grenade". Christian climbs on Sheamus' back, but gets dumped. They are really struggling to establish a flow here. Christian hits a missile dropkick. Sheamus blocks the upside-down corner kick and is supposed to stomp Christian down, but they blow the spot.
Christian avoids the Celtic Cross, but gets caught in mid-air and hit with the Irish Curse back breaker for two. Christian avoids the Brogue kick, and hits a spear for two. Christian hits a top rope hurricarana, but a spear is countered with the Brogue kick for the win. Match was quite disappointing, but the finish was nice.
-Johnny Ace is with David Otunga. Awesome Truth enter to suck up, which Ace notes they are good at. Ace leaves, and Miz & Truth argue over who sucks up better, before turning their conversation into a contrived and writer-y list of who sucks.
-Match 5: Awesome Truth VS HHH & CM Punk
-Truth does some break dancing, so HHH punches him and gives him a crotch chop. HHH chops blocks Miz, applies the figure 4, and gets some assistance from Punk. Punk locks in an armbar, and gets some help from HHH. Truth gets a cheap shot on Punk to turn the tide. HHH gets the tag, and cleans house. Awesome Truth work on HHH. There's an awkward pause in the commentary, then Lawler says younger children need earmuffs when Booker T talks, so I'm guessing he cursed, and it was caught by WWE censors.
Miz hits HHH with the Reality Check for two. Truth gets two off a big boot sandwich on HHH. HHH drops Truth with an electric chair. Miz charges into a huge clothesline from HHH. HHH avoids a scissors kick from Truth, and hits drops Truth with a spike DDT. Punk cleans house off a hot tag. Punk hits the Savage elbow (which Miz not-so-subtly rolls into position for), and calls for the GTS. Kevin Nash attacks HHH as he fights with Truth on the outside, allowing Awesome Truth to finish Punk with the Little Jimmy's Finale (skull crushing finale/downward spiral combo). Awesome Truth had to win here to get some momentum and credibility back. Match was decent.
-Nash destroys HHH, finishing with a fucked up jackknife powerbomb. Nash has been hitting the gym, as he looks pretty jacked.
-Ace has some words with Alberto Del Rio, and wishes him luck.
-Match 6: Randy Orton VS Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes (w/Baggers)
-Orton throws Cody off a bulldog attempt, and clotheslines him to the outside. Cody uses headbuts to turn the tide. Cody hits a clothesline for two. Orton hits a belly-to-back suplex, but Rhodes comes back with a dropkick for two. Rhodes locks in a Boston crab. Orton rolls out, and kicks himself free. Rhodes hits the Alabama Slam for two. A beautiful Cody moonsault misses. Rhodes fights out of a neckbreaker, and hits the Beautiful Disaster for two.
Rhodes fights off the elevated DDT, so Orton hits the 3.0 for two. Elevated neck breaker (LOVE that move) gets two for Orton. Rhodes hits a moonsault press for two. Rhodes misses a flying kneedrop, but a distraction from one of the baggers allows Rhodes to hit Cross Rhodes for two. Rhodes sets up for an RKO, but Orton counters with a dropkick and an elevated DDT. The second bagger gets wiped out, and Orton finishes with an RKO. Match was technically sound, but not any kind of big coming out party for Rhodes.
-Match 7 for the World Heavyweight Championship: Mark Henry [c] VS The Big Show
-Show manhandles Henry early. Henry tries to take a walk, but Show cuts him off. Henry slams Show, and goes to work on his injured leg. Show tries to slam Henry, but Show's leg gives out, and Henry falls on top for two. They clothesline each other to put both of them down. Show builds momentum, and bodyslams Henry. Chokeslam gets two. Show loads up the KO punch, but gets caught with the World's Strongest Slam for two. Henry goes up, but gets chokeslammed off the top...for two. Show goes up, but Henry superplexes him...and the ring implodes, a la Show/Lesnar. Crowd LOSES ITS COLLECTIVE SHIT for that. Match is a no-contest. Started slow, but picked up when they started throwing bombs, and didn't overstay its welcome. Cool finish that got both guys out of losing.
-Show & Henry are carried out. Johnny Ace says the main event will go on as planned.
-Match 8 for the WWE Championship: Alberto Del Rio [c] (w/Ricardo Rodriguez) VS John Cena-Last Man Standing
-Ring is still messed up from the previous match, and no attempt is made to fix it. Cena, in his new RISE ABOVE HATE t-shirt, makes a point to stand next to a guy with a WE HATE CENA shirt, and tosses the guy his hat. Cena is changing his look; he now is wearing camoflague jorts. Del Rio keeps kicking Cena down. King actually brings up Brock Lesnar, when talking about seeing an imploded ring before. The traditional dueling Cena chants pick up as Del Rio keeps the pressure on.
Del Rio hits three belly-to-back suplexes. Del Rio hits two snap suplexes, but Cena blocks a third, and hits a suplex of his own. Cena goes into his comeback with shoulderblocks, a blue thunder bomb, and the five knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the AA, but Del Rio counters into a German suplex. Cena hits a gutwrench suplex. Del Rio puts the top of one of the collapsed ringposts on top of Cena's chest, and follows up with a running double stomp. Cena gets up at seven, and catches Del Rio with the AA.
Ricardo saves Del Rio from another AA. Del Rio takes advantage, locking in a sleeper. Cena gets up, and launches Del Rio from the ring, into the barricade. Cena hits a charging Del Rio with a drop toe hold onto a fallen ringpost, which teeter-totters into Ricardo's nuts. The fight their way to the back. Cena pushes a giant case over that probably would have legit killed Del Rio, had Del Rio not moved.
Del Rio buries Cena under the backstage set, but Cena still gets up at eight. Ricardo gets involved again, allowing Del Rio to throw Cena through a giant V at the entrance. Del Rio sets Cena on a table and starts climbing another set piece, but Cena yanks him down, through the table. Del Rio gets up at eight. Back at the ring, Cena ducks an enziguiri, and Del Rio kicks the ringpost. Cena props the ring steps up, and gives Del Rio an AA off the steps, through the spanish announce table.
That looks to finish, but Awesome Truth attack Cena, diverting the ref's attention. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale, and Truth hits the downard spiral. Del Rio gets up at seven, Cena at nine. Del Rio nails Cena with the title belt, and that is barely enough to keep Cena down for ten. Really strong main event. Cena is great at these last man standing matches, and the collapsed ring added a little something extra to it.
-FINAL THOUGHTS: Definition of "decent", even with the good main event. Nothing was blow-away awesome, and there were a couple disappointing matches, but nothing outright bad. It will be interesting to see the buyrate for this show, as it was the 3rd WWE pay-per-view in six weeks, and the build wasn't exactly strong.
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