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Friday, October 21, 2011

RoH Honor Takes Center Stage Chapter 2 4/2/11

-Match 1: Kings of Wrestling (w/Shane Hagadorn) VS Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly

-KoW jump Future Shock instead of shaking their hands. O'Reilly lands a series of strikes on CC, but doesn't see Hero get tagged in, and gets laid out. CC hits a sloppy gorilla press slam. CC gets two off a clothesline. Cole gets the hot tag, and blocks a Hero senton with his knees, before hitting a leg lariat off the second turnbuckle. Cole dropkicks CC outside, and O'Reilly hits a running dropkick off the apron onto CC, while Cole hits a crossbody from the top on Hero for two.

Hero avoids a roaring elbow from O'Reilly, and lays out both opponents with roaring elbows of his own. O'Reilly locks in a guillotine choke on CC, holding on even after two kicks to the head from Hero. Cole cuts off a Hero roaring elbow with a superkick, then superkicks CC in the back so he goes back down to the mat with O'Reilly still holding onto the guillotine choke. Cole hits a suicide dive onto Hero. CC powers out of the guillotine choke, and hits a pop-up European uppercut on O'Reilly. Hero gets tagged in, and stereo bicycle kicks on O'Reilly finish for the Kings. Good opener, but not as good as the previous night's.

-Cole & O'Reilly get a standing ovation and a "that was awesome!" chant for their efforts.

-The Embassy (Prince Nana, Princess Mia, Ernesto Osiris, and R.D. Evans) come out. Nana introduces the newest member of the New Embassy; Dave Taylor.

-Match 2: Dave Taylor (w/The Embassy) VS Colt Cabana

-Taylor takes Colt down, and hits a dropkick. Cabana comes back with a backdrop. Taylor works Cabana over, but misses a charge. Cabana hits a flying asshole. Cabana schoolboys Taylor out of nowhere for the pin. What was the point of bringing Taylor in for THAT?

-The Embassy stay in the ring as Kevin Kelly previews the Briscoes/All Night Express match. R.D. Evans tells Nana to forget about Taylor's loss, because they have another match next.

-Match 3: Tomasso Ciampa (w/The Embassy) VS Homicide

-Ciampa dropkicks Homicide as the ref checks him. Homicide takes Ciampa outside, and rams the barricade into Ciampa's head. Homicide grabs a chair, but the ref takes it away. They fight outside. Homicide drops Ciampa throat-first onto the barricade. Homicide tosses Ciampa with an overhead throw. The Embassy distract Homicide from hitting a tope con hilo. Ciampa gets Homicide on his shoulders, and dumps on his head for two.

Ciampa lowers his knee pad, and hits a running knee to the face for two. Ciampa kicks Homicide on the arm to block a lariat, and hits a lariat of his own for two. They trade punches, then Homicide sends Ciampa outside. Homicide climbs onto the stage, and hits a somersault onto Ciampa. Homicide hits a tornado DDT and an exploder suplex for two. Ciampa counters an Ace Crusher with a backbreaker for two.

Mia distracts the ref while Homicide has Ciampa's arms butterflied. Ciampa fights out, and hits a funky neckbreaker for two. Homicide hits an Ace Crusher out of nowhere. Homicide goes for the Cop Killer, but Mia distracts him, allowing Ciampa to hit a Northern Lights Suplex for the huge upset. Match was decent, but nothing special.

-Homicide grabs a chair and launches it at the face of R.D. Evans. The Embassy scatters.

-Match 4: Michael Elgin (w/Truth Martini) VS Ring of Honor Television Champion Christopher Daniels

-Daniels starts off fast, but walks into a suplex. Daniels comes back with a chinbreaker and an enziguiri. Elgin sends Daniels outside with a flying shoulderblock. Outside, Elgin picks up Daniels and runs him into the barricade. Back in, Elgin hits a flying shoulderblock for two. Elgin hits a long delayed vertical suplex for two. Elgin sends Daniels shoulder-first into the ringpost, and locks in a Boston Crab with Daniels still locked in the ropes.

Daniels fights back, but Elgin blocks the Angel's Wings. Elgin hits a pump handle driver for two. Elgin hits an Oklahoma Stampede for two. Elgin misses a twisting splash. Elgin charges right into an STO. Daniels counters a waistlock with a low blow, and Best Moonsault Ever finishes. Decent undercard match. This was pretty much there to further Daniels' heel turn, and foreshadow Daniels joining the House of Truth, as Martini didn't make any moves to help Elgin.

-After intermission, Jim Cornette comes out to kiss up to the RoH fans and bring out Davey Richards. Richards congratulates Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team on winning the Tag Team titles, but says tonight when they face him and Eddie Edwards, it's a whole new level. Richards asks the crowd to chant for Eddie, and says he's not jealous of Eddie for winning the title. Cornette essentially asks Richards to challenge Edwards for the RoH World title, as it would be a boost to business. Richards refuses, saying he won't be the one who destroys Edwards' dream. Edwards takes offense at what Richards said, saing that he made it sound like it's a forgone conclusion that Richards would beat him. Edwards reminds Richards that the one time they did face each other, Edwards won. Richards shifts the focus back on the main event of Wolves VS WGTT to end the segment.

-Match 5 for the Shimmer Tag Team Championship: Daizee Haze & Tomoka Nakagawa [c] VS Hiroyo Matsumoto & Ayumi Kurihara

-Champions heel it up. Hiroyo hits a crossbody on both for a double near-fall. Haze gets caught in an arm submission while in the ropes. Kurihara becomes the face-in-peril. Matsumoto gets the tag, and goes through a series of moves with Nakagawa to end up with a belly-to-back suplex. They do some stuff. I can't be moved by any of it, since I don't give a shit about joshi. Nakagawa prevents the ref from counting three after Matsumoto hits a Backdrop Driver on Haze, and Haze soon finishers Matsumoto with a Tiger suplex. Haze just looks ridiculously unhealthy.

-Match 6: The All Night Express VS The Briscoe Brothers

-The Briscoes jump the ANX from behind to kick things off, and the match immediately spills outside. Back inside, the ANX hit a legdrop/standing frog splash combo for two. Match becomes an all-out brawl, so a second ref joins in to try to regain order. Titus hits Jay with a dropkick for two. Titus hits a leg lariat for two. Jay takes control of Titus, and the Briscoes drag him outside. As King has the referees tied up, the Briscoes send Titus head-first into the ringpost, busting him open.

Briscoes hit a double shoulder block on Titus. Briscoes continue to work Titus over. Mark hits a slingshot double stomp for two. Jay hits a sliding boot, but his cover is reversed into a crucifix pin by Titus, and that gets two. Titus hits a double knee drop from the top on Mark, and finally makes the hot tag. King hits a capture suplex on Jay for two. King hits shotgun knees on Jay for two. King sends Jay onto the apron, and Titus hits him with an X-Factor, sending both he and Jay through the timekeeper's table.

ANX go for a double team, but the Briscoes break it up. Jay is leaking like a faucet after being sent through the table. Mark goes for a top rope hurricarana on Titus, who alley-oops him onto the ringpost. Titus and Jay slug it out as the crowd REALLY gets into it. ANX hit the powerbomb blockbuster on Jay, but Mark makes the save at two. Jay then manages to hit King with the Jay Driller for the win. Really good tag team brawl that the crowd got way into towards the end.

-Jay gets on the mic and mocks Titus for bleeding (while Jay's own face is covered in blood), and heels on the crowd a bit before saying the Briscoes won't lose again in RoH.

-Match 7: Roderick Strong (w/Truth Martini) VS El Generico

-Strong works on Generico's arm to start. Generico hits a couple armdrags and hits a back heel kick for two. Martini trips Generico up and works him over on the outside while Strong has the referee occupied. Generico frees himself from an armhold, but runs into a dropkick for two. They go outside and exchange forearm shots, then Strong catches Generico with a high knee and sends him into the barricade. Strong whips Martini into Generico (somehow not getting DQ'd for it), and Martini does a victory lap around the ring.

Generico hits a Blue Thunder bomb for two. Strong runs into a modified Michinoku Driver for two. Strong fights back and hits a backbreaker for two. Strong hits a high knee for two. Strike exchange proves nothing. Generico hits a tornado DDT to send Strong outside. Martini interferes and looks to perform a dive, but Strong low-bridges him on accident, and Generico hits a dive on both of them.

Generico hits a Yakuza Kick and half-nelson suplex for two. Generico sets up for the turnbuckle brainbuster, but Martini distracts the ref to allow Michael Elgin to interfere. Generico fights Strong & Elgin off, hitting a brainbuster on Strong for the win. Good match. Minor upset, considering Strong was just world champion, but it looks like they were running with a losing streak for him.

-The House of Truth attack Generico, which brings out Colt Cabana. Cabana gets stomped by Elgin. Christopher Daniels, wielding the Book of Truth, which he had taken from Martini enters. He teases hitting Martini and/or Elgin, so naturally he turns around and nails Generico with it. Strong ends the beat down by driving Generico through a chair.

-Match 8: Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team VS The American Wolves

-Haas & Richards start with mat wrestling. Edwards & Benjamin with more of the same. Haas becomes the focus of the Wolves, and Richards puts him in a Muta lock. Wolves go to work on Haas' left arm. Richards double stomps it, and covers for two. WGTT manage to turn the tide on Richards. Benjamin hits a gourdbuster for two. Benjamin locks in a Boston Crab. Richards hits a handspring enziguiri, but Benjamin stops him from diving. Richards sends Benjamin to the floor, and the Wolves hit stereo suicide dives.

Richards hits a diving headbut on Haas for two. Edwards gets tagged in, and Benjamin starts working over his leg. Edwards wins a chop exchange against Haas while in a leg lock. Haas continues to work on Edwards' leg, until Edwards hits a Code Breaker and makes the tag. Richards hits Haas with a superplex for two. Wolves forget about Haas' arm, as Edwards hits a Dragon Screw legwhip in the ropes, and Richards applies an ankle lock.

Benjamin gets the tag, but misses a Stinger splash. Wolves work on WGTT in opposite corners. Wolves put together a couple kick combinations, and Richards gets two on Benjamin. WGTT come back with stereo rolling German suplexes, which the Wolves reverse into some of their own. WGTT counter back with stereo German suplexes, but the Wolves counter with stereo rollups for two. Two double-clotheline spots put all four men down. Crowd chants "this is wrestling!", but that's just way too contrived for me.

Richards hits an enziguiri on Haas, but eats a superkick from Benjamin. Edwards drops Benjamin, but then takes an Angle slam from Haas. Richards runs into an inverted atomic drop from Haas, which sets him up for another superkick from Benjamin for two. WGTT try to double team Richards, as apparently tagging is out the window. Wolves hit Benjamin with a powerbomb/lungblower combo, and that only gets two.

Richards locks in an ankle lock on Benjamin, while Edwards gets the Achillies' lock on Haas. Benjamin kicks Richards into Edwards, then hits Richards with Paydirt out of nowhere for the pin.

Damn this match was annoying. First, they had solid psychology that wasn't that visually exciting, then they threw out the psychology for that contrived sequence, and decided that tags didn't matter towards the end, then topped it off with a sudden finish.

-Mutual admiration society, followed by the American Wolves bickering ends the show.

-FINAL THOUGHTS: Definitely the lesser of the two shows, as the undercard wasn't anything special. The two matches before the main event were good, but I really didn't care for the main event itself.

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